Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 825

"Brother Ge, you didn't do your best?" The friar in green shirt looked back at the fat friar. His dissatisfaction was very obvious and his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Brother LAN, aren't you?" The fat friar still looked at the green shirt friar with a smile, and asked with deep meaning.

"We are all from the same family. We all know what's on our mind. We don't have to explore each other. We have to work together in this operation. See? The boy sent by Danxia Fudi in the early stage of sea watching is still a bit of a toy. " The burly friar, who had never spoken, spoke at this time.

It's unexpected that this person looks very male and has a very feminine voice. If you don't look at him and just listen to his voice, you will think that he is a woman!

"Well, it's a deal. Let's show our powers."

With that, the fat monk's breath suddenly soared, and the speed of the flying sword was 30% faster than the other two in almost an instant.

"It's said that younger martial brother GE has practiced the technique of disintegrating the demons, which can make his power soar in a short time. It seems that it's true." Looking at the back of the fat friar, the friar in green shirt murmured, as if he was talking to the big friar, or to himself.


The fat friar caught up with Ye Tian in a few breaths, and then released his flying sword. With a big drink in his mouth, the flying sword grew up against the wind, turned into more than ten feet in a moment, and fell to Ye Tian obliquely.

The flying sword at the foot of Ye Tian suddenly turns, changes an angle, and then suddenly sinks. With an extremely strange angle, it can avoid a sword.

When he dodged, he frowned. The blow of the fat friar was like freezing the air. When he dodged, he felt great pressure coming from all around, and his action became slow and sluggish. He flew in the air, just like in the water.

Fortunately, I have rich combat experience, otherwise I would have suffered a great loss.

With a flash of cold light in Ye Tian's eyes, the sword flies forward again. The fat Friar's face is impatient and follows Ye Tian.


At a certain moment, when the fat friar came near again, ye Tian's golden ball in his hand shot first, and the golden ball shot, burst out a strong golden light, enveloping the fat friar.

When the fat Friar's body was stifled, the golden cone of the golden ball burst into a powerful momentum and shot at his chest.

At the same time, ye Tian's long-standing puxu fist has been launched. A red shadow of the fist shoots at the fat Friar's Dantian, and then a drop of nature liquid wrapped in medicine film is sent to the entrance. He points to the fat Friar and cuts away with his sword.

There was only a moment before and after the three attacks, and the fat Friar's mind was very powerful. Only in a moment, he was confused by the magic sound of the golden ball, and then he regained consciousness.

The left hand blows out and hits the golden cone. The golden cone flies back when it is touched twice.

Almost at the same time, the shield of mana condensation appears in front of you to resist the shadow of poxu fist.


The shield collided with the shadow of the fist, making a huge sound. The shadow of the broken fist and the shield were broken at the same time. Under the huge impact, the fat monk could not help but withdraw a few steps.

At this time, ye Tian's flying sword has also been cut, as fast as lightning. At this time, the fat monk's reaction ability is greatly reduced due to the influence of golden light illusion, and he has reached the limit to block Ye Tian's two attacks in succession.

The light of the sword flashed, and the fat monk was terrified. In his hurry, the mana poured into his right arm to take the sword.


The sound of the sharp weapon across the flesh and bones sounded. The fierce soldier's flying sword directly cut off one of the fat Friar's arms. Without any stagnation, it passed through the fat Friar's neck.

A chubby head fell off his neck and down with his body.

Ye Tian put away the ball, reached for a move, held the broken arm in his hand, and drove the flying sword to fly away. During the fight between the two sides, the two friars were within three feet, and the two flying swords broke out with a strong momentum to cut themselves.

Ye Tian took off xumijie from his broken arm and put it away. Then he threw it back and hit the two monks behind.

"Don't underestimate this guy, don't mention younger martial brother Ge. I'm afraid we may not be able to retreat completely by his means just now?" The green shirt Friar's face is extremely gloomy. Their brothers can guard against each other, but one of them fell on the earth star. I'm afraid the leader of this trip will be very dissatisfied. After all, they are in a group of three, and the opponent is actually a boy in the early stage of sea watching.

