Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 859

Northern Xinjiang, vast desert, tens of thousands of miles, yellow sand everywhere, boundless.

Sometimes there are oases and lakes, such as a touch of emerald in the vast world, showing some valuable vitality on the desolate earth.

On this day, a streamer of light flew northward. The man standing on the fierce sword was Ye Tian after he left the insect Valley in southern Yunnan.

When the wind blows, ye Tian's face is calm. Occasionally, he opens his mind to explore the surrounding situation. This is his trip to the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang.

The third of the four major Jedi has been explored. Ye Tian wants to have a look at this Jedi anyway, and he wants to meet the remaining monks of Dongzhen ruins for a while, but many days later, I don't know if they are still there.

As he was flying, ye Tian suddenly frowned, and his face looked cold. He used his magic power to urge the fierce swords at his feet, and the light flashed quickly.

Not long ago, ye Tian could see a large row of yurts in front of the oasis.

Over the yurt, six monks stood in the air, holding flying swords and waving them in the downward direction. With the light of the sword, one yurt after another exploded, and many bodies turned into pieces and splashed in the air.

"Stop it

When ye Tian was enraged, he gave a loud drink. Hou Yi held his bow in his hand and shot an arrow at one of the monks.

Almost at the same time, ye Tian sent out two flying swords one after another to cut the six people. He knew that such a long-distance attack might not be effective. He just wanted to use these attacks to block the other party's slaughter.

These six people are obviously the monks who came to Dongzhen market, but these evil thieves actually slaughtered ordinary people here, which touched Ye Tian's rebellion.

With the help of a short period of time, ye Tian flew closer again. He yelled again: "grandson of Dongzhen market, come here to die. If I don't kill you today, I won't be ye!"

"Hum, all the people of the Earth Star should die! None of you can escape death today! Kill him

In his thirties, a friar in brocade clothes, with a gloomy face, yelled and directed the other five people to kill Ye Tianwei.

On the ground, some of the surviving people looked up at the sky angrily, and there was a howling sound. It was a living tragedy.

Lin Yichen, the man in Jinfu, is the second senior brother of the group leader of Dongzhen market. A group of ten people went to explore the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang, but they didn't expect to be defeated. Four of them stayed in the devil's cave forever.

Lin Yichen was so angry that he let out his anger to the Chinese people who lived here. This was the end of the murder.

Rao is so, his heart is still very prosperous.

Seeing that ye Tian's export is not inferior, he challenges six people in Dongzhen market with one person's strength. Lin Yichen, who is already grumpy, how to bear this evil spirit, smashes the arrow of Hou Yi shot by Ye Tian with one sword, and then, together with the other five people, puts out their magic weapons to kill Ye Tianwei.

Ye Tianleng snorts, and three spirit beast bags appear in his hands. He immediately releases two third-order shadowless snakes, two third-order Hades mantis, and two third-order blood locusts, all of which flash in the air at a friar.

The two third-order shadowless snakes who were the first to win did not see their body shape. However, as soon as they appeared, two monks screamed at the same time, each with a blood hole in his chest. His face was black and he fell to the ground.

When the remaining four monks were stunned, the scythe of the front foot of a Hades Mantis waved, and a huge shadow of the sword chopped at a monk. The monk almost had no time to resist, so he was cut in two.

Almost at the same time, a blood locust suddenly ejected a stream of liquid from its mouth and shot at another monk. The man was corroded by the liquid and decayed rapidly. The corpse also fell on the yellow sand on the ground.

These third-order spirit insects are so fierce, which makes Ye Tian astonished. Their combat effectiveness really shocked Ye Tian.

If it wasn't for the sneak attack and the use of small mirror spirit tools, I'm afraid I would have paid a great price to win so many third-order spirit insects.

As a result, ye Tian doesn't regret it any more. The third-order spirit insects are all like this. Those spirit insects above the fourth order can't get their hands on them. It's really wise to judge the situation and take the second place.

In the blink of an eye, five of the six monks have been killed by the spirit insects. Looking at the last monk in Dongzhen market who was seriously injured, ye Tian quickly called back the blood locust who attacked him.

Immediately protect this person's heart pulse, press the palm to the top of the head to search for the soul.

A moment later, the man rotted all over his body, all the way to his heart, and then to his head. Ye Tian had to take back his palm.

