Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 827

Finally, it's time to come!

Although Ye Tian has improved his speed to the extreme, the seven people behind him are getting closer and closer. After a moment, he has reached the distance of 100 Zhang behind him.

At this time, the last ray of spirit fire lotus has been woven, the red light of fire lotus flashes, and the field array is closed.

Ye Tian suddenly turns around, holding the sea bowl sized Shenlian in his hand, and looks at the seven people who are chasing him. He can feel that he has been covered by each other's thoughts, and the weaving spirit fire Shenlian can't escape each other's feelings.

However, he is still full of expectations for this holy lotus of spirit fire. Before, the holy lotus woven was only the size of fist. After the Dragon Yan engulfed the Dragon demon, ye Tian's original spirit fire was strengthened, and the woven holy lotus naturally rose.

"Danxia blessed land is not something that anyone can handle. If Dongzhen market wants to do something, it's ready to chop hands!"

Ye Tian looks at the other party's seven figures slowing down, and hums coldly, sending the voice far away. From the other party's performance, he is still afraid of the spirit fire lotus in his hand.

"Name it. When did Danxia Fudi give birth to such a monk as you?" A blue bubble friar at the head stopped about 30 Zhang away from ye Tian, looked at the spirit fire god lotus in Ye Tian's hand, and said with uncertain eyes.

"I want to join up with my brothers. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If I keep chasing you, don't blame me for being rude!" Ye Tian holds the spirit fire god lotus in his hand, and the imperial sword falls backward slowly. The God lotus is ready to move at any time.

"Third Elder martial brother, this person should be the early cultivation of guanhaijing, there is no hidden realm!" An enchanting looking nun whispered to the friar in blue beside her.

The friar in blue nodded slightly: "yes, this man is about twenty years old. The cultivation of realm is really in the early stage of the sea view. It's very bad to be able to cultivate at this age. No matter how high, we don't live in vain? However, younger martial brother LAN and younger martial brother Ge fell into this man's hands. We must not underestimate the enemy. "

"It's natural. It's a shame for me to set up an army and mobilize people to deal with a friar in the early stage of the sea view. If there is any further damage, it will become a laughing stock of the whole square inch spiritual realm! Let me try his depth first

After the coquettish woman finished, she pointed to Ye Tianyi. A fiery little fox came out of thin air and flew to Ye Tianyi.

At the foot of Ye Tian, the flying sword speeds up abruptly, turns its direction to avoid the battle, and almost at the same time, the seven people behind chase Ye Tian again.

"Well, a sly boy!"

When flying in front of the red fox, the coquettish woman waved her sleeve and the fox disappeared.

This fox is a kind of exotic spirit fox, named Meihu. It can release a very strange gas. As long as it inhales a little, it can make its muscles and bones weak. It's like taking a strong spring contract. When fighting with people, one who is not on guard may lead people to the Tao.

Ye Tian has rich experience in fighting. Although he doesn't know what's special about this kind of fox, when he is released at this time, the other side must have something to rely on.

How can he let the other side win easily?

Ye Tian flies with his sword at extreme speed. Just a moment later, he has already sensed the realm of the other seven. In addition to the blue robed monk who has reached the half step Longmen realm, the other six, three women and three men, are all the peak accomplishments of the sea watching realm.

There are tens of thousands of dongzhenxu disciples. These people should also be the best in the same realm.


In the middle of Ye Tian's imperial sword, there is a sudden turn. The seven monks who were originally scattered in pursuit then turn. At the moment of changing direction, the seven people naturally gather together. At this moment, ye Tian spits out the word "go". The lotus in his hand suddenly shoots at the crowd like lightning.


Linghuoshenlian's castration was very fast. The seven friars scattered around at the same time when ye Tianling huoshenlian put out his hand. Ye Tian gave a big drink. Linghuoshenlian had already made a loud noise and exploded.

The fireball with a diameter of tens of feet erupted with terrible lethality, and the seven monks scattered in the powerful explosion.

