Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 838

In the process of coming to the ground along the underground corridor paved with bluestone, ye Tian has released his mind and explored the situation outside.

In the middle of Jin Dynasty, his mind increased greatly, and the scope he could explore had reached four or five thousand square feet, with a clear view of the outside world.

"Luoshen!" Out of the ground, is a delicate layout of the room, many days no Qin Luo God is standing in the room waiting.

Today's Qin Luoshen is dressed in a long white fur coat and red leather boots. He is elegant and wild. His white face is light with powder, which sets off his beautiful appearance. He looks like a fairy. It's just that my brow is locked and I look a little anxious.

With Ye Tian's call, Qin Luoshen is stunned for a moment, and then realizes that the strange youth coming out of the basement is Ye Tian.

She went over immediately, took Ye Tian's hand and told him anxiously, "Ye Tian, you should be careful. These people look very powerful. The Lord of the temple said that their realm is unfathomable. Any one of them may dominate the earth! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "don't worry, I can deal with it. You tell the Qin family not to go out and watch. You also go to the basement for a moment. Once you start, it will affect the light."

Qin Luo God "well" a, and told ye Tian a few words, watched Ye Tian out of the room.

However, she is still not at ease, and did not listen to the arrangement of Ye Tian into the basement, but out of the door, boarded the roof, looking down to the distance.

"Master Ye is here!"

Ye Tian walks out of the Qin family manor in no hurry. Qiu Changchun follows him and sings loudly.

There are some disciples of the Miluo palace nearby, many of them are new recruits, and some of them are old people who have met Ye Tian. Qiu Changchun is afraid that these people will not know ye Tian's present appearance, and let the play show again.

"See you, master!"

"Good Lord Ye!"

Those disciples wake up like a dream and bow to Ye Tian. Those disciples who later enter the temple secretly look at Ye Tian with an excited look on their faces.

Some of the Qin family also came up to say hello, as if they had a backbone.

In these people's hearts, ye Tian is God, an invincible and omnipotent God.

Today, however, more than a dozen hostile gods came down, and they were also very uneasy. How ye Tian dealt with it might determine everyone's fate.

"Lord Ye is so young. He doesn't look as old as me!"

A disciple who later joined the sect saw Ye Tian's appearance and whispered to the people nearby.

"Don't talk about the patriarch. If everything depends on the age, what else can we recruit? Go straight to the nursing home!" Next to him, a young disciple stabbed him and whispered.

"Silence Qiu Changchun snorted coldly, and his sharp eyes swept over the two disciples. They were too nervous to speak any more.

As ye Tianbian walked, his eyes slowly swept over the people, and he was filled with emotion.

If these people follow themselves, they have the responsibility to protect them and give them time to grow up. Protecting the earth is not a personal matter, but now they can only shoulder this responsibility first.

Outside the manor, in the sky of the square.

Thirteen male and female friars' swords were suspended in the air, waiting quietly. They looked indifferent and could not see sadness and happiness.

With the appearance of Ye Tian, the thirteen monks' eyes fell on Ye Tian, and their faces showed some disdain.

"You are the master of what kind of Miluo palace?" When ye Tian stood outside the manor, one of them, who looked in his thirties, asked.

"Yes, it's Ye. What advice do you have when you go to Miluo palace?" Ye Tian's face didn't have a different color. He said as usual. He didn't pay attention to these friars at all.

When he was exploring his mind, he had already sensed the cultivation state of these people. He said that the dark skinned monk was at the peak of his cultivation in the sea view.

The other six men, six women and twelve monks were all in the later stage of the sea view.

Ye Tian, who is more powerful than them, still uses all kinds of means to kill them one by one. If he does a big fight without any scruples, ye Tian is absolutely sure to kill them all.

It's just that this is the Qin family manor. There are many ordinary people in it, as well as the disciples of the Miluo palace. As long as the other party takes one hand, it can destroy this place in a moment, but he has not the strength to kill all the 13 people with one blow.

