Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 869

This time, the interval is longer.

After several tens of breath, the sixth earth armor broke again.

Then, after a period of time, the seventh soil beetle made a slight cracking sound, but the cracking speed was much slower than before.

Ye Tian takes a long breath. At this time, he can feel the squeezing force of the vortex is much smaller with his own body. Even if he doesn't use the earth armor any more, he won't have any accident with his strong body resistance.

When the seventh soil beetle was completely broken, ye Tian felt a pine on his body. He came out of the whirlpool and entered a water area.

The smell of salty smell came to his face, which made it easy for him to judge that the water must be sea water.

Once a blessed land of Qingming, qingfengmingyue, Xiulin Qinggang, how can it be in the sea?

The scene before him once made Ye Tian think that his previous guess was wrong. However, when he saw the scene of the underwater world, he clearly recognized that it was true that the overseas world was also a blessed place, but it was just sunk on the bottom of the sea.

What a great hatred it should be, let the blessed land never see the sun!

Ye Tian's face was covered with a layer of frost. He looked back and saw that there was still boundless sea water behind him, and there was sea water around him.

What about xiaotiandi?

Ye Tianyuan's eyes shine through the sky and looks around. But when he finally looks at the bottom of the sea, he finds the magic wave of the field. It turns out that the little world formed in the field is buried in the bottom of the sea.

However, it's better to do so. It's more convenient to come and go, and it's more hidden.

Looking at the surrounding scenery again, ye Tian wrote down the location of xiaotiandi. In fact, it was different. He was too familiar with everything here. Even some slight changes did not affect him to find the exact location of the bamboo forest.

If you don't think about advance, think about retreat first.

Ye Tian didn't rush to leave, but continued to observe the field of xiaotiandi. He didn't use Shuidun until he confirmed the way to leave, and walked slowly on the sea floor nearby.

These memories of the scene, now appear in front of me again, ye Tian seems to have a sense of seclusion.

In fact, it is another life, rebirth in the earth's hometown, is no longer that life, at least no longer the original Yupu realm monk, but how can the past life and this life be separated!

It is by no means a short time for ye Tian to finish his journey. When ye Tian saw a dozen third-order sea animals swimming towards him in some sea area, he turned into a water line and fled to the sea level.

There are sea animals here, which makes Ye Tian a little surprised, and his heart is full of emotion.

Great changes!

Flying out of the sea, ye Tian released his mind and looked around. There was boundless sea water everywhere.

Suspended in the low air, ye Tian silently recalled what he had just seen at the bottom of the sea. He had already guessed something in his heart.

Originally, there was a sea thousands of miles away in the west, called the sea of bitterness. If I guess correctly, the land of Qingming was submerged by that sea of bitterness.

From the scenery on the bottom of the sea, he could easily distinguish the East, West, North and south. It was meaningless to go to the bitter sea for a while. It was better to go to the land first.

Thinking about this, ye Tian sent out three lianxinchong, flying to the East, Southeast and northeast respectively.

He himself took a common flying sword and flew slowly to the east at the normal speed that a friar should have at the middle stage of the sea view.

More than half an hour later, ye Tian slowed down. The heartworm in the east sent back a picture of an island there.

Some friars are killing sea animals on the island.

This island?

Looking at some familiar scenery on the island, ye Tian can easily recognize that the island was originally a mountain. After being spread by the sea, the exposed part became the island.

The mountain was originally called jindingfeng, on which he once made pills.

Ye Tian squints his eyes and looks at the direction of Jinding peak. After a moment, he turns a direction and flies away.

This time he entered Fangcun spiritual realm, his goal was very clear. The first important thing was to obtain spiritual material or elixir. If possible, find the surviving disciples of Qingming blessed land.

It would be better to make trouble secretly for a few enemies, of course, without exposing themselves. As for other things, ye Tian is not in the plan, even revenge, he did not consider.

Now the strength is too weak, and the enemy's strength is too strong.

On the earth, my strength has reached the peak. In the square inch spiritual realm, I can see the sea everywhere. There are many golden elixirs like dogs and Yuanying everywhere.

Further up, there is no lack of people in Huashen realm and Yupu realm.

