Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 829

"Two younger martial brothers, go to rescue younger martial brother Jian! No merit, but no fault! "

Seeing that the burly friar was attacked by Ye Tian stealthy, friar Lan Shan, the Third Elder martial brother in the crowd, yelled out with his eyes.

There were four people present. Besides him and the beautiful nun, there were two male nuns. There was no need to name them. They also knew who the Third Elder martial brother had appointed.

Without saying a word, they floated into the valley.

At this time, ye Tian was in front of the burly friar in a twinkling of an eye, and another emperor's fist hit him to fly.

With the strength of more than 100 thousand jin, the first blow had already collapsed half of the man's shoulder. This blow, when the opponent didn't have much resistance, collapsed the other half of his shoulder.

Then, with a touch of the flying sword, the burly friar took Xumi Jie's right hand away from his wrist, and was held in his hand by Ye Tian. He rolled off Xumi Jie, broke his hand and hit the two friars who came in. Ye Tian's figure disappeared again.

They were on guard, close to the big friar. One of them checked the wound, put his palm on the big Friar's chest and put in his mana.

The burly friar was seriously injured. He was beaten twice by Ye Tian and fell into a coma. The strength of his two fists made him lose his fighting power, but he couldn't die for a moment.

Ye Tian didn't want his life. It's a very good deal to leave this oil bottle and drag down the disciples of dongzhenxu.

"Elder martial brother Zheng, don't spend your mana easily. The aura of heaven and earth is isolated here. You can't recover it unless you use Lingyu!" The friar with square face, who was in charge of guarding, suddenly noticed and said in a deep voice.

"If so, you and I should be careful not to catch the man's way!" Elder martial brother Zheng felt a little, and his face became ugly. He looked at the big friar on the ground, put his hand in front of his chest and drew it back. He nodded a few times on his body, stopped his bleeding wrist, took out a pill to cure his wounds and put it into his mouth. Then he stood up.

"Third Elder martial brother, there is no aura of heaven and earth here. The loss of mana is very fast. It seems that there is an invisible force that is destroying the vitality..." After all this, elder martial brother Zheng said to the blue shirt friar outside the valley. He suddenly found a terrible thing and could not help but be surprised.

Because he saw the friars in blue shirt and the pretty girl outside the valley pointing at him, occasionally whispering something, but he couldn't hear the voice outside.

And judging from their situation, they certainly didn't hear what they said.

"Third Elder martial brother, do you hear me?" Elder martial brother Zheng cried out in fear.

The blue shirt friar looked at elder martial brother Zheng's mouth, understood his meaning, and waved his hand hard. His face became more ugly.

I didn't expect that this valley of death could not only isolate the vitality of heaven and earth, but also isolate the sound.

Looking at the silent Valley, he tries to find the trace of Ye Tian, but all his efforts are in vain. Ye Tian has never appeared since he just disappeared, and he can't see any trace.

"Watch out, try to get out of the valley and see what's weird!"

The blue shirt friar looked for another stone, carved these words on it with the tip of his sword, and then threw the stone into the valley.

Just after the bloody bite, he felt as if he had been seriously ill. His mana was only half as good as usual. His real fighting power was not as good as that of the nun around him. At this time, he could only watch outside and command the two people in the valley.

After reading the handwriting, the friar with square face retreated to the valley step by step to prevent Ye Tian from suddenly appearing and being attacked again.

He felt that he had retreated a long way, but there was no change in the scene before him. He looked back and wanted to see the situation behind him.

At this moment, suddenly a flying sword appeared and cut him down.

The friar with square face is holding the flying sword to meet Ye Tian's fierce flying sword. The two swords collide, and the fierce flying sword is knocked out unexpectedly.

In the distance, ye Tian shows his figure again. He calls back the flying sword and looks at the two monks in the valley, but he doesn't start any more. However, his mouth is not idle. He smiles at the monk with square face: "Dongzhen market is just a vanity fair. Danxia sacrificed one of my disciples in the blessed land. It's enough!"

"I won't kill you two first. I'll have a good play and let this magical Valley destroy their vitality. In the end, they will die!"

"Here, I am waiting to see your good play, watching you a little bit of life, a little bit of death!"

