Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 812

There was a false alarm in the Qin family. The Qin family, including Qin Luoshen, had a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives.

Originally, Qin Luoshen took over the Qin family because of the suppression of the Qin master and ye Tian, and the compromise of each house. After today's incident, the Qin family really understood that the Qin family was a weak and fat goat in the eyes of the mountain people. They had no power to protect themselves, and sooner or later they would suffer from misfortune.

Ye Tian and the Miluo palace founded by Ye Tian will undoubtedly become the strongest backers of the Qin family in the future.

All this is because of the existence of Qin Luo God.

Up to now, the Qin family has recognized Qin Luo's identity as the head of the family.

With so many helpers coming, ye Tian finds Qin Luoshen and asks her to arrange for people to prepare meals for shuiyuezong and his party.

Chu Xiangyun just wanted to take this opportunity to further enhance the relationship with Ye Tian, so he obeyed the master's arrangement and entered the Qin manor with Qiu Changchun and Yan Bing.

More than 200 people who had been abandoned for cultivation were held in several spacious warehouses. After they were abandoned for cultivation, these people had become ordinary people and were guarded by several disciples of the Miluo palace and the bodyguards of the Qin family.

I don't know when, ye Tian left the crowd and appeared outside a room.

"Lord!" Li Dazhuang, who is in charge of guarding outside the door, saw Ye Tian and called him in a hurry.

Ye Tian nodded slightly and said with a smile of praise: "Dazhuang didn't let me down. There are many things during this period. The previous promise to repair the Dantian for Shengli has been delayed. This is the holy medicine for healing. If you take it for Shengli, you can practice again soon."

With these words, ye Tian took out a drop of chemical liquid wrapped in medicine film and sent it to Li Dazhuang.

"Master, thank you so much!" Li Dazhuang looks at the liquid in his hand and says excitedly that his wife Sheng Li combs her daughter Xiaoxiao's meridians in order to exhaust her internal power and damage her meridians. From then on, Li Dazhuang becomes an ordinary person. This makes Li Dazhuang feel guilty but helpless.

After ye Tian cured Xiaoxiao, he once said that he would repair Dantian for Shengli. At that time, Li Dazhuang thought that ye Tian just said it casually, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, when I saw Ye Tianshi again, the patriarch remembered it.

A thousand words turned into a thank you. Li Dazhuang was filled with emotion.

"By the way, suzerain, Xiaoxiao has also awakened huolinggen. I'll let Sheng Li bring Xiaoxiao to join us." Li Dazhuang suddenly thought of it and said his idea to Ye Tian.

"Well, welcome to the Miluo palace, but don't let my wife and I just come here. You can go home and pick it up yourself." Ye Tian finished and stepped into the room.

There are only two people in this house. One is Yu Qianfan, the leader of Tiangang sect, and the other is mu en, the leader of Duanquan sect.

Hearing the footsteps, they look up and see that it's Ye Tian. Their eyes are full of hatred. Most of their accomplishments are buried in Ye Tian's hands. They already hate each other.

A sneer appeared on Ye Tian's lips. He didn't mean to talk to them. Instead, he pressed his palm on Yu Qianfan's head to search for his soul.

A moment later, changed into Mu en, after soul searching, ye Tian still said nothing and stepped out of the room.

When you come to another room, the only remaining monk of darkness comes to you. Ye Tian puts his hand on each other's head again. Unfortunately, the memory in this person's mind has been banned. Ye Tian's current cultivation can't be solved, so he doesn't get the information he wants.

All the information he got about the square inch spiritual realm came from Nie Fu. The clue of this man is broken. It seems that if he wants to get more updated information, he has to find another way.

"Ye Tian, kill us! Otherwise, Tiangang gate will not let you go! " Seeing that ye Tian was going to leave, Yu Qianfan roared as loud as he could.

Ye Tian smiles coldly: "don't worry, I will kill you!"

A sumptuous banquet, the guests and the host enjoy themselves.

After dinner, ye Tian named several people and went to the meeting hall of the Qin family.

