Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 795

It didn't take much effort for the fierce soldier to cut into the heavy water.

But ye Tian couldn't take up the water line of one yuan heavy water. He couldn't do it directly with his mind and hand. He couldn't do it with his cloud camera hand. Even if ye Tian uses other spirit soldiers to insert from the bottom, it doesn't help.

One yuan of heavy water is too heavy, as if its bottom is closely connected with the boulder below, connecting the whole coast.

Ye Tian estimates that his whole body strength has grown to be able to move more than 3000 Jin of heavy objects, but he can't use his whole body strength at all when he charges one yuan of heavy water. That one yuan of heavy water is too small, so he can only use mana or finger power, but neither mana nor finger power can work.

Ye Tian also tried to cut water lines of different volumes, and was unable to collect them as before.

It seems that we can only find a way to collect it later!

Finally, ye Tian completely out of temper, stood up, full of reluctant to see a dollar heavy water, it will be hidden away.

"Boy, you're lucky, but your head is so hard to use. Why don't you ask me if I can pick up the one yuan heavy water?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from ye Tian's ear.

Ye Tian is stunned, and immediately hears that this is the secret hand that has been eliminated for a long time in Xumi commandment.

Ye Tian always has a strong defensive psychology towards the secret hand. When he hears the words, he immediately asks: "secret, aren't you always interested in stealing? Why do you still care about my affairs? "

"Ha ha, boy, what do you think you are doing? You're stealing, aren't you? I just want to help you secretly! " Secret hand voice from with contempt and ridicule, let Ye Tian feel very uncomfortable.

"Steal? This is the treasure of heaven and earth. I'm not so humble as you Ye Tian retorted.

"Ha ha, did you steal it? After a while, you will know if you stole it. Wife is not as good as concubine, concubine is not as good as stealing. The most unforgettable thing is that I'm afraid you can't steal it at that time! It's a pity that these one yuan heavy water As always, the secret hand has no shape.

Ye Tian doesn't want to fight with guimi. However, guimi can recognize one yuan of heavy water. Maybe there is no way to collect this kind of thing. Thinking about this, ye Tian put down his temper and sent a voice to Xumi commandment: "then tell me, how to collect it?"

"Just put me on your hand. You're used to using any hand you like. Once Yan Liang liked to use his right hand! " The secret thief began to laugh.

"Damn, secretive, I suspect you're driving!" Ye Tian scolded a, this guy's smile so silver Dang, a see don't have a good mind.

"When I'm driving, it's OK. Don't think I'm joking. There's only one chance. It's fleeting! Believe it or not The secret said that this sentence unexpectedly really did not speak.

"Taisui, is that true?" Ye Tian hesitates for a moment and sends a message to Taisui in Xumi commandment.

"Don't believe him, every punctuation of his is fake!" Tian Sui replied lazily.

"Yes, brother. Is there a punctuation mark in what I just said?" He quarreled with Taisui like a secret needle.

These two ramming goods, ye Tian is very annoyed with their nonsense, simply took out the secret hand, put on the right hand, toward a yuan heavy water to catch.

Anyway, it's true or false. You can tell by a try.

The mystery of the right hand touched the one yuan heavy water, as if it had become a sponge. In a moment, it absorbed nearly half of the water. A pool of one yuan heavy water left most of the beach.

At this time, mysteries also changed strangely. Its shape became transparent quickly, and then it melted into Ye Tian's right hand and disappeared.

"Secret, what are you up to?"

Although Ye Tian didn't feel any discomfort, there was a panic in his heart. This situation was really weird, especially the kind of thing that he couldn't see through and existed for countless years.

"Well, don't talk nonsense. I'm fine. You can charge one yuan of heavy water. It's too late! I'll explain to you later! " The voice comes from ye Tian's right hand. Ye Tian shows his eye and looks at his right hand, but he doesn't find any mysterious shadow.

Conveniently to a heavy water to grasp, that a heavy water as a solid like he was caught in the hands, and I feel is just to grasp the same volume of iron in general.

When he was stunned, his right hand made a sound again: "boy, I stole other people's things, but I don't want to run fast, that little loach has come after me!"

