Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 753

A night without words, soon to the next morning.

After they went down the mountain, they came to the entrance of Guixu in Kunlun.

"Ye Tian, do you really want to enter it? I advise you to think about it again... " Looking at the vitality of the ruins in Kunlun, it's like a paradise in the wind and snow. Thinking of what we saw yesterday, Yunfei says to ye Tianshen.

Kunlun Guixu is one of the four major Jedi in the eyes of the mountain people, and is almost on the way to the position of the head of the Jedi. Under such circumstances, she is very worried about what unknown danger Ye Tian will encounter when he enters it. At that time, everything will be in trouble.

"I've made up my mind. Don't worry. I'll be careful." Leaf day hears a sound, looking at cloud Fei to smile, calm way.

It's dangerous to return to the ruins of Kunlun, but after all, there are natural Lingyu in it. Not only that, return to the ruins of Kunlun is just a starting point for him to explore. Since the arrivals have paid attention to these Jedi, then he has to take the lead to explore these secret places.

After a word falls, ye Tian cast his eyes on Nie Fu.

"Master, don't worry, I will protect Miss Yun well!" Nie Fu doesn't wait for ye Tian to open his mouth, then he looks respectful and says respectfully to Ye Tiangong.

"You'd better be able to do what you said, otherwise, with the pill you took, even if I fell in the ruins of Kunlun, as long as you dare to do what I didn't ask you to do, erysipelas will still attack and make your heart and lungs die."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, dropped a sentence, followed closely, and went to Kunlun Guixu.

Nie Fu looks at Ye Tian's back and looks pale. In fact, she really has some careful thoughts in her heart. She thinks that if ye Tian can fall into the ruins of Kunlun, she will be free. From then on, she will be free from the bondage of Ye Tian and the bondage of the comer, and can live freely on the earth.

But where can she think of it? The pill that ye Tian gave her is so treacherous and unpredictable. Even if ye Tian's body falls, it can still be limited. Although she has doubts about ye Tian's words in her heart, she still can't help shivering and dare not try when she thinks of the prestige of emperor Dan.

At this time, ye Tian was already marching towards the ruins of Kunlun.

"What a mess of vitality..."

As soon as he stepped into the valley, ye Tian immediately felt that the vitality of the world around him was as chaotic as if it were tangled. Not only that, these vitality of the world were not only scattered, but also had a strong hostility to foreign entrants.

"Not good!" just for a breath, ye Tian immediately sensed that there was a kind of violent Qi on his left side, which seemed to be condensing. Without any hesitation, he quickly opened the source eye, and at the same time, he took a step forward to avoid.

"Click..." Almost at the same time when he was walking, along the left side of his body, suddenly there was a bright electric awn flying out, whistling with terror, and slashing heavily at Ye Tian. The sharp awn seemed to cut his body into two parts in a flash.

"Lei Mi!"

Almost at the same time, ye Tianchen raised his hand, and a thunderbolt flew out of the sky and hit hard at the lightning. In a twinkling of an eye, the two mingled, and the thunderbolt suddenly broke into pieces and scattered everywhere.

"Wheezing Wheezing... " Ye Tian was relieved when he saw this, but before he could catch his breath, he suddenly found that the scattered vitality of heaven and earth, which was reflected by Yuantian's eyes, suddenly became bright, and was spreading rapidly.

That appearance, as if something, at this moment has been activated, is about to spread across the whole world.

There is no doubt that all this is the natural field of Kunlun Guixu. After sensing that someone has entered, they want to attack and kill him, an outsider, and annihilate him.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo... "

Almost at the moment when his mood changed, a cold wind suddenly came from the front. It was as if it had blown into the bone of a madman. It made his whole body tremble madly. Not only that, but also snowflakes, like sharp blades, came out of the void in front of him.

There is no doubt that once he is stabbed by the cold and incomparable snowflake, I am afraid that in a moment, his body will fall apart, turn into fine pieces, and scatter all over the world.

"Ye Tian..." Cloud Fei is looking at this scene, involuntarily knead a cold sweat for the leaf day, the losing voice exclamation way of full face concern.

She clearly remembers that Chen Qiang and Ma Teng were killed by this terrible blow yesterday. Now, if ye Tian has no countermeasures, he may have to repeat their mistakes and die in this terrible place.

"Is she really just a friend of the master?" Nie Fu hears cloud Fei this, can't help but face suspicious toward her to see one eye, if only friend's words, even if care, but also care less than such degree. As a woman, she has a hunch that the relationship between Yunfei and yetian is definitely more than a friend.At least, in Yunfei's heart, I'm afraid, not only want to be ye Tian's friend, but for some reasons, she had to make such a decision.

"Fire At the same time, ye Tian didn't have any hesitation. He raised his hand and turned it into surging and swaying flames. He wanted to melt the snowflakes in the heaven and earth.

"Hoo..." But at this time, let Ye Tian feel incredibly extreme scene appeared, see, that cold wind seems to have the same spirit, in the moment of feeling the flames coming, cold, to the flames.

In an instant, the flickering flames disappeared and turned into nothing.

"This cold wind has blown out my five elements secret skill!"

In this scene, ye Tian's heart is very creepy, and his back gives birth to a strong chill.

You should know that the fire created by the five elements is different from the secular fire. It is more concise, and the fire is more turbulent. Water can't be poured out, and sand can't be put out. On the contrary, it will melt as a power. But now, it is blown out by this cold wind.

If I didn't see this scene with my own eyes, who can believe that it would be true!


It's not just Ye Tian, Yunfei outside the Kunlun ruins. When she saw this scene, she couldn't believe it and took a breath of air. She was in a panic.

She couldn't imagine what would happen if she entered Kunlun Pass and returned to the ruins in the face of this terrible cold wind. I'm afraid that when a wind blows over, she will be turned into an ice sculpture and her life will be accounted for here, right?

But in addition to the horror, she is more curious. She wants to see how ye Tian plans to face the fierce blow.


At this time, ye Tian's mana was working, and suihuangguan's idea was turning. The original spirit fire suddenly flew out of the Dantian field and turned into nine flames with distinct black and red colors. It circled around the body and kept walking.

The cold wind carrying the snowflakes just came near and touched the fire. Suddenly, the cold wind and snowflakes that could even blow out the five elements were all evaporated, turned into white steam, rose and disappeared.

"Lord Dandi is worthy of being Lord Dandi. Even when he comes to the earth, his cultivation falls, he is still so strong!"

This mysterious scene, let Nie Fu can't help but show his admiration and praise.

"Lord Dante? On earth? What's wrong with your accomplishments Yunfei was also full of praise in her heart, but at this time, when she heard Nie Fu's words, she couldn't help looking at her, confused.

I don't know why. When she heard Nie Fu's words, she always felt like Nie Fu thought that she and ye Tian were not people in the world

"You don't know?"

Nie Fu is one Zheng, stunned of looking at cloud Fei, way.

"What do you know?"

Cloud Fei frowns, the confusion in the heart, more and more rich.

Nie Fu see this, immediately silent down, shut up no longer speak, since Ye Tian don't say, that she naturally can't reveal the master's secret.

What's going on? Ye Tian, who is it?

Seeing this, Yunfei's face became more and more confused. He felt that ye Tian was standing in the ruins of Kunlun. At this moment, he seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. It seemed that there were countless secrets in him , the fastest update of the webnovel!