Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 841

Ye Tian took out the time and space tower from Xumi commandment, and hit it with a magic power. The time and Space Tower grew rapidly and stood in front of Qin Luo God.

Qin Luoshen looked at the big bed in the corner of the basement and thought, this ye Tian can play. Do you want to enter it

"Come in! Sure enough, ye Tian went to find her and went to the tower. "

"Let's practice here!"

"Ah, double cultivation?" Qin Luoshen exclaimed. She once heard Yan Bing talk about the double cultivation and knew what the cauldron was.

"I'll go. What do you think? Cultivate yourself With that, ye Tian ignores Qin Luoshen. He thinks the woman is a little nervous today, so he takes out two pieces of Lingyu and starts to run Suihuang temple.

Qin Luoshen saw this scene, his face was as shy as red dates, and he took out Lingyu just like Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't tell Qin Luoshen about the time and Space Tower. Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing for her. If more people know about it, it's easier to leak the news.

This treasure, even in the square inch spirit realm, will certainly cause a bloodbath.

Qin Luo only needs to enjoy the benefits of this treasure, and does not let her bear any risk of keeping secrets.

Ye Tian brings enough food and has no time to practice. I don't know how many days later, after the stone gate is knocked again, ye Tiancai and Qin Luoshen leave the basement.

In the room outside the stone room, Qiu Changchun is waiting in front of the door.

Seeing that Qin Luo, who is like heaven and man, comes out with Ye Tian, the corner of his eye jumps a few times, and his eyes flash away.

"Mr. Qiu, is there anything important happening?" Ye Tian asked.

Qiu Changchun said: "well, the official ancient martial arts Research Association came and left a notice. I'm not sure whether it's a major event, so please have a look."

With these words, Qiu Changchun hands a piece of paper to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't rush to see the above content. He took it in his hand and said to Qin Luo, "go wash it first and wait for me when you come back!"

"Good!" Qin Luoshen smiles, nods to Qiu Changchun and leaves here.

"Lord, if there's nothing else, I'll go down first. Now there are a lot of affairs in the clan. I'll report back to the Lord in detail!" Qiu Changchun did not stay too much, said to Ye Tian, and then came out of the room.

Arriving at the secluded place of the manor, Qiu Changchun took out the phone and dialed the number: "smelly girl, what are you doing? If you don't hurry up, your hero will be picked! Just now I saw that Miss Qin and the patriarch were alone in a room for many days! "

On the other side of the phone, Yan Bing said: "master, what's the fuss? The heroes of the world are destined not to belong to one person. I've seen for a long time that ye Tian has a special love for Qin Luo God. My goal is..."

"No cavities?" Qiu Changchun is not angry ground teases a way.

"That's too small. My goal is to be small! Well, I don't have to say much. Master, the ancient martial arts college is going to open recently. I've come here. I'm very busy! Hang up Then Yan Bing hung up.

Qiu Changchun hums depressingly, holding his mobile phone to deal with the affairs of the clan.

In the room, ye Tian looks at the direction of Qiu Changchun's departure. He smiles helplessly and starts to look at the contents on the paper.

The ancient martial arts research association is an official organization for the study of ancient martial arts. It never shows mountains and waters. Ye Tian also heard Yan Bing mention it not long ago, and he didn't know much about it.

It seems that there are not many people who know about it. Even Yan Bing is familiar with it.

In the notice, the ancient martial arts research association spent a lot of time introducing their authority. It said that the ancient martial arts association, authorized by the government, has the authority to manage and transfer all the ancient martial arts sects, families and practitioners. Because of the official need, an ancient martial arts meeting will be held in five days. After receiving the notice, the principal must attend the meeting in person. If he refuses to attend the meeting, how will he be punished.

The location of the ancient martial arts meeting is in Wutai Mountain in northern Shanxi.

The specific content of the guwu meeting was not mentioned in the notice, and the notice was not issued to a certain clan or a certain family. It was a standard notice.

After reading it, ye Tian takes the notice into xumitiao.

Intuitively, he felt that the meeting should be related to those who came from the spiritual realm. It seems that the authorities are aware of it and are ready to take some measures.

Ye Tian didn't know much about the ancient martial forces in China, but he was limited to the original three sects, six sects and several families, such as the Qijia family in eastern Fujian and the Mo family in Qiyun mountain.

He is also curious about the hidden forces in the ancient Chinese martial arts circle, or the inside information of the ancient Chinese Martial Arts Research Association. If there are available people, these two forces can be taken into account in the future actions and layout.

Ye Tian decided to go and have a look, but it didn't take much time.

Back in his room, ye Tian took a bath, changed his clothes, and was ready to go outside to have a look. This time, he and Qin Luo Shen entered the basement, and after more than ten days, some things should be dealt with.Just out of the door, Chu Xiangyun's phone call came in.

"Suzerain, I have just received the notice from the official guwu association that I will go to Wutai Mountain in northern Shanxi to attend the guwu conference in five days!"

