Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 848

"Ye Daoyou, such cultivation, when you join the martial arts league, do your part to protect the earth!" Meng Haoran asked him to withdraw his eyes from the coming monk.

Ye Tian said with a smile: "if you work hard, you will work hard, but ye won't join the Wumeng. If yesterday's event had not happened, it might have been possible to join the Wumeng. Later, I said that if I was disqualified, I would not go even if I knelt down to ask me. If I didn't find Liu Bufan mixed in and wanted to find out his plot, I would not have participated. "

Meng Haoran's words stopped for a while. He didn't really know ye Tian's strength until today. He didn't pay much attention to Ye Tian before. If the blind old man said that to himself yesterday, he could put down his value or show enough sincerity, maybe it would be another situation.

At this time, he was not only very regretful, but also more and more dissatisfied with sun Zhengde. The bad thing was on him.

Ye Tian has proved his innocence and has no intention of staying here for a long time. In Meng Haoran's dismay, he said, "today's matter, chairman Meng will naturally be able to deal with it, and ye will leave."

With that, Liu Bufan in one hand and the monk in the other hand were about to leave.

"Ye Daoyou, I have a heartless request. Can you keep these two people. The ancient martial arts research association has never captured tianwai friars. I don't know enough about them. I'm going to search for their souls and file them. I'll know better about tianwai friars! " See ye Tian want to go, Meng Haoran hastily opening a way.

Ye Tian suddenly turned around and said: "to tell you the truth, these two people are also of great use to ye, but chairman Meng's reason is so irrefutable, which makes me very embarrassed!"

Meng Haoran is a mature man. Seeing ye Tian's appearance, he knows that there is a door. At the moment, he says generously, "these two people are obtained by Ye Daoyou. Naturally, the ancient martial arts research association will not ask for nothing. If you need anything, ye Daoyou can ask for it!"

Ye Tian put them underground and said with a smile: "since chairman Meng said so, Ye is not polite. I just don't know what good things chairman Meng can bring out. You know, ordinary things can't get into my eyes!"

Meng Haoran pondered for a moment and said, "otherwise, these two people will be treated as ye Daoyou completing a 3S level task. How about the reward of choosing any one of them in the task reward?"

Ye Tian nodded, said: "according to Meng president, however, if there is nothing good about task reward, ye will not work for Wu Meng in the future."

"We will show our sincerity. If ye Daoyou still doesn't like it, it can only be said that our temple is small. However, I believe ye Daoyou will be satisfied. " With these words, Meng Haoran picked up Liu Bufan and they were about to leave here.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Tian stops Meng Haoran, and then he says something.

Listen to Ye Tian finish, Meng Haoran face a red way: "your strategy is feasible, however, that said appropriate?"? Isn't Meng a man of fame

Ye Tiandao: "why not? When the Wumeng is newly established, how can you convince the public if you don't show some strength? This is not fishing for fame. "

"Well, I'll go to Yiye Daoyou!" Meng Haoran finally nodded and took Liu Bufan's sword to the valley where the meeting was.

Ye Tian collected the spoils from the two men, and then his figure disappeared in situ.

In the valley, the chaotic scene just now has gradually subsided. Everyone is looking at the direction of President Meng's departure and waiting.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared on the horizon in the distance, and soon Meng Haoran landed on the high platform with two monks who were trapped in the cave.

"Bang!" Throwing them on the stage, Meng Hui said in a big voice: "let's wait for a long time. Dare to commit a crime in the ancient martial arts assembly. Although the martial arts league is far away, it will be punished!"

"Well, chairman Meng is powerful! Chairman Meng has also seen that the temple is so crazy that he committed murder at the guwu assembly. Chairman Meng should make up his mind to wipe out the temple! " Liu Bufan was lying face down. His acupoints were made and he couldn't turn over. Lu Youdao couldn't see his face clearly. He thought he was from the Miluo palace, so he continued to urge Meng Haoran.

The others who were with Lu Youdao echoed.

Meng Haoran said with a smile: "don't be blinded. The assailant was not a disciple of the Miluo palace, but someone pretended."

"How can chairman Meng exonerate the Miluo palace? If he says it's fake, it's fake?" Lu Youdao said in disbelief.

"You can tell if this man is a fake." As he spoke, Meng Haoran grabbed Liu Bufan in the air. Liu Bufan stood upright, facing the stage.

"Liu Bufan!"

"Lord Liu!"

There was a cry of surprise from acquaintances.

"That one is tianwai monk. Liu Bufan has taken refuge with tianwai monk. He wants to stir up internal strife in the ancient martial arts and make the Miluo palace the target of public criticism. Don't be provoked."

"What if it's provocation? That ye Tiande really killed my son, so president Meng won't do justice for us? " Lu Youwu's self-improvement words are reasonable, and he wants to tie the ancient martial arts research association to his chariot.

In their opinion, this time should be a good opportunity. If Meng Haoran, an old monster who can capture tianwai friars alive, can be persuaded to deal with Ye Tian every minute.Meng Haoran looked around the crowd and his face sank slowly: "if you have a grudge against Ye Tian, you can avenge yourself. Wu Meng will not be coerced. As far as I know, ye Tian does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. All those killed have their own way of death. Today, I can give you a chance to join the martial arts league and fight against tianwai monks. I can persuade Ye Tian to smile and die. If you don't join the martial arts league, you and ye Tian will understand their gratitude and resentment, and the ancient martial arts research association will never interfere. "

"Well, I've said that. You can decide whether to join or not! However, there's an ugly saying that I said before. If you need help in the future, don't cram for help and come back to Wumeng! "

"So Lu left!" Lu Youdao changed his mind when he saw Meng Haoran coming back after the enemy. Knowing that there was little hope for this, he simply snorted and walked out of the valley.

The rest of them didn't want to join the Wumeng, and Lu Youdao was ready to leave.

All of a sudden, ye Tian's figure suddenly appeared in the open space in front of the crowd. It was Ye Tian's true appearance, not his changed appearance.

"Do you think ye will die? Here comes Ye. Let's do it! " Ye Tian shows a cold smile and his eyes are full of murders.

"If you don't do it, I'll do it myself!" With these words, ye Tian doesn't know how to move. A red and black sword shadow sweeps across the sky. In a moment, blood splashes and his body is broken. Seven or eight friars are killed by Ye Tian's sword.

It even includes several patriarchs.

Meng Haoran trembled in his heart. The scene in front of him was different from what ye Tian said!

What ye Tian said is that if you fight with those enemies, they will join the alliance if they are afraid. In this way, you can recruit allies.

However, one sword killed all of them!

"is there anyone else to take revenge on me?"

Ye Tianheng looked around at all the mountain people who attended the meeting.

But no one spoke.

"There is no best, and the catastrophe is coming. I sincerely hope that all of you can work together to defend against foreign enemies. The people I killed by Ye Tian are all those who are worthy of death. Just like these people, they jump up and down to kill me. I just want to cut off future troubles and benefit the common people. " Ye Tian continued that he really didn't want those mountain people to die of internal strife. But he is not a soft hearted person. He should be killed.

"Well, I won't say more, chairman Meng?" Ye Tian looks at Meng Haoran.

"If you are willing to join the Wumeng, you can sign up now. Those who do not join will not be forced to do so!" Meng Haoran said indifferently, then called Ye Tian: "ye Daoyou, follow me."

With these words, he flies up to a temple on lingjiu peak with Ye Tian's Royal sword. In the Zen room, Meng Haoran moves his hand, and several things appear on the ground one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!