In the face of Ye Tian's teasing, the square faced monk hummed coldly: "you're not much better. I've seen that sword just now. You don't have much mana left. If you want to disturb our hearts with the advantage of your tongue, your abacus is wrong."

"I wish you knew better than to talk nonsense with you. I have to go in and explore this broken Valley to see what's strange. I'm not willing to die with you at this point!"

Ye Tian laughed twice and disappeared again.

Seeing this, the two monks of Dongzhen market in the valley immediately got together and took precautions back to back.Ye Tian didn't sneak attack this time. Just now, he deliberately showed weakness in order to create a bit of illusion for the other party, so that the other party could feel that he was also being eroded of vitality and mana.

Yuantian's eyes shine through, and he carefully explores the countless bones in the valley.

Enter this valley, those two people are turtles in a jar, fate has been doomed, there is no need to waste mana on them. It's a pity that a man and a woman from outside the valley didn't come in, otherwise they would have caught all of them.

"Third Elder martial brother, what should I do?" The pretty nun outside the valley looks a little anxious. It's just a step away from the valley, but it's like an invisible barrier. She can get in but can't get out. She feels powerless.

Looking at the situation in the valley, the blue shirt monk's face became more and more gloomy. At this time, he was also riding a tiger. He thought that day, he was full of confidence and brought his group of disciples to the earth star. He thought that everything would come naturally and no one could stop him.

However, in half a day, four of the nine disciples of our group had fallen, one of them was seriously injured, and the other two were trapped in the valley of death.

I don't know about the two groups of senior brothers, but I'm sure I won't lose as much as I did.

If only the mission fails, the reward of the school will come to nothing, but the loss is so huge that no progress has been made, and even the enemy has nothing to do. Even if he returns to Dongzhen ruins safely, he will face extremely cruel punishment.

Moreover, everything that originally belonged to him would be taken away by the first and second senior brothers, which he could not bear.

It's a pity that I rashly used hemophage, which caused the current situation. If I rashly enter the valley again, I'm afraid the boy of Danxia blessed land won't let me go, and I'm not sure I will come out of the valley of death.

Blue shirt friar thought a lot for a time, but finally did not come up with a feasible way.

"Why don't you contact the first elder martial brother and the second elder martial brother?" Seeing that the friar in blue didn't speak, the pretty nun asked tentatively.

"Not yet!"

The blue shirt monk shook his head decisively. If he contacted the elder martial brother and the second elder martial brother, his group's action would be final. The loss has been caused, and all the responsibility will be borne by himself. If he gains something later, it will belong to the elder martial brother and the second elder martial brother, which has nothing to do with him.

It's not a good deal at all.

"Then what? The two elder martial brothers are inside. I'm afraid they are more dangerous than lucky! " Asked the pretty nun, frowning.

"One cold, you fly to the air to observe the valley of death, do pay attention to safety, if you can find something, let's make a plan!" The friar of blue shirt looked away from the sky of the valley and said.

"I understand! Third Elder martial brother, be careful here! "

The beautiful nun shook the hand of the friar holding the blue shirt, stepped on the flying sword and went up into the sky. After a short pause, she flew to the valley of death, where she could not see the edge.

The mind can't find out the situation in the valley of death. It can only use the naked eye to observe it. However, the naked eye can see that there is dark brown soil everywhere, and there are layers of white bones on it. There are no vegetation or living things, just like a dead place full of dead air.

The beautiful nun is also very cautious. The altitude she flies has reached a very high altitude. However, as soon as she flies into the valley, her face suddenly changes.

Then she felt an invisible pressure in the air falling from the sky. She was even pressed into the valley by the terrible pressure without the slightest resistance. Then the invisible pressure disappeared.

On the way, he tried to escape to the outside of the valley, but his figure was like being imprisoned, and he could not move aside for half a minute.

After falling in the valley, the pretty nun's face turned pale and looked at the blue shirt friar at the mouth of the valley.

Friar Lan Shan took two steps, stopped at the entrance of the valley, and finally didn't dare to step into the valley.

The blue shirt friar wandered for a few steps, suddenly turned around, made a decision, and then made a gesture. More than 100 Lingyu were sent into the valley by him.

Then he scratched a piece of writing on a big stone: "take these, replenish mana at any time! Next, you three should join hands to kill that man. Maybe you can find the secret of going out of the valley from him. No matter how hard it is, he also has some spirit jade. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!