Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 739


Seeing this, ye Tian immediately realized that although he had just been careful enough, the strong wind brought by the flying sword still destroyed the structure in the ice cave, leading to the fracture of some weak points, which would lead to the symptoms of a great avalanche.


Without any hesitation, ye Tian's magic power surged like a tide, and all of it poured into the flying sword under his feet. In an instant, along the flying sword, there was a bright sword, and the speed of the flying sword increased suddenly. Along Ye Tian and Yun Fei, there were ripples in the void. Then, the terrible sound burst, and the flying sword was like a streamer, To the outside of the ice cave, the flying ice and snow far behind.


Almost at the moment when ye Tian's sword came out of the ice cave, there was a violent roar behind him. The ice cave that had existed suddenly began to collapse and collapse, forming a huge vortex. It was as if a greedy glutton suddenly appeared underground, opening its mouth and swallowing everything around it.

"That's close!"

Ye Tian looks down at this scene, Rao He is now the cultivation of the eighth floor of the cave, but looking at this scene, he still has a feeling of lingering fear.

He had no doubt that if he didn't own the flying sword, he might be at this moment, but it was the terrible airflow brought by the collapse of these ice and snow mountains and rocks that would attack him into terrible flesh and blood fragments, and the people would end up here.

"Those two guys don't know whether they are dead or alive now..."

What's more, when the snow collapses, the terrible snow fog has blocked Ye Tian's sight, making him unable to see whether Chen Qiang and Ma Teng are alive or dead.

However, he didn't care about the two rubbish. He just thought that if they were killed by the wind and snow, some of them would be too cheap.

"Not good..." But at this time, ye Tian suddenly felt that his hand was not right. When he looked down again, he was surprised to see that Yunfei had just fallen into the water pit of the ice cave. At this moment, he was blown by the cold wind in the mountains, and the water on his body was frozen. He became an ice sculpture.

Under the thin ice armour, ye Tian even saw that Yunfei's face was not only pale, but also his lips had completely lost their blood color. Even at the corner of his mouth, there was a strange smile.

This kind of smile is just a sign of extreme low temperature and severe body temperature loss.

Similarly, once such a sign appears, it means that the vitality of the human body has passed seriously and is on the verge of dying.

"We must let her body temperature rise as soon as possible, and change these wet clothes, otherwise, she will be finished!"

Without any hesitation, ye Tian's eyes change. He holds Yunfei in his arms with one hand and transfers a magic power to his body. After protecting his heart, lungs and brain, he runs his flying sword with all his strength and shuttles among the mountains. He wants to find a secluded place to treat Yunfei.

He had planned to build a snowhouse, but unfortunately, the mountain was full of floating snow that had just fallen. As soon as he grasped it, it would be scattered. There was no way to build a snowhouse to avoid the wind.

Flying sword shuttle, a moment later, his mind will be locked in a dark cave.

"What a heavy smell..." As soon as he entered the cave, ye Tian smelled a strong and fresh smell. This smell is unique to wild animals. Not only that, but also some forest bones scattered on the ground of the cave.

This scene makes Ye Tian more sure that the people who lived in the cave before should not be small animals, but big ones in the mountains, such as snow wolves or snow leopards.

However, the "master" of the cave should have gone hunting now, so he didn't come out to "meet" the two uninvited guests, Yunfei and him. However, it's lucky for him to leave home and go hunting, otherwise, he must pay the price of bleeding for that.

"The wind blows!"

After entering the depth of the cave, ye Tian's hands suddenly drink. In a flash, along his sleeve, a fierce hurricane suddenly flew out, sweeping the whole cave, fanning out the bones and other things on the ground that gave off the smell of fishy smell, making the taste of the cave fresh.

"It's not so good!"

After everything is done, ye Tian looks at Yunfei again, and immediately finds that although she protects her heart, lung and brain with magic power, the vitality of her body becomes more subtle at this moment, and has reached the point where it is almost invisible.

But he understood that it was because he had sealed her heart, lung and brain with magic power. Otherwise, even if she was a mountain person, she would have died long ago in this minus 20 or 30 degree weather when she fell into the pool of the ice cave and was blown by the cold wind.

"The most urgent thing is to take off her clothes, which have turned into ice armor, and let her body recover its temperature!"Without any hesitation, ye Tian immediately made a decision in his heart. With a move of mana, along his fingertips, suddenly a wisp of flame flew out, emitting wisps of pure heat, quickly and incomparably spread to Yunfei's whole body, so that her clothes, which had been frozen hard, suddenly softened, dripped water, and fell on the ground along the corner of her clothes.

This means, the control of firepower, has reached the level of exquisite and meticulous. The blazing firepower has not damaged Yunfei's skin.

"Forced by the situation, offended!"

After that, ye Tian looks at Yunfei and says, "offend me." he carefully pulls the zipper of her down jacket open, and then takes off her clothes one by one.


However, as soon as his clothes faded, ye Tian couldn't help taking a breath of air.

Yunfei usually wears loose clothes and can't see her figure clearly. But at this moment, after her clothes are taken off, her figure is so slim.

The skin is as white as snow. What's more, the slender waist can only be grasped by Yingying, but the chest is towering and can't be controlled by one hand. That kind of sharp contrast can be called the acme. Even if it is like Ye Tian, at this moment, he can't help shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and the speed of blood wandering in the body has also accelerated a lot.

Especially, when this enchanting figure is matched with Yunfei's full face with dust charm, ye Tian fully understands what is called Angel's face and devil's figure!

"I don't want to win!"

Ye Tian felt the change of his body and sighed in his heart. He could only contemplate the sun and suppress evil thoughts in his heart.

But, even so, when ye Tian takes off all the clothes on Yunfei's body, the graceful scene in front of him makes him feel thirsty. His throat is like a handful of sand, dry and astringent. I wish I could find something and suck it hard.

"No matter what you see, you are all red powder skeletons."

Ye Tian meditates in his heart and wants to calm his heart, but it's a pity that his words have no effect at all. What he practices, after all, is not the Buddhist mental Dharma that can make people clear their minds and lose all their desires. What he sees is not a skeleton, but a red powder, and a thousand charming red powder!

In particular, he thought that he would have to put his palms on Yunfei's body to carry out massage. He would put the mana into every part of her body, and force the cold poison formed by the chill out of her body. That would make ye naturally feel uneasy. I don't know if he can resist the temptation and touch some places he shouldn't touch.

"I'm trying to save people, not anything else!"

After a long time, ye tianmeng clenched her teeth and made a decision. He infused mana into her hands and pressed the acupoints around Yunfei flexibly. Her tentacles were warm and greasy. After a short time, her body immediately became warm and pale pink, and a layer of crystal clear sweat appeared

All this is just the sign that the cold poison turns into water vapor and is forced out of the body! , the fastest update of the webnovel!