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll go and have a look. Your only task now is to cultivate as soon as possible and improve your state. I'll try my best to satisfy you whatever you need. Now the situation is more serious than you think. Maybe a disaster will come soon." Ye Tian didn't say anything about the demon world. The bad news came one after another. He was afraid of putting the women down.

Whether in the face of the coming of the square inch spirit realm or the invasion of the demon world two years later, only the strongest of the earth will play a decisive role. If the strongest are crushed, there will be no hope.

As for other people, they can improve their accomplishments, have more power to protect themselves, and leave some seeds for the future, that's all.

"Go and have a look at Feilai peak!" After turning around in the manor, I see Qiu Changchun again. Ye Tian says hello, and the imperial sword flies towards Feilai peak.

Qiu Changchun also released his flying sword and followed Ye Tian. Ye Tian slowed down and flew side by side with him: "what's the situation in the Miluo palace now?"

"The black guards recruit 97 people, including 18 at the heaven level, 33 at the prefecture level, and the rest at the Xuan level." Qiu Changchun replied casually.

"What about the recruitment of disciples?" Ye Tian nodded and was quite satisfied with the recruitment of the black guards.

"There are 583 disciples enrolled in the headquarters of the Miluo palace. They are all the heavenly beings awakened by Linggen. The oldest is 53 years old, and the youngest is 3 years old. The Shuiyue Dongtian branch recruited 128 women, all of whom were arranged in the Shuiyue Dongtian branch Qiu Changchun still answers like a stream.

Ye Tian nodded with great satisfaction: "Mr. Qiu has been working hard for a long time. It's not a matter of age and aptitude to recruit disciples. The most important thing is to pay attention to morality. He can't raise a tiger for trouble, which has ruined the reputation of the Miluo palace."

Qiu Changchun said: "master, don't worry. We have conducted a detailed investigation on every disciple we recruit. Hundreds of applicants with poor moral character have been turned away. Moreover, we strictly track and control the students we have recruited, and those who violate the 72 laws will be punished according to the law. "

Ye Tiandao: "now the situation outside is very bad. The thirteen people who came to the temple this time can only be regarded as the bottom figures in the square inch spiritual realm. In the future, we will face more and more powerful opponents. I have limited time, so I can't pay too much attention to the sect. You should communicate well with other temple masters and church masters. If you can't get in touch with me, please discuss with the elder Next, don't make her heart cold

"Yes, master, I understand!" Qiu Changchun immediately agreed. He couldn't help looking up at Ye Tian. In the past, most of the things he admired Ye Tian were his talent and strength. Unexpectedly, ye Tian's grasp of people's heart was so mature and staid that he didn't look like a young man in his twenties.

"Do you have any consideration for the vacant leader?" Ye Tian continues to ask.

After listening to Ye Tian's question, Qiu Changchun took out a list from Xumi commandment and handed it to Ye Tian: "I have made a comprehensive consideration of all the black guards of heaven level cultivation. I have selected a total of ten people, who should be able to win the position of the leader of the hall. The more people can be used as backup candidates. If there is a vacancy, I will fill it at any time!"

Ye Tian took a look at the list and carefully marked everyone's name, realm and accomplishments, martial arts and techniques he was good at, as well as a detailed resume.

"OK, let the top seven people meet me at Feilai peak!" Ye Tian wrote down the information on the list, right Qiu Changchun Road.

Qiu Changchun immediately dials a telephone, lets the person arrange this matter.

Not long after that, they came to Feilai peak, the construction site of Miluo palace.

Before and after, but more than 20 days, under the peak has undergone earth shaking changes.

The many buildings presented in front of Ye Tian's eyes make ye Tian's mind return to the days of Qingming blessed land. Although it has not been completed yet, it is very similar to the Miluo palace in Qingming blessed land.

Mengfang saw Ye Tian from a distance and rushed over to report the progress of the project: "Lord, the main structure has been completed and the exterior decoration has been completed. Now the interior decoration, site leveling and greening will be carried out. In another five days, the Miluo palace can be delivered for use!"

Ye Tian looked at Meng admiringly and said, "the master of Meng temple has worked hard. This progress is very good!"

"Lord, we just do our duty. The capital provided by the Lord is sufficient, and we can do things smoothly. We need people and things. We work in three shifts in 24 hours. Finally, we can live up to the great trust of the Lord." Mengfang is also in a good mood. With the words of the patriarch, no matter how hard he works, it's worth it. In particular, the scale of the building complex of the Miluo palace from scratch to now makes him feel more successful.

Later, he can be proud to tell his children and grandchildren that he is the elder of the Miluo palace. This Miluo palace, which will be handed down from generation to generation, was built by his supervisor. What a glorious thing it should be.

Mengfang is reporting the project situation here, and some disciples from nearby Miluo Palace are also gathering to have a look at this legendary , the fastest update of the webnovel!