Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 781

Any kind of spirit is useful to monks.

In particular, born in the treasure house of wealth, they are synonymous with wealth. They can find all kinds of hidden treasures with their own talent.

If Yu Qing's identity is no longer a secret because of the leakage of breath, it can be imagined that in the face of some greedy mountain people or the coming dark monks, the weak mother and daughter will have a lot of trouble from now on.

However, for various reasons, they are unable to provide protection around them all the time.

Even though the charm of green is only a tiny bit, it is enough for the monks with magic power.

"Master, my mother's face is blooming?" Seeing that ye Tian's eyes stay on his green face, the cicada looks up at Ye Tian and asks curiously.

"Cicada, you talk nonsense. You and chestnuts go to play for a while. Mom and your master have something to say!"

He Qing lovingly shaved the cicada's nose to coax her away. From ye Tiangang's instant expression, she has already guessed the reason, and some words are impossible for the cicada to hear.

The cicada had just come back. Ye Tian was not tired of it. How could she leave? She stroked the silver fluff of the chestnut and said, "I don't want to be with master!"

Ye Tian knew that what she wanted to talk about with herself was probably her identity, so he rubbed the cicada's head and said in a warm voice: "have you heard a word, called Yibai..."

"A white cover a hundred ugly, a fat destroy all, right, master?"

Cicada smiles cunningly and takes over the words. During this time, her integration with the secular world is quite good.

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Ye Tian smiles and nods. He is already holding a box of snow cream in his hand and hands it over: "where is this white? Do you want to try it?"

"Really? I'll have a try. Master, don't cheat

The cicada takes it, holds the chestnut and turns to leave. The girl doesn't love beauty, especially when she sees a banner hanging in Ye Tian's room, which says "there are no white men coming and going".

She naturally thought of herself. Does Master always feel that she is so black that she has no face?

Until the cicada enters Ye Tian's room, ye Tiancai takes back his eyes and looks at Yu Qing.

"Have I destroyed everything?"

He Qing smiles shyly and lets Ye Tian into the room.

Ye Tian did not take this sentence, and sat down as usual, waiting for the following.

"In fact, ye Tian You should have seen that for a long time. I It's not human After a short silence, she finally spoke. She was sure that her identity had been completely exposed when she broke the demon Dan.

"Yes, I can see it, and then what?" Ye Tian nodded slightly, with no waves on his face. These are just the opening remarks. What he wants to hear is the content behind.

"That's all I can say. If you know too much, I'm afraid you will be involved!" After hesitating for a moment, she chose to keep her secret.

Ye Tian is not surprised that the charm of green oyster is naturally timid, and even the courage of green oyster is not as big as that of cicada. However, now that the words have begun, he does not want to end there.

"Now the world is changing, and the cultivation of the mountain people is improving faster and faster. There are some mysterious monks who are more powerful than the mountain people. Now that your breath has leaked, it's dangerous to be known by these people. And I don't know if you have any enemies. If you don't have enough information, you can't be protected in an all-round way, especially cicada is still my apprentice Ye Tian pondered and said.

She can not care about herself, but it is related to the safety of the cicada. She is not calm at once. Because of timidity, her rich body begins to shake slightly.

"What's more, your worry is unnecessary. In this world, I'm still invincible for the time being!"

Ye Tian was afraid to frighten her even more, so he gave her a dose of peace of mind. Then he let out his fierce sword and circled around the room to show his strength before taking it back.

Seeing this, she was stunned. It was the first time that she saw that ye Tian could control the flying sword. With his knowledge, she naturally knew that ye Tian was too powerful to imagine.

"I and the cicada are both green oyster charms, but they are not ordinary green oyster charms, because it took tens of thousands of years for a large number of spirit jade to be born, which is a mysterious underground palace..."

Calm down, she opens her mouth with a look of infinite remembrance, just like a wanderer who has been abroad for a long time remembering his hometown, or like an old man telling his unforgettable childhood.