Among them are Chu Xiangyun, Qiu Changchun, Meng Fang, Lu Ben, Dai Yu, Lin Wuwei and Wen Cheng.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think it is very necessary to inform you of the current situation. Now the earth will soon usher in a catastrophe, which will become a disaster for the whole mankind!" As soon as ye Tian opened his mouth, he surprised everyone here.

"Master ye, is it so serious? Can you tell me more about it Chu Xiangyun was also shocked in his heart and asked in a hurry.

Ye Tian nodded: "now that I have said it, I will explain it thoroughly. Starting from today's event, the reason why Duanquan gate and Tiangang gate collude with each other is that young man in black. And that young man in black is not a human on earth. You can think of them as coming from another cultivation civilization. "

"It's like this. I've never seen it before? Looking at his accomplishments, he has even gone beyond the innate Qiu Changchun suddenly said.

"The place where they live is called Fangcun Lingyu, because they guess that there is a secret of immortality on the earth, so they began to send people to come to the earth. If the earth can't resist their coming, maybe it won't be long before all the compatriots on the earth will become their slaves and even be slaughtered on a large scale! " The leaf day Dynasty Qiu Changchun nodded to confirm for a while, the facial expression says heavily.This day is exactly what he is worried about. Instead of keeping this secret, it's better to let more people know and prepare for it.

"There are two ways for them to come, one is the coming of spirit, which can be understood as the coming of soul, the other is the coming of noumenon. After the arrival of souls, those souls will definitely look for the host, that is, to give up. Each fusion of a host means that a life on the earth will disappear! "

Ye Tian introduced every sentence in detail, trying to make everyone understand.

With his introduction, the faces on the scene are more and more dignified.

"Today, the main purpose of Tiangang gate and Duanquan gate being brought by the descendents to encircle and suppress the Miluo palace and the Qin family is to find Xianji. If our strength is not stronger, I'm afraid a massacre will be inevitable!"

"Now, heaven and earth are changing and the aura of the earth is reviving, which proves from another side that this is a strange planet. It's very likely that people in the square inch spirit realm think that the immortal machine really exists, so they will not give up. They will only send more and more comers until they occupy the whole earth."

In order not to let everyone lose their confidence in self-help because their opponents are too strong, ye Tian just mentioned the square inch spiritual realm. As for all the people in the sky, ye Tian doesn't dare to say anything at all. It's estimated that all the people will have to pile up.

Listening to Ye Tian's story, Chu Xiangyun also thinks of the pictures and words of Shuiyue cave. All kinds of signs make him have no doubt about ye Tian's words.

"Master ye, we have also seen the realm of those who come. They are not the opponents of master Ye. What's so terrible?" After thinking about it, Chu Xiangyun asked.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly and said: "due to the restrictions of the coming channel, Fangcun spiritual realm can't come to too many and powerful monks for the time being. What you see today is only the weakest existence of Fangcun spiritual realm. One day, they will overcome the limitation of the passage of arrival, and bring down a large number of high-level strong people, who will certainly be far more than the congenital ones. "

Ye Tian also released some information to prevent these people from neglecting the enemy too much and their words did not play a warning role.

"How do those people compare with the suzerain?"

Meng Fang, who has never spoken, looks at Ye Tian and asks. In his eyes, ye Tian is an almighty God.

Ye Tian still shook his head: "if a large number of strong people come now, I ask myself that I am not an opponent. Fortunately, there is still room for us to grow and prepare. If the war with Fangcun Lingyu is not destroyed in a short time, it will enter a long-term state of war. And what we have to do now is to use this short time to respond as soon as possible and improve our strength! "

"Master, according to your estimation, how much time can you leave us?" Chu Xiangyun asked solemnly.

Ye Tian stretched out a finger: "a year, maybe less time!"

"A year?"

Chu Xiangyun exclaimed, suddenly got up, and then slowly sat down: "a year's time is too short, I'm afraid I can't break the sky peak at that time!"

Ye Tian stood up, his face showed a decisive color: "either sit and wait to die, or fight to defend their homes, there is no third choice!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!