Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 808

"Ha ha ha, we are all ready!"

Just as he was talking, suddenly on the other side of Qin's Square, a shadow flashed, and a man appeared on the square out of thin air.

Look at its appearance, about 30, a black suit, cheekbones on a ferocious scar, particularly eye-catching.

In the sky behind, two swords flew quickly and landed beside the young man in black, as if he was headed by the young man in black.

Farther away, a group of people are running towards this side quickly, and the sound of footsteps makes the earth rumble.

On the other hand, it was a fleet of dozens of taxis that broke through the dust. They were also driving towards the qinjiazhuang garden.

Looking at such a huge momentum, not only the Qin family, but also Qiu Changchun and other mountain people are worried.

In the Miluo palace and qingmingshan base, they were defeated by each other. Although they knew that their opponents were strong, they did not expect that they also had an obvious advantage in the number of people.

The young man in black, who appeared out of thin air, paid no attention to the people walking behind him, but focused on the taxi team.

Soon, dozens of taxis arrived at the gate of the manor, and many armed women got out of the taxis. When they all came out, we could see that there were more than 100 people.

There are many women who are beautiful and slim, but their faces are solemn and murderous.

"Master Chu?"

When Qiu Changchun saw the comer, he could not help frowning and murmuring: "the people of shuiyuezong also came to the well and hit the stone?"

"Qiu Daoyou, shuiyuezong came to help the temple of Miluo!"

During the suspicion, Chu Xiangyun, the leader of Shuiyue sect, led his disciples into the manor. Behind him, Yun Fei, Mo Qingqing, Chen Bing and others followed closely.

"Master Chu, when the Miluo palace was in trouble, there was shuiyuezong to watch and help. Master Qiu gave thanks on behalf of master Ye." Qiu Changchun bowed deeply, feeling grateful.

"Both of them are ancient martial arts. Shuiyue sect has a deep relationship with Miluo palace. Besides, they are deeply favored by Lord Ye. Is there any reason why they can't help each other when they see death?" Chu Xiangyun, the leader of Shuiyue sect, nodded slightly and said with emotion.

At this time, the group of people from afar had come to the young man in black. One of them, a middle-aged man with white face, yelled to the manor: "Qiu Changchun, when you betray Tiangang gate, you think you can be happy with Ye Tian. You can't imagine today, can you?"

"Yu Qianfan, you are so stupid that you started to help the tyrant. Are you going to bury the Tiangang gate in your hands?"

Seeing the shouting man, Qiu Changchun looks cold and shouts in a deep voice. He didn't expect that Tiangang gate would come to this muddy water.

"Qiu Changchun, and Mu Mou, you killed my Duanquan disciple in Kunlun mountain that day by relying on Ye Tian, and abolished my younger martial brother Wu Tianliang's cultivation. Today is your time to die!"

In the crowd, a thin old man came out and yelled at Qiu Changchun. It was muen, the leader of Duanquan sect.

"OK, OK, Duanquan gate and Tiangang gate, if you are not afraid of death, put your horses here. I can tell you that Lord Ye of Miluo palace is coming here. There is a wrong rumor outside. It's not Lord ye who was engulfed by the Dragon demon in Changbai Mountain. If you don't believe me, I'll see you later!"

Qiu Changchun measured the strength of the enemy and ourselves. Although shuiyuezong helped, shuiyuezong was a woman with weak overall strength. He still had no chance of winning against the elite of shangduanquan and Tiangang, as well as several other unidentified but extremely high level strong men. He had to move out of Ye Tian, hoping that the other side would be afraid.

"Hum, Qiu Changchun, don't be a fool. It is confirmed that the young man who was engulfed by the Dragon demon is completely consistent with all the characteristics of Ye Tian. Who else in the world has a red black flying sword Yu Qianfan hummed coldly: "today, when a strong man breaks his wrist, don't blame my younger martial brother for being merciless. In order to maintain the rules of Tiangang gate, I can't say it. Today I'm going to clean up the gate!"

"And me, taiyimen disciple!"

"And me, disciple of Qingming sect!"

"Ye Tian was extremely rampant that day and destroyed our clan. Fortunately, we didn't get away with it in the mountains at that time. Now it's a cycle of cause and effect. Retribution is not good. Hahaha, disciples of the Miluo palace, be ready to bear our anger of revenge!"

