Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 799

Ye Tian is very clear that his strength of entering the sea watching realm may not be equal to that of the Dragon demon in the later stage of the sea watching realm.

But his right hand has changed, has more than 100000 Jin of strength, and the hardness is comparable to magic weapon, this is his absolute advantage.

Another fight against the flying dragon demon, the Dragon demon sends out a furious dragon chant and changes back to the body.

The huge dragon body is suspended in the sky. Looking at Ye Tian, who is like a mole ant under the stalemate, there is a trace of fear in his fierce eyes.

Ye Tian was chased by the Dragon demon. Facing the huge dragon demon, he still rushed past without hesitation.


a terrible dragon breath shoots at Ye Tian. At the same time, the dragon tail swings and sweeps.

Ye Tian's flying sword suddenly flashed, avoided the dragon's breath, and hit the dragon's tail with his right hand.


with a loud noise, the Dragon demon, without exception, was once again smashed by Ye Tian.

With the power of Ye Tian's smash, the Dragon demon dances his wounded body and flies away to the distance.

Ye Tian drove the flying sword away like lightning.

Almost three or four breath time, ye Tian has caught up with the Dragon demon, is still the right fist, the fury of the power of the Dragon demon again hit fly.

"Human beings, the theft of Bi Chao stone will be cancelled!"

The Dragon demon's body is more and more serious under this blow, and begins to soften to Ye Tian.

But ye Tian didn't speak. He caught up with the Dragon demon again and smashed him back to the position just now.

"Big dragon, you chased me all night, a word to clear the past?"

Slowly close to the Dragon demon, ye Tian said word by word, his momentum burst out, murderous.

"Despicable human beings, the dragon clan can be killed but not humiliated. Come on, have a big fight!" The Dragon demon feels the murderous gas sent out by Ye Tian, and a pair of hard and incomparable dragon claws grab Ye Tian.

Ye Tian put up a fist and smashed it on the dragon claw. The huge body of the Dragon demon was once again smashed by Ye Tian uncontrollably.

"Big dragon, Bi Chao stone is the product of heaven and earth. How can it be yours? Were you born? Is it the meat that fell from you? Is it anything in you? Your relationship is just a neighbor! "

Ye Tian slowly flew to the dragon and said with indignation: "originally, you used bichaoshi to repair the broken dragon pill. I have a way to repair the Dragon pill, but you didn't give up and said I was mean. Look, I can make pills and catch me to make pills for you. Aren't you mean? "

"Today, either surrender to me or die, choose one!"

"Ha ha ha, surrender? It's impossible to surrender. It's never possible. How can the noble dragon submit to human beings? If I could surrender, I would not have broken the Dragon Dan, destroyed my accomplishments, or let the Dragon fall on the beach to play fish and shrimp. Come on, the head of the dragon is always high. Fight hard. The dead dragon is still the most noble one. "

The Dragon demon turned into a middle-aged friar again and looked up and said impassioned.

In Ye Tian's opinion, his appearance is awe inspiring.

This is what ye Tian didn't expect.

"Big dragon, if you really want to die, why should you stay under the Tianchi Lake and wait for the bichaoshi? Don't you know how many unfulfilled wishes you have? Don't you know how much hatred there is without snow? Or we can still make a deal, you can think it over and give me an answer! "

After staring at the Dragon demon for a few seconds, ye Tian's tone eased and began to guide the rhythm of the conversation.

"What deal?"

The Dragon demon asked suspiciously.

"If the old quarrel is completely eliminated, and I repair your dragon Dan, what can you give me?" Ye Tian takes up his momentum and conveys the sincerity of negotiation to the Dragon demon.

"If so, I can give you all the treasures in Tianchi underground palace!" Dragon demon some accident leaf day's condition, on the face a ray of surprise flash, immediately ponder a way.

Ye Tian laughs and shakes his head: "the treasure in the underground palace is nothing. I can get it if I kill you."

"Ha ha, not necessarily!" The Dragon demon sneered twice: "you may not be able to enter the underground palace, and you may not be able to find the treasure inside."

