Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 879

Through the thick stone wall, yuantianyan saw a huge cave, which was two meters high, a little wider than the Python's body, and also extremely smooth.

Looking inside, the cave is very long, about 30 to 40 meters long, extending to the interior of the mountain. At the innermost end, the cave suddenly opens up, like a huge stone chamber.

Near the edge of the stone chamber, there is a small tree with four golden fruits, the size of an orange.

Ye Tian's eyes stopped on the fruit tree for a few breath. After careful observation, he was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he found this thing here.

This yellow fruit is called jinlingguo, which contains extremely pure aura. It is a precious natural resource and land treasure for monks in any realm. It can be used for alchemy in the sea view realm, Longmen realm, Jindan realm and even Yuanying realm.

Ye Tian had only seen one of these two hundred years ago. He was lucky to see it when he was refining pills for others. He even had no chance to take it himself.

Here, however, there are as many as four.

This fruit will be won! Moreover, fruit trees should be dug out and planted in the future!

However, the python is blocked at the entrance of the cave like a hill. Ye Tianxiang wants to sneak in, but it can't be done easily, even if he uses fengdun and Yinsha.

Ye Tian is paying attention to the war situation and thinking of ways. At this time, python has obviously lost the upper hand. He can't win or even protect himself by fighting against the four monks with his upper body.

A monk had already seen the current situation. Suddenly, his flying sword made a few strokes in the air. A white dragon shadow came out of the blade of the sword, carrying a great momentum, and ran straight into the python.

The python seemed to know how powerful he was, and he didn't dare to defend the cave. His body darted forward to avoid the dragon's shadow. The Python's tail swept away, and a huge shadow patted the monk.


Ye Tian's eyes coagulated. From this skill, he saw the origin of the four.

He turned out to be a disciple of lingxu blessed land. This dragon skill is the exclusive inheritance of lingxu blessed land. It is extremely powerful, but it also costs a lot of mana.

When the python dodges the dragon's skill in the corridor, the white dragon's shadow bumps into the stone cave protected by the Python's body. With a loud noise, the gravel flies around, and half of the stone wall collapses. There is a stone pit five or six feet deep, but the stone cave is greatly shortened in the middle of the stone pit.

Just as the stone dust filled the air, ye Tian seized the whole opportunity to enter the cave quietly, and then quickly dived to the bottom of the cave.

When he came to the stone room, ye Tian quickly put the four golden fruits into Xumi ring. When he was about to dig the fruit tree with his flying sword, he suddenly felt a move in his heart and released two third-order shadowless snakes.

Just at this moment, a figure had come to the cave, which was one of the four monks who besieged the python.

When the man saw the fruit tree without any fruit, he was stunned. At this moment, two shadowless snakes hidden in the cave bit him on the leg at the same time.

Taking advantage of this person's exclamation, two shadowless snakes suddenly fly up, one bite in this person's neck, the other bite in this person's chest.

Ye Tian doesn't neglect it either. When the toxin breaks out, he cuts off the man's head with a sword. Then he puts away his weapons and Xumi precepts and digs the fruit trees again.

Qinganzi, the ancestor of lingxu blessed land, as a great monk in Yupu realm, was one of the main culprits who took part in attacking himself and seizing fengniedan. Naturally, ye Tian would not leave his disciples and grandchildren.

After a few breaths, the fruit tree and the stone at the bottom were cut off by Ye Tian and put into Xumi commandment. Then he drove the two shadowless snakes out of the cave.

Outside the cave, there are many tiny flying insects flying back and forth to cover the whole cave.

Two of the three monks had already wrestled with the python to a distance, but the other was outside the cave, looking coldly at the cave.

Ye Tian hummed coldly in his heart. A magic power was used to disperse the flying insects, and then he fled to the cave.

He recognized those flying insects, which were called body insects. They had no combat power. When someone was invisible, they could be used to attach to the other person, and the body of the insect could show the outline of the invisible person. In short, they were the exclusive spirit insects that broke the hidden breath.

