Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 806

The stone statue has a big stomach and sleeps on its side, which is exactly the sleeping posture of Da Meng Fanzi.

The original stone statue of Da Meng fan Zi was first placed in Ye Tian's Xumi commandment. What happened later, ye Tian was clear. Now another stone statue of Da Meng fan Zi appears in Xiao Li Zi's arms. His shock is no less than the impact of the collapse of the sea floor.

Therefore, he paid special attention to the stone statue, especially the face. This stone statue is exactly the same as the one floating on the sea floor in terms of color and appearance. Yes, the face is clear and complete, and the facial features are distinct.

Unlike the previous stone statue, its face was destroyed and its appearance could not be seen clearly.

But the biggest difference lies in the size of the stone statue. The stone statue of the great dream Fanzi at the bottom of the sea is tens of feet high, and this one can be held in the arms of the little chestnut. The difference is not so big.

Seeing that ye Tian's eyes fall on the stone statue, the cicada and Shi Xiong are not disturbed.

But the sleeping posture of little chestnut is very lovely. Her eyelids move occasionally, and her expression is very rich.

But this state didn't last long. Little chestnut rolled over in the snow, squeaked a few times, and then scurried to the distance very fast.

When he saw Ye Tian, the cicada and Shi Xiong, he shook his head in the same place. It seemed that he woke up from his sleep at this time.

"Squeak, squeak!"

After a few rubs, Xiao Lizi comes to Ye Tian's side and rushes to Ye Tian's arms. He cries with a rich expression. Then he goes to the stone statue of Da Meng Fanzi and dials it with his small claws. Then he closes his two front claws and puts them in his ear. His head tilts slightly.

Ye Tian looked for a long time, and finally understood: "little chestnut, do you mean you have a dream?"

"Squeak squeak" little chestnut cheerfully called up and kept bowing.

"What did you dream about?" Ye Tian frowned and asked, little chestnut sleeps a lot, but seldom talks about dreams.

Is there any secret?

Who knows, Xiao Lizi's spirit is really unusual. Hearing Ye Tian's question, he immediately runs to the smooth snow not far away and tramples on it.

Ye Tian felt very strange and didn't lean forward, so he carefully looked at the abnormal behavior of little chestnut.

Unexpectedly, after watching for a few seconds, ye Tian found that Xiao Li Zi was writing on the snow, and his feet were stepping on the snow, so it was easy to form strokes on the snow.

Stepping on the footprints, has formed the first word in front of Ye Tian, "big".

After stepping on this word, Xiao Lizi didn't stop at all. He jumped to the side and began to step on the second word, then the third word and the fourth word.

Looking at the first word, ye Tian didn't think much about it. On the contrary, he thought little chestnut was spiritual, naughty and lovely.

But seeing the second word, the expression on Ye Tian's face is dignified.

Because the second word is "robbery".

Xiao Lizi only stepped out four words in total, even up to see is: catastrophe is coming!

"A great disaster? Whose catastrophe? " Ye Tian looked at the four words with a dignified look. After a long time, he asked Xiao Lizi. Since Xiao Lizi could step on the four words, he must have seen them in a dream. Holding the stone statue of Fanzi in a big dream, he had a big dream. Could it be that Fanzi enlightened Xiao Lizi through a dream?

Hearing Ye Tian's question, Xiao Li Zi looks frightened and looks up at the sky.

Ye Tian nodded and seemed to understand: "little chestnut, where did your stone statue come from?"

Little chestnut looked up at the sky again.

Now ye Tian has roughly guessed that this must be the giant statue of Vatican at the bottom of the sea. It turns into a golden light and finally comes to Xiao Lizi.

It seems that Xiao Li Zi has been recognized by Da Meng Fanzi. He has come to seek the Lord.

as like as two peas, the sky and sky picked up the stone statue and looked up and down. The air was very light, but it was just like the breath of the stone statue.

"Stone, as you can see, heaven and earth are changing again. Xiao Lizi has a dream of disaster again. She needs to prepare a lot. I can't live in your house any more. " Ye Tian said with a heavy heart that he thought that there would be friction and collision with all the people in the sky in the future. It was just his own speculation. It may not really happen, or even it may be years later.

But big dream Fanzi enlightens Xiao Lizi and says "great disaster is coming" through Xiao Lizi's mouth. I'm afraid this is serious.

"Ye ye, I know you are very powerful, but you should be careful. I don't want any accident to happen to you. You have a great responsibility. You should go! Remember, I'll always be proud of you. " Shi Xiong pats Ye Tian's arm and reluctantly opens his mouth.

