Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 861

After such observation, ye Tian was completely sure of his previous guess that these skeletons came here not long ago.

Is it

Ye Tian suddenly thought of the giant bones and the skeletons he met while exploring the ancient temple with Xiao yue'er! Moreover, he also noticed that a lot of fresh soil on the nearby ground is fresh, just like the wounds cut from the ground, which are the traces of battle!

"Oh, my Lord, where have you been? Such a strong spirit of the nether world? I'm just sleeping. Don't leave me here While ye Tianzheng was thinking, Tai Sui, who had not spoken for many days in Xumi precepts, suddenly made a cry of surprise.

"How much do you know about the nether world?" Hearing Taisui's voice, ye Tian asks in a hurry. Naturally, he won't miss this opportunity. It's an old monster who has lived for countless years.

"I said master, just wake up, can we not talk about such a terrible topic, master wants me to have a nightmare?" Taisui's reluctant voice rings in Ye Tian's mind.

Ye Tian hears that Taisui must know something about the nether world. Whether he wants to say it or not, he has to take something out of his mouth.

So he blustered: "Taisui, remember the meat as big as your little finger, how many Shouyuan is it? If you don't tell the master about Youming, I'll cut it off for you and send Youming to feed the ghost. "

"Well Does the master have any human form? I'm not afraid of ghosts. Just don't turn me into a ghost. Forget it. What do you want to know? Just ask! " Taisui finally compromised and returned helplessly.

"How did the nether world appear?" Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"That's a long story. I don't know how it happened. It may be the result of natural selection. However, people will go to the nether world when they die. How many dead people have been there since ancient times? The power of the nether world is very powerful! If there's no special reason, don't think about dealing with those ghosts? " Taisui advised.

"People will go to the netherworld when they die?" Although this kind of legend has a long history and ye Tian has heard about it. There are many rumors about the so-called Yin Cao Di Fu, Feng Du, Naihe Qiao and Meng Po Tang, but it's just a kind of legend. No one is sure. After all, no one will come back to talk about these things for the dead.

"Yes, that's for sure!" Tian Sui replied with certainty.

"So the dead will become ghosts, and the ghosts will die? Is it always in the dark Ye Tian thought of his parents and became heavy with his breath.

"How can I? Ghosts are not immortal, and they can also be killed, that is, they disappear completely, especially ordinary ghosts. Ordinary ghosts will be reincarnated and put into the six ways. But ghosts with resentment can't enter reincarnation because of too much resentment. " Taisui seems to know a lot about Youming. This time he explained it in detail.

Ye Tian knows that his parents were harmed by Xu Qing's parents. Since he died a violent death, resentment must exist. It is estimated that according to Taisui, he can not enter reincarnation and reincarnation.

"What about the ghost's life in the nether world?" Ye Tian began to worry about his parents.

Taisui said, "well, the nether world is also called the underworld. Since it is a world, there are three, six, nine and so on. If there are good ghosts, there are bad ones. If there are strong ghosts, there are weak ones. The law of nature is the law of the jungle everywhere

"In addition to reincarnation, do ghosts have a chance to resurrect?" Ye Tian asked nervously.

"You mean the return of Yang?"

Ye Tian nodded: "that's what it means!"

"I really don't know. I've never heard of such a thing. Only immortals have such magical powers! Master, if you don't want to be a ghost, let's get out of here! " Taisui seems very reluctant to be here, and then he hastens again.

"If you leave, you will leave, but not at this time. Do you know where the ghost is? How far can the most powerful ghost reach? " Ye Tian ignored Tai Sui's urging and continued to ask.

"I really know something about that. The master is right this time. The most powerful ghost is no longer called a ghost. It is the supreme ruler of the underworld, the emperor of the underworld. The power of the underworld emperor is very great. If he is in the underworld, he can compete with all the people in the sky! " Taisui said with a sense of touch, and then the conversation changed: "however, don't be afraid, either the emperor of the underworld or the army of the underworld can't come out of the underworld, because without the fog of the underworld, their strength will be greatly reduced and eventually disappear."

"Where do you think this is? It's not the underworld, but there's still the fog? " Ye Tian asks deeply worried.

"Right?" Taisui seems to have just realized this problem, and then murmured, "is what the white bone giant said true?"

"What did he say?" Ye Tian immediately realized what Taisui meant by the white bone giant. After all, he found that Taisui was in the white bone altar of the ancient temple.

"He said that the Ming emperor of this generation had a great ambition to expand the territory and sweep all the families of heaven. He also said that the underworld and the demon world had a contract, and the two worlds joined hands, and the first goal was to start the first stop from the Earth Star! At first, I thought it was pulling the calf, but now it seems that it's a little hanging! " Taisui's voice trembled at the end."My God!"

Ye Tian is confused.

From Suihuang's mouth, ye Tian knows about the demon world, and now he is in the dark fog. It is absolutely possible that the two families join hands.

Both sides take what they need and share the fruits of victory!

Now it's not just a matter of the earth, it's the universe.

The reason why Ye Tian is confused is not that the demon world and the underworld are going to invade the earth. He already knows some of the news and has some psychological preparation.

What shocked him was that the underworld and the demon world continued to wipe out all the people in the sky after they wanted to wipe out the earth star. How much strength does it need?

This kind of strength, if you start with the earth first, it is impossible for people to compete!

At least, even if there are 10000 such realms, they can't compete with one or two.

Do you want to send this message to all the people of heaven?

If you say it yourself, can anyone believe it?

What if Taisui and himself send this message together?

Ye Tian thought a lot about it. He knew a lot about Zhutian and wanzu, and finally found that no one would believe him.

Unless it happens!

For example, on the earth, I will tell others that the underworld is going to invade the earth, the demon world is going to invade the earth, and I have to sweep the space. If anyone believes it, it's really a ghost!

No solution!

No solution!

Still no solution!

Ye Tian had a deep sense of powerlessness for a moment, and immediately he bit his teeth and perked up again.

He has so many people to guard, Ning Yao, Qin Luoshen, Shi Xiong, Miluo palace, and countless compatriots.

No matter what, we can't accept it like this. We have to fight back anyway.

Those villains who attack themselves have not been punished. What's the situation now? Some disciples of Qingming blessed land are still taking refuge in the heavens!

Parents are still in the underworld to become the bottom of the ghost!

Suihuang also hopes that the Kunlun people in devil Yuli have not been saved by himself!

Xiyao's encouragement is still there!

Huaxu paid too much for his rise!

Kongming stone monkey can enter the ruins of Kunlun for Zixi, but he has no choice and has to die.

Come on, since you are coming, let's fight with you. Either you die or I die! , the fastest update of the webnovel!