From the perspective of Ye Tian's current cultivation realm, he is absolutely the lowest. If possible, he absolutely does not want to be discovered by his enemies now. He secretly cultivates in Yupu or Tiangong realm, and then returns to Fangcun spiritual realm with a crushing posture. From then on, he is happy with his friends and enemies and kills all his enemies. Isn't that fragrant?However, the earth does not have such conditions, he must have this line.


Ye Tian, in the middle of the flight, suddenly makes a light sound. In the picture sent back by the heartworm, five friars who are killing the sea demon suddenly leave Jinding peak and fly to their own direction.

Ye Tian frowned and changed his direction again. At this moment, he didn't want to contact anyone. Once his identity is revealed in the future, this is the place where he appears for the first time. He doesn't want anyone to come to investigate, thus exposing the small world that can enter the space channel.

However, things often do not evolve according to their own assumptions. Although they avoid again and again, the other side still does not give up and speeds up to fly to their side. Moreover, we can already see each other's five figures with naked eyes.

Ye Tian stops his flying sword at his feet, looks at the direction of the comer and waits quietly. He wants to see what the other party has in mind.

Soon, wudaodunguang stopped not far away from yetian. They all looked like they were in their 30s and 40s, and their accomplishments were all in the sea watching realm. The highest monk in white almost stepped into the Longmen realm.

"This Taoist friend, but come from the sea, can there be demon Dan for sale?"

The one who opened his mouth was the friar in white. He glanced at the Xumi ring in Ye Tian's hand and asked quietly.

Ye Tian shook his head and said: "it's true to come from the sea, but there is no demon pill. If Daoyou has nothing else to do, please get out of the way!"

The friar in white didn't mean to give way at all. He looked at Ye Tian repeatedly and said with a smile, "Taoist friends say so, but I can't believe that going to the deep sea is not to get the demon pill. Are you going to travel? Show me your Xumi precepts. If you don't have them, I'll let you go! "

"And if not?" Ye Tian looks cold, has been ready, the other side is obviously rogue behavior, extortion has not been covered up.

"That's to be shameless!" The friar in white changed his face, and almost at the same time he chopped his sword at Ye Tian.

Ye Tianleng snores, and his figure flashes. After passing the opponent's flying sword, three spirit beast bags appear in his hands. Two third-order Hades mantis, two third-order shadowless snakes, and three third-order iron centipedes appear and shoot at the other five.

Two of the shadowless snakes are aimed at the friar in white in the half step Longmen realm.

The friar in white was caught off guard. He was pierced by two third-order shadowless snakes. The snake venom entered his body and his face turned black quickly.

The other four people are not so good either. They are all hit by Ye Tian's spirit pet, which is terrible.

The third level is equivalent to the Longmen realm of the human friars. Especially these days, ye Tian spared no expense to put the spirit jade into the spirit beast bag and let these strange insects eat it. As a result, their strength has been improved rapidly, and they are even more domineering than ye Tian's day.

Two friars were sprayed with blood locust venom. The friars' whole body began to rot and their lives were in danger. The other two were attacked by the netherworld mantis and the iron centipede, and they were directly beheaded.

The two blood holes in the white Friar's body were gurgling black blood, and he was still breathing. Ye Tian took a step to stop the man, and then put a few points on him to stop the spread of the poison. Then he pressed his palm on his opponent's head and began to search for his soul.

a moment later, the friar in white had a spasm and died.

Ye Tian reaches out his hand and takes off the Xumi ring on his finger. With a loose hand, he throws the body into the sea.

The other four had no need to be admonished, so ye Tian did not care about their bodies and let them be buried at sea.

Xumi commandment is also an extremely precious treasure in the square inch spiritual realm. Only when the disciples of those big forces came to the earth did they equip each with a Xumi commandment.

From my memory, I know that these five people are free practitioners, and only the white monk has xumitiao. They live in the sea all the year round in order to rob some low level monks.

If you meet people of high level, they will not be provoked by their strength, so that in recent years, these people have really made a windfall.

Ye Tian generally knows the current situation of the square inch spirit realm from the memory of this person. These people are out all the year round, far more than the disciples who came here.

Most of the disciples who came were Tianjiao disciples of zongmen. They didn't ask about the world affairs and practiced in seclusion. As a result, what ye Tian got from those people was extremely limited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!