Although he didn't read too much memory, he had a general understanding of what he wanted to know.

Ye Tian put away six spirit insects, cleaned the battlefield simply, and fell to the ground.

"Thank the immortal for taking revenge on us!"

"Thank you, fairy!"

On the ground, the remaining hundreds of men and women knelt down together, and there were many cries mixed with them. The scene was very sad.

Ye Tian is like a hero from heaven. He kills six demons in a flash. These people who can't get in touch with Gu Wu or monks naturally regard Ye Tian as an immortal.Looking at the miserable scene and the people kneeling on the ground, ye Tian felt extremely painful. He first picked up some old people, and then said aloud, "all of you, villagers, there are heads of injustice, and there are owners of debts. The six killers are lying on the ground. You can take revenge!"

Hear ye Tian say so, these common people get up like crazy, draw sticks, knives and forks, rush to the past, toward the six already shapeless corpses, smash and slash.

Shouts, curses and wails resound through the world.

For a long time, many people stopped, the six bodies have become a pool of flesh and blood, scattered in a large area.

Some people are watching in silence, others are running back to their damaged and disordered houses, and another burst of crying starts.

Ye Tian is distressed, and what he is most worried about finally happens. During this period of time, he keeps looking for opportunities to enhance his own strength. He is also looking for these coming monks everywhere to eradicate them as early as possible.

However, one person's power is limited after all.

At present, there are only a few people who can compete with these coming monks.

More serious things, later came more powerful monks, who can guarantee that they will not have another massacre.

"Folks, you can't live here any longer. When you have finished taking care of your relatives, if you have relatives and friends, if you have no place to go, you can go to the Miluo palace in Jiangnan City. They will make proper arrangements for you. I have no cash here, only gold bars. Everyone here today has one. I hope you can all get proper arrangements! " Ye Tian was suspended in the low air. With a gesture, a box of gold bars fell on the ground. Then a magic power opened the lid and revealed the yellow gold bars inside.

"Each one, no one is allowed to covet other people's gold bars, people are doing, the sky is watching, raise the head three feet have gods." Ye Tian was not sure what would happen after he left, so he had to warn.

Looking at those glittering gold bars, people gradually stopped crying, knelt down to Ye Tian again, and couldn't help thanking him.

Here, in people's eyes and hearts, ye Tian is a God and an immortal. These people are grateful and awed for him, and have more strength and courage to continue to live tenaciously.

All people in the organization of Ye Tian, line up, each with a gold bar, back to one side.

One box is not enough, ye Tian takes out another box, until the second box is half left, everyone gets their gold bars.

Each gold bar turns into about 200000 in cash, which should be enough to start a new life.


Someone took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian frowned and looked at the middle-aged man who took photos of Ye Tian.

"Immortals are here. We'll write down your appearance. In the future, we'll make a statue for you, burn incense and kowtow to you. Thank you for your great mercy and help you out!" The middle-aged herdsman put his hands together and said piously.

After listening to his words, ye Tian's heart moved, and immediately remembered the resentment incense that he had come into contact with when he explored the ancient temple with Xiao Yueer. The power of incense really exists, and this power is a very mysterious thing. I don't know if it can help to improve my cultivation.

This is just one aspect. Ye Tian also thinks of the further side. In the future, the earth will certainly be more chaotic. With the invasion of the demon world and the arrival of extraterrestrial monks, no one can guarantee what will happen in the process of fighting for the immortal machine.

At that time, whether we fight against tianwai friars or against the demon world, everyone needs a belief and a support, so that the spirit will not collapse and the hope of life will inspire us to move forward.

So let yourself be the support. It's a responsibility, a responsibility and a hope.

Thinking about this, ye Tian nodded slowly and said: "I don't care what you do, but I solemnly promise that no matter what happens in the future, I will try my best to protect this planet. If you want to make a statue, make my real body

With that, ye Tian's body trembled and regained its original appearance.

Everyone was stunned at this scene.

Seventy two kinds of changes and random changes of appearance are all things in fairy tales, movies and novels, but today they see them with their own eyes.

It's not a fairy. What is it?

"Forgive me, immortal, I'm going to take a picture!" The middle-aged man sincerely thanks for his sin, and takes a picture of Ye Tian standing in the air with his eyebrows full and his clothes floating. , the fastest update of the webnovel!