"This is what you call a little loach?" As soon as the words fall, ye Tian's face suddenly changes. He brings one yuan of heavy water into xumijie, and his body disappears from the original place. He runs away along the excavated cave.

Five or six times after his body disappeared, the cave, which had been restored to calm, suddenly surged with a huge wave, and then a huge tap came out of the water.

The two longans, which are bigger than the mouth of the bowl, look at the location where the heavy water of one yuan and the Bi Chao stone existed before. With one Longkou, a dragon chant is sent out, and then the tap gradually shrinks, turning into the size of the mouth of the bowl and drilling upward. A nearly one meter mini dragon flies out of the cave and goes straight after ye Tian."See if I'm right. Aren't you stealing? The owner of another family has come after you! "

Ye Tian comes out of the cave and wants to use the hidden killing technique to hide his breath. However, the secret disappearing in his right hand suddenly makes a sound, and he almost wants to cut off his right hand.

But it was impossible. He had no choice but to fly to the depths of Changbai mountain like lightning.

When he was in the cave, because of a mysterious reminder, he found a terrible dragon coming towards him. He already guessed that the dragon should be the one that occupied the underground palace under the sea. This also confirms my previous judgment that the sea here is interlinked with the sea under Tianchi.

From the breath point of view, the Dragon realm is far higher than itself, at least has the late cultivation of sea view realm.

Ye Tian doesn't want to have a direct conflict with the Dragon demon, because it's meaningless. He was preoccupied with getting out of here.

But with the speed of his own sword, he was a little slower than the Dragon demon. At this time, the Dragon demon was flying in the sky and turned back to its original shape. The dragon's body was more than one meter thick and its length was nearly twenty feet.

It looks like it's roaring, flying in the clouds and driving in the fog. It's terrible.

Ye Tian fled all the way. Suddenly, he made a sharp turn with his fierce sword and continued to escape in a different direction.

Because, just in front of his flight direction, there are four monks coming from the distance. Ye Tian knows one of them, the monk who escaped from the mountain before.

"Xuanji, please tell the Lord that the four of us have seen that the nine monks in the cave are being chased by a dragon demon. Dragon demon is in the late or peak state of sea view. The monk looks as like as two peas in the square, but the breath is slightly different. But I feel the same breath from the Yao fairy. This is the case. Please make a ruling. "

A fallen dark friar reports to the circular telephonic collection.

"Well, I'll ask for proof of Danti's affairs by myself. You can continue to follow up and report the situation at any time. You can't do it easily." The man's voice came from the telephone.

The four dark friars looked at each other and chased the Dragon demon in the direction of flying sword.

"Secret, if you make trouble again, believe it or not, I'll cut my hand off?" Ye Tian looks at the Dragon demon chasing closer and closer, and his tone is not good enough to sound to his right hand.

"If you don't believe it, Yan Liang also told his sister that if you buy online, you will chop your hands. As a result, you can see that the two claws are still alive!" There was a disdainful sound on the right hand.

"If you don't talk about anything else, will you shut up?" Ye weather bad, the voice with a bit impatient.

"Well, just shut up, but it's useless to shut up. Well, the last sentence, you run faster, you're going to be caught up!" After the right hand made this sound, it really stopped.

Ye Tian's mind was a little calm. He quickly steered the flying sword to reduce the flying height. After bypassing a high mountain, he shifted to the side for tens of meters and performed the wind escape and hidden killing skills. His body shape and breath completely disappeared in the low air.


A dragon's voice sounded, and the Dragon demon's huge body flew to the mountain. Looking around, it was empty, and there was no human shadow. The Dragon demon put its huge dragon head, but spewed out the words: "damn human, do you think I can't find you in this way? I can smell you! "

With words, a dragon mouth, a clear dragon breath, with the power of terror, shoots at Ye Tian's hidden position. Then, the dragon's tail swayed to the same direction.

Ye Tian's figure flashed, and he dodged two attacks. Almost at the same time, he hit the dragon head with his right hand.

The Dragon demon chanted again, and the strong dragon tail swayed in a flash, and swept away with the sound of the terrible wind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!