Although the magic power has scattered the spirit insect, this kind of attached insect, which is very sensitive to the breath, pounces on Ye Tian again when he comes out of the cave.

The friar is looking at the position of Ye Tian, suddenly a sword cut down.

This sword is extremely fierce and fierce. It seems like a flash of lightning. It has reached Ye Tian.

Fortunately, ye Tian has a pair of magic weapon boots at his feet. When he has no time to send, he is already drifting to the side to avoid this powerful blow.

The flying sword cut on the stone pit and made a loud noise. Once again, the smoke filled the stone pit and cut out a big gully.

"Eh!" That person light Yi a, just want to cut a sword again, the small mirror spirit tool in the leaf day hand already cold light one Shan ground shoots toward that person.

Your Friar's figure flashed, and he dodged in a moment, but two shadowless snakes that were hidden on one side suddenly ran away and had bitten him.This monk in the later stage of the Dragon Gate realm was not so easily bitten, but because he had been fighting with the python for a long time before, he consumed too much mana, and his attention was focused on Ye Tian, so he could not escape the attack of the shadowless snake.

The monk was injured. With a long roar, his figure flashed, and he flew away with his flying sword. The two monks who wrestled with Python didn't seek revenge from ye Tian. They followed the injured monk with flying sword.

Ye Tian whispered a pity, took back the two shadowless snakes, and used the technique of Feng Dun to sneak to the three people.

Originally, he was ready to attack each other and left them all here, but he didn't expect the other side to withdraw so decisively.

We can't underestimate each other's nature.

The monk, who was injured by the shadowless snake venom, flew more than ten miles, slowed down gradually, and then fell to the ground.

"Quick, is there any pills for curing poison? I've swallowed two. It doesn't seem to work." At this time, the monk's face had gradually turned black. If it wasn't for his cultivation in Longmen, he would have poisoned himself and died.

"Elder martial brother min, take this and have a try." The monk with the injured left arm took out a pill from Xumi ring and handed it to the other side. However, the other man stood guard and looked around. Then he made a gesture and a message talisman in his hand. It turned into a flame and burned. In a moment, it turned into fly ash.

"I have informed the others that the thief of the attack must be defeated!" the man said bitterly.

"That man is very strange. Don't be careless!" After the friar min swallowed the pill, he told him.

"There is an enemy situation!"

Just at this time, the monk with the injured left arm suddenly drank. The sword light in his hand chopped down to his feet. There was a flash of light and shadow. It was the shadowless snake who came to attack.

I don't know how the friar found it.

When he was about to pursue the shadowless trace, suddenly a ray of light came, and the man flashed to the side, but he slowed down. In the cold light, he suddenly felt half of his body suffocated.

But at this time, two shadowless snakes suddenly appear, bite the man, then flash, and disappeared.

The only monk who didn't get hurt was the one who spent most of his body's mana because of his Taoist dragon skill. The shadowless snake was so weird that he jumped into the air and flew high into the air.

People in the air, suddenly alert, sword light in the hands of the outside suddenly cut, but cut a space.

Once again, a few imperceptible shadows had rushed on him, which were the mantis, blood locust and iron centipede.

These spirit insects are three-level realm, originally equivalent to the dragon's gate realm of the human friars. They work together to deal with a friar with serious loss of mana.

Before he had time to react, the man was cut off his left leg by the mantis of the underworld. The iron centipede bit him in the throat and fell to the ground.

And the monk with the injured left arm was dying under the strange attack of the shadowless snake.

Three monks who lost their fighting power were killed by Ye Tian with one sword.

Then, ye Tian moves quickly to clean the battlefield, pops up three wisps of flame, burns the body, and then puts away all the spirit insects, and the wind escapes.

Far away, the heartworm he sent sent sent back the picture. There are more than 20 friars flying towards here with their swords. , the fastest update of the webnovel!