Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 745


When the chill comes, Chen Qiang and Ma Teng turn into black popsicles and fall to the ground, and their lives come to an end, the roaring wind and snow that originally lingered in the valley, as well as the shining thunder, suddenly stop, and everything returns to peace.

If not on the ground, the remains of Chen Qiang and Ma Teng are still there, which almost makes people suspect that what just happened is just an illusion.

"What an evil place it is Even if ye Tian was the emperor of Dan who had been in Fangcun Lingyu for 200 years in the past, this strange scene still gave him a kind of horror. Fortunately, he learned the strange situation of Kunlun Guixu in advance and chose to let Chen Qiang and Ma Teng enter first. Otherwise, if he walked in rashly, he would not know what kind of trouble he would encounter The situation, perhaps, is the same as it was in the valley of death.

"Try to see if my mind can cover this area and see what the clue is!"

After that, ye Tian thought to himself that he would put his mind into the ruins of Kunlun. He wanted to explore whether he could use his mind to shine through all things and understand the secret here.


In Kunlun Guixu, it is obvious that there is an extremely powerful field, and there is also restraint to shennian. Even if ye Tian is now on the eighth floor of the cave, shennian just feels that a powerful force, like Huijian, suddenly strikes, cuts his heart, and cuts the shennian into two parts, which is a fierce stab Thanks to his tenacious heart and clear mind, otherwise, I'm afraid he would be in agony. But even so, he took several breaths of cold air.

"Try the eye of heaven again!"

Next, ye Tian turns his eye to the sky and wants to shine through the Kunlun ruins. He scans the place to see what field exists in the valley and whether he can find a safe way to crack it. He opens it, enters it safely, and then retreats.

"These fields It's so complicated and complicated, and every field is made of nature. It has the array of weather and thunder, the array of wisdom and sword, and even the array of imprisoning the body. Here, it's like a sea of fields! "

But just a glance once swept, leaf day then can't help but, again repeatedly poured to draw a few big mouthfuls of air conditioning.

Yuantian's eyes shine through, and he can see that in Kunlun Guixu, there are all kinds of fields everywhere he can see. Not only the functions of each field are not the same, but what's more incredible is that these fields are not done by human, but are naturally generated, and are perfectly intertwined into a whole, such as a gazelle It's like a sheep hanging on a horn. There's no clue.

This also means that he wants to crack the field again and again. At this moment, it is a complete failure. After all, as long as he leads the field here, it will move his whole body. If he is careless, the consequences will be totally incalculable, and even may appear. Instead of successfully breaking the field, it will lead to the explosion of many fields, sweeping his body It is the situation that the vitality is shocked and rolled and turned into fly ash.

"Can you place your mind on the fierce flying sword, and use its speed to travel through the field to explore and determine the location of the natural spirit jade?"

Ye Tian ponders and constantly seeks ways to solve the problem. However, this idea has just come out, and is dismissed by him.

The field of Kunlun Guixu is so fierce and treacherous that it can't be speculated by common sense. The speed of fierce soldiers' flying swords is really fast and they are dead objects. But the field of Kunlun Guixu, no matter whether you are dead or not, will attack you as long as you dare to enter rashly.

He worried that if he really took the risk to put the fierce soldier flying sword in, I'm afraid it's not that he found the position of nature Lingyu, but that the fierce soldier flying sword was attacked by the field. If there's something wrong with the flying sword, or if it's sealed in the Kunlun ruins, then he will really lose his wife and lose his army. It's not worth the loss.

What is the reason for this valley to become what it is today? Is it just because there is natural Lingyu in it that so many natural fields gather?

Ye Tian gazed at the nearby Kunlun ruins, his heart full of fog, and the excitement of seeing Kunlun ruins faded away.

Although he is only a few steps away from the valley now, it is just a short distance between life and death.

Especially at this moment, the sky is gradually darkening. The surrounding dark sky makes the ruins of Kunlun become hazy. The huge Valley, in the twilight, looks like the mouth of a wild animal. It's terrifying and ferocious. It seems that as long as you get close to the peaceful and deep valley, you will be trapped by the devil and be killed Swallow it up.

"Ah Chou Ah Chou... "

The winter night in Kunlun Mountain is extremely cold, especially around Guixu, Kunlun. Although Yunfei changed into yetian's clothes and had food in her stomach, she could not help sneezing and coughing when she was blown by the cold night wind.

Ye Tianxun went to see that the mask on Yunfei's face had already formed a layer of frost, and even his eyelashes had crystal clear ice crystals."Let's go. Let's find a place to stay away from the wind. We'll wait all night and come back at dawn tomorrow." Without any hesitation, ye Tian made a quick decision.

Although Yunfei is well after his treatment, his disciples are still in poor health and can't stand the cold. Moreover, now that they have arrived at Kunlun Guixu, they don't need to worry about this night. After all, since even he has no way, then almost no one in the world can have a way. If anyone dares to enter rashly, they are waiting for their next visit It's no better than Chen Qiang and Ma Teng, who were driven into the Kunlun ruins by him. There's only one way out!

So, leave for a while and have a good day's cultivation. When tomorrow is full of spirit, it's not too late to think of any good way to look for the natural Lingyu here.

"Meow Meow... " At this time, the snow leopard seems to have noticed that ye Tian is going to give up and go back to the market in Kunlun. He immediately screams a few times with excitement, and then turns to look at a valley not far away.

"You have a home over there?" The leaf day hears a sound, picked pick eyebrow, doubt a way.

Naturally, the spirit of snow leopard is not as strong as that of xiaolizi. He can't understand what ye Tian is saying, but he still runs forward for a few steps, then stops, looks back at him and barks twice.

"This guy is inviting us to his house. Let's go and have a look."

Hearing this, ye Tian can't help laughing a few times. Then he takes Yunfei and walks to the valley.

"Meow Meow... "

As soon as the snow leopard entered the valley, along the valley, it immediately heard some low and milky calls. Then, several little snow leopards stumbled out of a cave from a distance, and they should have smelled the smell of the big snow leopard.

It turns out that this guy, as well as the children, has brought us here to present treasure

Seeing this, ye Tian was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

It can be seen that snow leopard really trusts itself now, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to bring himself to see its children.

However, the little snow leopard looks soft and cute. Even ye Tian feels that he wants to feel it in his hand.

"What a lovely little snow leopard." Ye Tian is such an old man, not to mention Yunfei. When she sees these round, fluffy, and cute little snow leopards, her eyes immediately brighten up. She immediately steps forward to hold these little snow leopards in her arms and have a good Rua.


But just before she got close, a voice full of threat came from the cave. Then, a snow leopard, bigger than the one who brought them, rushed out of the cave, blocked the little snow leopards behind, looked at them, and roared with threat , the fastest update of the webnovel!