"How's it going? Report to the Third Elder martial brother! " The stout friar manipulated the flying sword to attack Ye Tian and asked the friar Qingshan.

"It's not necessary for the time being. It's not too late to report the killing of this officer. It's a crime to be punished!" The green shirt friar shook his head slightly and said to the big friar, "you wait here. When I kill you, I'll make a hit."

"Be careful, his golden ball magic weapon is weird!"

The big friar reminded and stopped.

Each of our disciples has secrets. Since elder martial brother Lan said so, there must be a reason. The burly monk didn't want to touch his taboo, so he took the flying sword to see how elder martial brother LAN did it.He was also curious about what means this elder martial brother had. Although they are from the same school, they have different experiences. Their training places are far away from each other. They really don't know each other very well.

The green shirt monk chased Ye Tian for several hundred feet. After he was far away from the burly monk, he took out a bow from the Xumi ring, put a dark arrow on the string, pulled it half open, and shot at Ye Tian with a whoosh.

The black arrow left the string, and suddenly the black light flashed. It turned into a black line and shot at Ye Tian, a little faster than the meteor.

Ye Tian sensed the terror of the arrow, and suddenly his body flashed, trying to avoid it. But unexpectedly, this arrow has a spiritual side, and follows Ye Tian's figure.

Hou Yi bow?

Ye Tian is suddenly surprised. He suddenly thinks of a magic weapon which is very famous in the square inch spirit field.

This treasure has a saying that once it is launched, it will not take people's lives and never look back. It is invincible among monks in the same realm. It was originally the property of tianjizi, a great friar in yupujing of Dongzhen market. That great friar once killed himself with seven other great friars in yupujing.

However, how did this man's magic weapon get to the green shirt monk.

Although that kind of statement is a bit exaggerated, its power can never be underestimated. Under its reputation, it is an extraordinary weapon.

Ye Tian knows that the arrow from Hou Yi's bow is to lock the target and control the direction with his mind. The power of Hou Yi's bow is superposed with his mana. Once the arrow is locked by Hou Yi's bow, it's really hard to escape when the speed is so fast.

The body of the arrow is engraved with a powerful field array. Once it hits the target, it will burst out with terrifying lethality. In that year, the tianjizi used this skill to shoot himself, but it was broken by himself.

However, at that time, I was a great friar in Yupu realm. It was beyond ordinary people's imagination that my whole body of mana destroyed heaven and earth.

Fortunately, ye Tian knows the performance of this treasure. Although it is dangerous, it still has some chances of winning.

With this in mind, ye Tian once again uses Feng Dun and Yin Sha to disappear from the air.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

It seems that monk Qingshan had been on guard for a long time. As soon as ye Tian's body disappeared, there was a whine among the people. Hou Yi's arrow coagulated slightly in the air and shot at Ye Tian's invisible place.

Green shirt friar while driving the flying sword to track Ye Tian, while shennian manipulated Houyi arrow to kill Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian's right hand was extremely strong, he did not dare to capture the arrow with his hand. Hou Yi's bow shot the arrow, which contained extremely terrible energy. Once it was detonated, his right hand might not have any problem, but the rest of his body could not bear it.

Even if he has now achieved the perfect immortal body, after all, his realm is too low, and he has not reached the point of immortal body.

Fortunately, ye Tian is invisible. When monk Qingshan finds Ye Tian's position and commands Hou Yi to shoot Ye Tian, he is always a little slower.

Ye Tian can always avoid a disaster when every room is not allowed to happen.

"Boy, you can't escape death today. I won't break you to pieces to avenge younger martial brother Ge."

The green shirt friar is very confident in his bow. Seeing that ye Tian is still barely supporting, he drinks cold to activate his mana again.

Ye tianshennian locked Hou Yi's arrow and kept avoiding it. At a certain moment, he suddenly had a smile on his lips and threw a dark East Arrow in his hand.


Between the lightning flashes, Hou Yi's arrow had already hit the object and put it on the shaft.

After that, Hou Yi's arrow went straight down without the control of Qingshan monk. Qingshan monk urged Hou Yi's arrow several times, but it still didn't work.

Ye Tian sneers and shows his figure. Holding a golden ball, he drives the fierce sword to kill the monk Qingshan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!