From the crowd, out of more than 20 people, Qiu Changchun take an eye to see, it is really taiyimen and qingmingzong. When ye Tian was there, they all picked up their tails. As soon as ye Tian fell, they couldn't wait to jump out.

At the thought of Ye Tian, Qiu Changchun was deeply saddened and failed to achieve his ambition. However, the heaven and man were separated forever. Before the establishment of the Miluo palace, he had to face the butcher's knife of the enemy.

Thinking of this, Qiu Changchun gave a long roar and said, "come on, let's put your horses on the horse. Let's solve the grievances between the Miluo palace and you. Don't hurt the innocent. Please keep your last conscience and let go of the ordinary people like Qin family. Otherwise, we will fight to the death with you and die together. "

"Ha ha, it's OK to let the others of the Qin family go, but it's said that the relationship between Qin Luoshen and ye Tian, the eldest lady of the Qin family, is extraordinary. Other people can go, but Qin Luoshen must stay. To be honest, I have a crush on her. Besides, don't regard a damned Temple of Milo as a decent family. I don't believe it. There are no people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. I'm in charge. As long as anyone breaks away from the temple of Miluo and plunges into the door of my broken fist, he will not die! "Muen's eyes swept all the people in the presence of the temple of Miluo, and he said very arrogantly.

Qin Luo God looked at the disciples of the Miluo palace calmly, but he prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that no one would betray the Miluo palace.

Fortunately, Qiu Changchun and Yan Bing were filled with righteous indignation and did not waver.

"Sanxi, the last Sanxi time, once Sanxi has passed, there will be no more chance!" A sword in muen's hand was raised slowly, and the ultimatum was issued.

"Muen, don't worry. We are all men who are not afraid of death..." Looking at the disciples of the Miluo palace, Qiu Changchun could not help but say haughtily.

As soon as the words were heard, a figure suddenly jumped out of the crowd and shot out of the manor, shouting: "I leave the temple of Miluo and enter the broken fist gate."

"Jiang Ming, you beast!" Seeing this man clearly, Qiu Changchun was extremely resentful, so he wanted to pursue him with his sword.

Qin Luoshen held out his hand to stop him and said calmly, "master Qiu, let him go. He can only say that he knows people and faces, but not heart. There is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is not good. I believe he will get retribution soon!"

Jiang Ming was just a middle-term cultivation at the prefecture level. When ye Tian got the purple stone gall, he saved this man and took him as his subordinate. He served for the Qin family and later became a disciple of the Miluo palace. Compared with Qiu Changchun, Jiang Ming came earlier, just a few days later than Li Dazhuang.

On weekdays, Qin Luoshen saw that Jiang Ming was very alert and could do things in his own heart. He gave him a very good treatment. Unexpectedly, he just showed his true form today.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qiu. We're looking for a higher level of cultivation. Today is the day of death. I'm not going to die for the Miluo palace. Now that Lord Ye is dead, the name of the Miluo palace is dead. I advise you to turn your arms on the spot and think about your own life and family! " Jiang Ming thought that he could persuade the disciples of the Miluo palace to surrender, or to have more advanced capital in Duanquan gate, so he said without shame.

"Hum, shameless man, thanks to Lord Ye for treating you well! I'm Wen Cheng. I'm here to help the temple. " Qiu Changchun did not speak, only to see the corner of the pavilion somewhere in the manor a flash, Wen Cheng holding a sword, appeared.

"Guangyun Valley Dai Yu helps Qiu Daoyou with his fist!"

"Lin Wuwei helps Mengfang Taoist friends with boxing!"

"Lu Ben helped Qiu Daoyou with his boxing. Although I was not from the Miluo palace, the Miluo palace looked up to me and wanted to recruit him as a guard in black. If Lord Ye died, I would give it up. However, I have been with Qiu Daoyou for a long time. I can't stay out of the trouble just for Qiu Daoyou's sake, not for the temple of Miluo. "

In succession, three more mountain people hiding in the manor appeared.

"Ha ha ha, good, good! I just want you all to jump out and catch you all. It's not a waste of my time here. " The young man in black, who first appeared, suddenly said with a loud smile. Then, with a flash of cold light in his eyes, he said, "is there anyone who is not afraid of death and gives help to the temple of Miluo?"

"And I, Yao Fu, help the Miluo palace with boxing!"

As soon as the voice fell, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came out from among the buildings. , the fastest update of the webnovel!