Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 773

"Good! Hai'er, you have done a good job. That's what you want. If you dare to tease my Zhou family, you want him to pay the price of bleeding! "

What's more, when Zhou Yonghai attacked Ye Tian with his wind blade, the middle-aged man with gold glasses and gentle looks stood beside him. At this moment, his face showed a ferocious color. He looked at Ye Tian, gritted his teeth and roared every word.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

With such Lao Tzu, it's no wonder that Zhou Yonghai still drives after he is drunk. After driving and bumping people, the first thing he thinks about is not to call the hospital emergency call, but to choose to drive and hit the injured again, trying to kill others.

Vicious and cruel, it is the tradition of laoshizi Zhou family, from son to Laozi!

When ye Tian heard this, the evil spirit in his eyes suddenly became stronger.

He always paid attention to his wife and children's misfortune, but now, what Zhou Yonghai and his son have done has stepped on his bottom line. Moreover, it can be said that they are not stepping on his bottom line, but dancing wildly on his bottom line. If such people let go easily, it would not be too cheap for them!

This young man is going to have bad luck today!

Hearing the middle-aged people's words, the guests around them, after a short period of confusion, looked at Ye Tian with sympathy and ridicule.

Sympathy is the experience of sympathy and ye Tian. When you are young, you are going to die here, and you have a good life. How can you not be worthy of sympathy if you die young?!

As for ridicule, it's ridicule at Ye Tian's stupidity. In Jiangcheng, it's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke the Zhou family. It's not to kill yourself. What is it?!

"You want to kill me? With your little breeze? Just you? By your Zhou family? It seems that your Zhou family is not only a nest of snakes and mice, a scum of father, but also two idiots to the letter! "

Ye Tian looked at the scene before him. After a smile, he gently waved his hand. In an instant, along his five fingers, a huge wind blade suddenly condensed and appeared in front of him.

"This This is... "

"God, he is also heaven and man! What's more, how can his wind blade be so much bigger than Zhou Yonghai? "

"Is there a difference between heaven and man? With such a big wind blade, he has to be much more powerful than Zhou Yonghai... "

As soon as the wind blade appeared, all the guests around them were boiling in a flash. Everyone's expression was dull. No one among them thought that ye Tian could use the wind blade. Moreover, the wind blade was so huge that it was incredible.

Compared with Ye Tian's wind blade, Zhou Yonghai's wind blade looks just like his son and father. No, no, it should be said that it's his grandson and grandfather. Moreover, his grandson is still a baby in his arms.

"Chi..." At this time, Zhou Yonghai's wind blade had hit Ye Tian's giant wind blade. When they touched each other, the wind blade was just a touch, just like an embroidery needle. It didn't even beat a few times. Then it fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Is this the so-called heaven and man? Who is high in the sky? " Seeing this, ye Tian sweeps his eyes toward Zhou Yonghai. In his eyes, he is full of playful color and light way.

"You You... " When Zhou Yonghai heard this, he looked at Ye Tian in a hurry. His hands were shaking wildly, and his legs were shaking like chaff.

He thought that he should be one of the most powerful people in the world with the secret art of wind blade, but now, compared with Ye Tianyi, he found that he was too weak to mention. In front of Ye Tian, a really powerful man, it seemed that he was not different from the so-called ordinary people at all.


Almost at the same time, the head of the Zhou family also fell on his knees and knelt down directly on the ground. Without saying a word, he knocked his head three times toward Ye Tian.

Zhou Fu is really able to bend and stretch. No wonder he took the Zhou family to the throne of the first family in Jiangcheng!

Looking at this scene, the guests around were shocked and even more shocked. Although Ye Tian's powerful performance has reached an incredible level, Zhou Fu is the head of the largest family in Jiangcheng. He can't help but admire him for making such a concession.

"Master, you have a large number of adults. Please hold your hand high. We are the first offenders, and we Zhou family have no grudge against you. Please forgive our father and son!" At the same time, Zhou Fu kowtowed to Ye Tian several times, and then said: "as long as you are willing to let go of our father and son, we will give you whatever conditions you want. Even if you want this villa, there is no problem. I can also let Hai Er worship you as a teacher and treat you like a father from now on."

"No injustice, no hatred Do you think that if there is no injustice and no hatred, I will do so?! Do you want him to ask himself if he is worthy of learning from me? Why don't you pee to see if you have the qualification... "

When ye Tian heard Zhou Fu's words, he shook his head and sneered.Are you kidding? Not to mention Zhou Fu's talent, he is just a very ordinary person. He can't be compared with Jiang Tong. Even if he is Jiang Tong's genius, he always looks at his heart. This kind of scum really doesn't deserve to be his disciple!

"Master, I don't know where we have offended you? You tell us that we are willing to change and compensate! "

Zhou Fu hears the sound and realizes that ye Tian doesn't seem to be aiming at their father and son, but for another reason. He asks in a hurry.

"You don't know what your precious son has done recently? Don't tell me that everything he does has nothing to do with you! "

Ye Tian looked down at Zhou Fu, word by word, light way.

As far as he can see today, I'm afraid that 90% of the reason why the witness was bribed was because of Zhou Fu's leading role.

But now, at the moment, Zhou Fu shows that he doesn't know what he's doing wrong. He only tells us one thing, that is, Jiang Tong's parents are not alone. There are so many similar things happening that Zhou Fu doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Recent events You mean How can I checked... " When Zhou Fu heard Ye Tian's words, he immediately raised his head in horror and looked at Ye Tian in disbelief. He followed him closely and looked at Jiang Tong behind him. He lost his voice and said, "are you Jiang Tong, the child of that couple?"

"You haven't all broken your head. You know who he is..." Hearing this, ye Tian looked at Zhou Fu calmly and said calmly, "yes, he is Jiang Tong, my real apprentice!"

Jiang Tong is the apprentice of this strong man!

It's over It's all over

When Zhou Fu heard the sound, the whole body was shocked at this moment.

You know, it's very common for master to stand up for his apprentice all the time. It's reasonable for ye Tian to help Jiang Tong stand up for justice.

However, what he couldn't understand was that when he dealt with the bribe witness, he investigated the situation of the three members of the Jiang family. They were all ordinary people, nothing special. Jiang Tong was just a child in junior high school!

But this is the child in junior high school. Now, how can such a powerful master come out?!

But there is no doubt that as long as the strong man in front of him wants to stand up for Jiang Tong, and he doesn't want to be kind, then his father and son's good days will definitely come to an end!

"I'm sorry Sorry It's because we don't know Taishan, and we don't know that this little brother is your apprentice. That's why we were blinded by lard and made such a stupid thing. You can rest assured that I will punish Hai'er heavily. Besides, all the expenses for his parents' medical treatment are borne by our Zhou family. Moreover, we will give them enough compensation, 10 million yuan. In addition, this villa will give you compensation. I don't know if it's enough... "

After shaking, Zhou Fu got up from the ground and kicked Zhou Yonghai hard. After kicking him to the ground, he looked at Ye Tian and said, "look, how about this?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!