It's best not to fight here. If it's unavoidable, some means must be used.

Therefore, as soon as ye Tian came up, he didn't make a direct move. First, he explored the other party's style.

"Give you ten minutes to think about it, or submit to me, let me do things for you, or die here all the time The dark faced monk spoke directly with a proud look.

Ye Tian laughed: "who are you? Have you ever thought about the consequences of going to the palace of Milo to make this remark? "

"Bold, little monk in the cave, how dare you talk to elder martial brother Lu like this? I don't think you want to live anymore?" Before the dark faced friar opened his mouth, a young nun with medium looks sneered and scolded.Then he hit the ground with a fist. With a bang, the well built Qingshi square was hit by a big hole.

"No matter how hard your life is, can it be harder than these stones?"

Seeing this, some disciples of the temple could not help but feel awe inspiring and their faces changed. The power of this fist is almost invincible. If it hits people, won't it turn into meat mud on the spot?

Ye Tian's face was cold, but he didn't look at the big pit. He looked at the nun like electricity and said in a cold voice, "three breath time, get out of here, or you'll stay here!"

Although the other party has never reported their identity, ye Tian has enough reason to kill them just because they want to let the Qin family and the Miluo palace keep their chickens and dogs.

"Elder martial brother Lu, this guy is so ungrateful. There are not many more people, but many less people. Younger martial sister will destroy him first, and the rest will naturally accept him. If anyone doesn't accept him, he will destroy anyone. If they don't accept him, they will all be destroyed! Nuo big earth star, still can't find the person who works for us? " The nun showed a fierce light in her eyes and said to the gloomy elder martial brother Lu.

"All right, then do it!" Elder martial brother Lu nodded, as if they were not talking about killing a person, but about any dog and cat.

The nun nodded and then looked at Ye Tian. Suddenly, ye Tian disappeared out of her sight.

"Scatter!" In such a sudden situation, elder martial brother Lu's eyes suddenly coagulated, he gave a big drink, and suddenly floated back.

Many other friars and nuns also spread their swords. Just as the woman who was going to kill Ye Tian corrected her movements, she suddenly felt a wave of air in front of her. Before she could react, she felt that Dantian was suddenly hit hard, and then fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Kill all the people here, no dogs and no chickens!"

The elder martial brother Lu watched his younger martial sister being attacked by the other side. He was furious and broke out and yelled for orders.

"How dare you? If you dare, I'll kill her first

With a pop drink, ye Tian shows his figure on the ground. In his hand, he is holding the woman who has lost her color.

"Elder martial brother Lu, I was abandoned by him The nun's face was pale and sweaty. She said to the sky with her teeth clenched.

Ye Tian nodded several times on this woman and controlled her movement ability. Then he looked up at the friar surnamed Lu in the air: "if the Dantian is abandoned, I'm afraid it's possible for you to recover by your means, but if you lose your life, the Lord of Yan will not be able to bring the dying back to life. If you dare to do something to other people, I'll kill them first. Why don't we have a fight to decide her life and death? "

The friar surnamed Lu stared at Ye Tian with a cold face. After counting his breath, he suppressed his anger and asked, "how to fight?"

"Any one of you, as long as you win over ye, ye will not only return the girl, but also lead the ministers to serve in Miluo palace. If you dare to do something to the others, you will kill her in the first place Ye Tian's palm is pressed on the top of the nun's head. It seems that he can kill her as soon as he vomits.

In fact, ye Tian has already launched soul searching at this time, but he has done it secretly and has not been noticed by the other party.

"Well, according to your words, if you dare to poison my younger martial sister, Lu's words will be broken, and the Qin family and the Miluo palace will be destroyed!" The friar surnamed Lu agreed coldly. For him, the lives of all the people here are not as important as those of his younger martial sister. If Dantian is abandoned, it is possible for him to recover. I brought 12 people with me. The promise I gave was to take them back. Even if my accomplishments were abandoned, it was not against my promise! , the fastest update of the webnovel!