Ye Tian waved his hand: "then you don't have to worry about it. This condition doesn't work!"

After listening to Ye Tian's words, the Dragon demon kept silent for a long time and then said, "I have nothing else!"

Ye Tian shook his head with a smile: "not necessarily! Don't you know the destruction of the last world? You can tell me what happened at that time! "

Ye Tian said that the cloud is light and the wind is light. After hearing this, the Dragon demon's face changed dramatically. Finally, he shook his head decisively: "I know, but I have been cursed. I can't say a word. Otherwise, the disaster brought by the curse to the dragon clan is more terrible than my death!"

"The power of curse?" Hearing this, ye Tian mumbles to himself. He suddenly thinks of some rumors he heard in Fangcun Lingyu. He can't help but feel tight in his heart. It seems that he has found some clues of the destruction of the great world."Do you know the power of curse?" The Dragon demon looks at his words and looks and asks in surprise.

Ye Tian said with a noncommittal smile: "since the dragon is in a dilemma, this matter is ignored. You know, the medicine that can repair your dragon pill is absolutely the treasure of the world. I'm not willing to take out the general conditions. Since you don't give me anything, the only thing left is your strength! "

"Human, I said, I will not surrender, don't want me to be your monster!" The Dragon demon's face showed a decisive color and once again showed his position without hesitation.

"Since the dragon says so, I will not be hard for you. I have a condition. If you agree, I will repair the Dragon pill for you immediately. If you don't agree, I won't be hard for you any more. I'll give you another two Lenients." Ye Tian stares at the expression change of dragon demon and says slowly.

"You say it The Dragon demon is very surprised that ye Tian says such a word, and nods after considering several interest.

Ye Tian continued: "in addition to repairing the Dragon elixir, I can also help you collect the elixir and refine the elixir to help you improve your realm. The condition is that no matter how far your cultivation level is restored, you can't be against me and the human race, and when I need your help, you should obey unconditionally. In addition, everything you have is free. You and I can swear blood to restrain all this, OK? "

The Dragon demon thought for a moment and said, "there is an aura eye under the Tianchi Lake. I need to meditate here to recover my state. I can't always follow you. The reason why I'm staying here is that I haven't got revenge. If I can't recover my cultivation, I'd rather die!"

"There's no need to worry about it. Whatever I can solve will be solved by myself. If I can't solve it, I'll ask you for help. It won't take long. Moreover, don't underestimate my elixir. It will be better than your practice in aura eye. "

See dragon demon mouth wind loose, ye Tian also don't for himself, is also a step back.

"Well, then, as you say." The Dragon demon thinks for a moment, and finally nods and agrees.

Ye Tian's face was overjoyed and he stretched out his hand to invite each other: "let's make a blood oath first!"

"Well, since you know the blood oath, please tell me your name first! Without your name, you can't fulfill the blood oath. " This time, the Dragon demon didn't hesitate and spoke directly.

"Ye Tian" Ye Tian simply gave his name.

"Ye Tian?"

Hearing Ye Tian's name, the Dragon demon mumbles and repeats it, as if he is remembering something. Then he looks up at Ye Tian, with a flash in his eyes: "but is the Dandi Ye Tian in the square inch spiritual realm? It should be true, otherwise, only with the cultivation of the cave, I can't escape the pursuit? "

Ye Tian was shocked in his heart and asked, "big dragon, do you know Danti in Fangcun Lingyu?"

"Of course I know. Although I haven't met Danti, I know his seventy second disciple, Mo Feiyu. It seems that you are right. You are the emperor of Dan who dominates the square inch spiritual realm... "

The Dragon demon still wants to continue to say, but ye Tian suddenly waves his hand and asks urgently: "is it not a fish? Do you know non fish? Where is he now? "

"No fish He was captured by the people in Fangcun Lingyu, and my eldest daughter, Qingyi, was also captured. It was not fish, it was no one else, it was Qingyi's husband. "

At this point, the Dragon demon looks sad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!