"In that underground palace, before I was transformed, I met many powerful monks..."

"I've seen fratricidal people there, and I've heard a lot of intrigues..."

"The underground palace changed owners many times, and even some of them died in front of me. Of course, I was just a breath at that time..."

"Later, I became a pregnant girl and gave birth to a cicada After that, I never saw any friars again... ""I thought Xiao Chan and I would live in the underground palace all the time. Unexpectedly, hundreds of years ago, a monster suddenly occupied the underground palace. In order to survive, I used the field array there and escaped with the cicada. I plan to be an ordinary person in this secular world and enjoy the rest of my life in this way. "

"For fear of exposing our identity, we travel all over the country. We dare not stay too long in every place. Even when we have no money to pay the rent, we dare not use the gold from the underground palace..."

Listening to Yu Qing's story, ye Tian was shocked. Tens of thousands of years ago Isn't that much longer than the birth of Lingming stone monkey?

At that time, it should still be a glorious world on earth.

Although Ye Tian was shocked in his heart, he didn't interrupt her from beginning to end. He just listened attentively and firmly remembered every word he heard in his mind.

"Later, Xiaochan and I moved here, and soon we met you. You know all the later things!"

With a long sigh, she ended her memory.

"Where is that mysterious underground palace?"

Ye Tian opens his mouth with infinite expectation.

There is no doubt that she is an experienced person in the last glorious world. Although her activity area is only confined to the underground palace, what she saw and heard is not possessed by others. It can be said that this is a living history.

Seeing is better than hearing. If you can go to the ruins of the underground palace and have a look, you may find something amazing.

"The underground palace is in a big mountain. The surface is a mountain. In fact, it is an underground sea. The underground palace is built on the bottom of the sea. That mountain is called Changbai Mountain, and the exit of the underground palace is called Tianchi. "

"Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain?"

When ye Tian heard this, he suddenly got up and was shocked.

One of the four Jedi, Tianchi, Changbai Mountain!

Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain, known as the four great Jedi of mountain people together with Guixu in Kunlun, devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang and Chonggu in southern Yunnan, is actually the hometown of Jue Qing and Jue CHAN!

"The monster in the underground palace should be a dragon with an unfathomable realm. At that time, maybe we didn't care about me and cicada, otherwise, we might not be able to escape there! "

She was afraid that ye Tian would rush into the underground palace on impulse, so she quickly told her. Ye Tian is the master of little cicada. She treats her mother and daughter sincerely. She doesn't want to hurt Ye Tian because she doesn't grasp them well.

"Mother, master..."

Ye Tian also wants to ask in detail. The door is pushed open and the cicada rushes in with the chestnut.

"Ah, cicada, you are white!" He Qing exclaimed and went up.

Ye Tian's eyes also fell on the cicada's face. He could not help but slightly pick his eyebrows. As expected, the cicada was white and ugly. Moreover, the cicada was not ugly, but a little bit black.

The cicada smeared with Xueji cream seems to have completed a strange transformation. The black color on her face and neck has disappeared. Instead, she is crystal white. With such skin, she looks like a disaster.

"Master, is there anything else?"

Cicada is very satisfied with the surprised expression of He Qing and ye Tian, and reaches out his hand to Ye Tian with a smile: "Mom, you help me put on my chest and back everywhere!"

Ye Tian shakes his head and grins bitterly, and gives ten boxes of Xueji cream to Jueqing. These are all mass-produced. Take them as the first course of treatment first, and then refine the best Xueji cream for Xiaochan.

The cicada, who will be smeared with snow cream, pushes out the door, and ye Tian returns to his room.

Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain is imperative. Since there is a dragon and water monster there, the most urgent thing is to improve your strength as much as possible.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly remembered the light that Lingming stone monkey had entered his mind after the restart of Kunlun mountain.

According to lingmingshihou, it was a set of boxing techniques, a set of Xuangong, and a set of shennian techniques created by him.

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