"Practice hard, or you will be abandoned by the world!" Ye Tian also patted Shi Xiong on the shoulder, handed him two bottles of huanglingdan and told him.

Shi Xiong knows that it is impossible to stay ye Tian here for the Spring Festival, and it is difficult to even let Ye Tian stay one more day.

After all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. From ye Tian's solemn eyes, he can see the worry in Ye Tian's heart. Xiao Lizi is a spiritual squirrel, who can write down the four words "catastrophe is coming" on the snow, which itself is very telling."Take care! Don't take risks everywhere Finally, Shi Xiong and ye Tian give each other a big hug, even a short farewell.

Then, ye Tian went to the room and said a few words to Liu Hua, saying goodbye.

This time, xiaolizi never let go of holding the statue. Compared with xiaolizi's body, nuota's statue didn't bring any burden. On the contrary, xiaolizi acted as usual.

Driving the flying sword, he took fan Qing, fan Chan and Xiao Lizi to the roadside to pick up the Land Rover, and ye Tian drove all the way to the South China Sea.

The next night, ye Tian finally came home.

After eating something, ye Tian finds out the charger and charges the mobile phone. In recent days, because I have been running around, my mobile phone has always been turned off and has no contact with the outside world.

Plug in the power, ye Tian reluctantly boot up, simple boot up, after the completion of signal retrieval, the phone began to vibrate.

A piece of missed phone information, fish into the mobile phone.

Ye Tian opened it at will and saw that there were Yan Bing, Qiu Changchun, Ning Xue, Meng Fang and Qin Luoshen. In addition, Yun Fei, Mo Qingqing, Qi Yun, Mandala, Leng Ruyu, and even an Yiyi, who had only one-sided relationship with Ye Tian, called.

After all the information was sent, ye Tian looked at the records, and the total number reached more than 3000.

"Do you think so?"

Ye Tian holds his mobile phone and looks at the people who call him. He finds that Qin Luoshen dials more than 600 calls in total, so he wants to return one to her first.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

When he was about to dial out the number, the phone rang. Ye Tian took a look at the caller ID, which was Qin Luoshen's.

"Hello, Luoshen. I'm Ye Tian. Is there anything urgent? Look, you've made a lot of calls! " Ye Tian pressed the answer button and took the lead in saying hello.

"Ye Tian Are you really Ye Tian? You're not dead? " On the other side of the phone came the voice of Qin Luoshen.

Ye Tian smiles awkwardly: "Luo God, do you expect me to die like this?"

"Ye Tian, it's really you You're not dead, you're still alive... " On the phone, Qin Luoshen began to cry, his voice choked, but he could not say a complete word.

"Of course, I'm not dead. I'm living well. I went to Changbai Mountain. The phone is dead. What's the matter? What happened? " Ye Tian realized that something big had happened, and he felt bad immediately.

"I wish you were alive, ye Tian I thought I would never see you again Wu Wu... " Qin Luo cried even more.

"Don't cry. What happened?"

Ye Tian while on the phone, while out of the yard, released the fierce sword, the sword flew to Jiangnan City.

"It's said that a young friar who can resist flying sword was eaten by a dragon demon outside Changbai Mountain. All kinds of conditions are consistent with you. I've been calling you since I heard the news. You always turn off the power. At the beginning, I didn't believe it. Later, I couldn't get through the phone. I slowly despair. I thought you were really dead! Ye Tian, you tell me, this is not a dream, right? Are you really alive? " Qin Luo God's cry gradually stopped, and he told the cause of the matter intermittently.

Hearing this, ye Tian finally understood that it must be the Dark Lord of Fangcun spiritual realm who got the news of the coming monks. He really thought he was dead, and then he passed the news on to the remaining dark monks who had already come, or there was a new dark monk coming.

Because at that time, when he pretended to be engulfed by the Dragon demon, only the four dark friars were present, and there was no one else.

"God Luo, listen to me. Don't tell anyone the news that I'm still alive!"

Now that the news of his death has spread, ye Tian's heart suddenly gives birth to some ideas, and tells him immediately.

"Well, I won't tell anyone, but there's an emergency I have to tell you. It's said that you are dead, and some bad people are particularly rampant. Qiu Changchun was driven out of Tianzhu Mountain, and the Miluo palace was occupied. They also gave us an ultimatum to take over all the property of the Qin family by noon tomorrow. If they don't, they will wash the Qin family with blood! " Qin Luo God stopped crying and said a very powerful news. , the fastest update of the webnovel!