Almost as soon as the lotus of spirit fire just came out, the bow of Hou Yi appeared in Ye Tian's hand. The black arrow put on the string, pulled back the bow of Hou Yi, and shot at the charming woman with one arrow.

Immediately, a drop of fortune liquid swallows into the abdomen, and the mana instantly recovers.

It's a pity that there is only one arrow of Hou Yi in the green shirt monk Xu Mi Jie, otherwise ye Tian can shoot another arrow.



Hou Yi's arrow is stronger in Ye Tian's hand than in Qingshan's. In addition, the enchanting nun was attacked by linghuoshenlian, and her body had been injured by the blast. With the change of time, Hou Yi's arrow was locked in Ye Tian's mind and shot into her rib. Then the field array of Hou Yi's arrow exploded.

The explosive power of Hou Yi's arrow, which absorbed Ye Tian's massive mana, was extremely terrifying. Although the woman still had many means, how could she not use them? Her enchanting figure had turned into a blood mist and covered the sky.

Ye Tian put out his hand and called back Hou Yi's arrow. Suddenly, a fire lotus appeared in his hand and flew to a monk again.Seeing that the spirit fire god lotus was so terrible, the Friar's body flashed and flew away in the distance.

Before his body was settled, a golden light burst out in front of his eyes. The sound of Buddhist Chanting was all over his mind. He felt as if he was in a pure land of bliss. Facing the golden light, he had the impulse to kneel down and worship.

"No, I'm on the other side's way!"

The friar suddenly remembered what the burly younger martial brother said. He quickly bit the tip of his tongue and collected his thoughts to clear his mind. Only in this way can he recover a little clarity.

At this time, a dark shadow flashed over, and ye Tian shot Houyi's arrow again.



Not surprisingly, the friar followed that enchanting nun.

To kill this man, ye Tian didn't have time to accept his Xumi commandment. He stretched out his hand and started with Hou Yi's arrow and golden ball. His figure had disappeared in the same place.

Almost at the moment when his figure disappeared, three flying swords with terrible power cut him from three different directions.

Three flying swords fell into the air, then flew up again, and the lightning generally cut down somewhere.

Not far away, ye Tian suddenly showed his figure, and his face was gloomy.

"Damn, do you have heavenly eyes, too?"

He uses fengdun and Yinsha at the same time, but he is still found hiding place by the other party in a short time. Ye Tian finds that it is the friar blue shirt who sees through his trace, and the owners of the other two flying swords attack with friar blue shirt's flying swords.

As soon as ye Tian's figure appeared, he immediately changed his position and flew away.

At this time, they have learned a lesson. They are separated from each other by more than ten feet. They can support each other at any time and will not be affected too much by the terrible power of linghuoshen company.

These five people, just at the time of the explosion of linghuoshenlian, had suffered some minor injuries.

"You younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters, be careful, this son is too cunning!" the blue shirt Friar's face was extremely ugly, and he told the other four people. Just after a brief confrontation between the two sides, he fell two companions. What a shame.

What's more hateful is that the other party's second Huolian is a fake.

Just when they were avoiding Huolian, they gave each other a chance to shoot one person with Houyi's bow. Moreover, with the help of their own three men, they let the other escape.

The other side, a young man who had been cultivated in the early stage of the sea viewing realm, had such a good chance of fighting. Although the blue shirt monk had already stepped into the dragon's gate realm, he was shocked.

He asked himself that he could not do so.

"Don't be shameless, friars of Dongzhen market. Seven of you beat one to bully us. Is there no one in Danxia Fudi?"

"If you are in pursuit, I will send you back home!"

Ye Tiangang just felt the power of the blue shirt Friar's flying sword. He knew that the other side was too strong. If he fought alone, he might still win. However, there were still five people on the other side, so he could not get along with them.

Because the lotus of spirit fire god can't be used for the time being. The second lotus of Fire God was transformed by his fire attribute Taoist magic. It's just similar in shape and has no half power.

After two threats, ye Tian continues to fly away with his sword. Behind him, the blue shirt friar takes the lead, surpasses the other four and gradually approaches him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!