Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 763

"Well, if I find anything, I'll let you know as soon as possible."

Ye Tian listened to the officer's emotion, nodded with a smile, and assured him.

But he knew that although these police officers were armed with live ammunition, when they met the guy who had tulingen, as long as the other side hid in the soil, as long as they avoided the investigation, it was very difficult to catch him, which could be said to be like landing in the sky.

Sure enough, a moment later, these police officers and the soldiers checked from beginning to end, but in the end, they still couldn't find the whereabouts of the burglar, and then they had to leave the train and return to the platform.

Immediately, with a dull whistle, the train went back on the road.

"The man who stole the vault is the same as us, isn't he?"

After waiting for the police officer to leave, Ning Xue asks Ye Tian.

"Well, it's supposed to be a guy with Turing roots, but this guy is very unusual. He not only has Turing roots and Fengling roots, but also just got this kind of mutation and evolution, he even mastered the technique of tudun! This time, we should be careful. I doubt that guy didn't leave the train! "

Ye Tian nods and tells Ning Xueshen.

"Good." Rather snow smell speech, ordered to nod, agreed to come down.

"Bang Bang... "

With their conversation, the train continued to move forward. A moment later, it left Jiangcheng and continued to go all the way south.

"Dong..." I don't know how long it has passed. Just when ye Tian absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, he suddenly felt that there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the carriage.

It's not surprising that the train has a long journey and there are footsteps outside the room. After all, it's inevitable that someone will get up to go to the toilet, but only the sound of footsteps, but not the sound of opening the door, which is unreasonable. You know, the soft sleeper compartment is closed. People in other compartments can't come here at all.

This makes Ye Tian have some doubts in his heart at the moment. At the moment, the owner of the footsteps outside will be the thief who emptied the vault.

And at this time, let Ye Tian some sad scene appeared, the footsteps, unexpectedly stopped at the door of his car and Ningxue.

"Wow..." Then, the door of the soft sleeper carriage was opened from the outside, and a dark shadow came in from the outside. Immediately, the door was gently closed. This series of actions, creeping, almost made people not hear a single sound.

"PATA!" But almost at the moment when the shadow closed the door, ye Tian gently pressed his hand to the side and turned on the light in the car.

The suddenly bright light lit up the dark box in an instant, and let him see that standing at the gate, he was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. However, this guy looked as if he had just climbed out of the soil, and his whole body was covered with dust.

It's the guy who stole the vault!

The moment Ye Tian sees the boy, he immediately senses the fluctuation of fenglinggen and tulinggen from each other's body. In addition, the boy's disheartened face makes him sure that he is the one who escaped from the police's encirclement.

"Be honest, don't move, don't say anything, otherwise, I'll kill you!"

Seeing that the light in the box was shining, the young man quickly lowered his head and took out a piece of black cloth from his pocket. After blocking half of his face, he rubbed his hand and along his fingertips, a small wind blade appeared. Immediately, he glared at Ye Tian and Ning Xue fiercely and cheered coldly.

"You, kill us, with this little thing in your hand?"

When ye Tian heard this, he looked at the boy in surprise. He was shocked that he had two kinds of secret skills perfectly condensed in such a short time after the other party's body changed. At the same time, he raised his eyebrow and gave a playful smile.

"Ha ha, it's good. With this thing in my hand, it's enough to clean up you two!"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the young man's face sank, his hand raised, the wind blade roared out, and immediately fell heavily on the platform in the middle of the carriage. In an instant, a half foot deep gap appeared on the original stainless steel table.

This boy, there are some evil ways!

Ye Tian raises his eyebrow slightly. The wind blade of this young man is stronger than Ning Xue. You know, Ning Xue is taught by himself, and the breath of this young man is obviously that his body has only undergone metamorphosis for a short time. Besides the spirit root breath, the cultivation breath is low and low.

"How's it going? I'm afraid! I advise you two to be honest. Don't move or shout. Let me sit here for a while. I'll get off at the next stop. If you two are honest, I will not only help you, but also give you some benefits. "

Seeing this, the young man shows his contented face. After drinking to Ye Tian and Ning Xue, he immediately takes out a gold bar from his pocket and throws it to Ye Tian's bed.

However, although the young man's speech sounds fierce, it gives people a sense of being in a good tune. Moreover, the look from his eyes is even more flustered and fierce. Especially his trembling fingers show that he is definitely not a murderer like Li Hualian, but should be doing this kind of thing for the first time.However, although the young man's action is naive, if this big stick and carrot's action is met by ordinary people, maybe it will really be bluffed by him, so he will be obedient. It's a pity that the person he meets is not someone else, but ye Tian!

"If you have a small wind blade, you don't know who you are. Do you feel invincible?"

Ye Tian looked at the gray faced, fierce young man with great interest. After a smile, he gently raised his hand, and a huge wind blade suddenly appeared in the air. When the blade pointed directly at the young man, he faintly said: "my wind blade is so big, do you think I'm proud of it?"

He He can even refine the wind blade And his concise wind blade is so huge!

Seeing this, the young man was completely dumbfounded for a moment. He looked at the huge wind blade and the small wind blade with only one finger in his hand. His head was buzzing and his body was shaking.

Even if I killed him, I didn't expect that I was so unlucky. I managed to escape the blocking of the police officers and pushed the door open. But I didn't expect that when I pushed the door open, I would encounter a similar one, and a much stronger one than myself!

Next breath, without any hesitation, the boy turned and wanted to slide towards the outside of the soft sleeper carriage.

"When did I say, can you go?"

But without waiting for him to turn around, ye Tian cheers coldly. At the same time, his mind is like a sea, pressing towards the boy.

In an instant, the terrifying pressure immediately lowered the young man's body and made his legs soft. Then he knelt down on the ground, and his head was pressed against the ground by the invisible force.

What's more terrifying to the young man is that he is facing such cruel treatment, but there is no idea of resistance and struggle in his heart. It's like an invisible force has directly extinguished this idea.

"At a young age, if you don't learn well and have some skills, you just want to sneak around. How did your parents teach you?"

Closely following, ye Tian looks at this youth, the face is full of anger and speechless shake head, way.

This young man is very gifted. He not only became a double spirit root, but also got the ability to operate after the spirit root became a creature. It's amazing.

Such talent could have achieved many incredible achievements, but this guy went astray and became a thief. He also stole the bank's treasury. If he was caught, he would be killed by a bullet.

"Don't talk about my parents!"

But almost at the moment when ye Tian's voice fell, the boy who couldn't make any rebellious move suddenly burst into a rage and struggled hard to denounce Ye Tian.

"Why, you can do something wrong, and you can't be told?"

When ye Tian saw the boy's appearance, he gave a light smile, and his mind increased. After he put the boy on the floor of the carriage, he saw that his eyes were still red, and he was staring at himself and biting his lips. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said: "how, do you steal the Treasury because it's related to your parents?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!