Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 732

"Younger martial brother, thank you for letting me see this world and Kunlun again at the last moment of my life This is my best home... "

Wang Duo turns his head and looks at Ye Tian. After a murmur, he immediately raises his hand slowly to touch the snow.

Snowflakes falling, suddenly, there is a piece of snow, touched in Wang Duo's fingertips.

But the snow, which is almost negligible in weight, at the moment of touching Wang Duo's fingertip, is like the last straw that killed the camel, and it is like a towering group of mountains that weighs more than ten thousand. At the moment of touching the fingertip, Wang Duo's finger is chapped, divided into five parts, turned into bits and pieces, and flew in all directions.

Not only that, this chapped situation, at this moment, is in constant expansion, rapidly and incomparably shrouded his whole body.

"Finally, it's the day..."

Wang Duo murmured, and did not show the slightest pathos, but showed a smile, do not look at the body is broken, but greedily looking at Kunlun, looking at the front of the snow, mouth smile more brilliant, eyes, full of memory.

The long river of memory, at this moment, seems to reverse in his heart. Everything that happened in the past, at this moment, all shrouded his heart. Everything that happened in Kunlun, bit by bit, swept his heart, as if he was the boy in Kunlun in the past.

Finally, his body cracked, and the whole body floated like a bright dust. Immediately, it was dragged by the north wind, wrapped in the wind and snow, and floated to Kunlun.

It is the holy land for all Kunlun practitioners. Life, death and Kunlun ghosts are their hometown. Life and death cannot be separated.

"Congratulations, elder martial brother..." Ye Tian knew that he had no way to change anything, so he could only hold his hands and salute Wang Duo to see him off.

From Wang Duo's appearance, we can see that in the past, he was also a young man who was as rich as jade. He was by no means a monster. He had a unique demeanor. He should have been a moment's pride!

But unfortunately, all of them dissipated and disappeared. His life ended.

Ye Tian stood quietly on the fierce sword, watching the shimmering dust whistling to Kunlun, and finally dissipated in the wind and snow.

At this moment, he felt a lot of loss, not only for Wang Duo, but also for himself.

He did not know whether what happened to Wang Duo now would happen to him in the future.

He and Kunlun Xiu are too close, or have become a member of them. This makes his strength, even compared with the past when he was in the spiritual realm, the fighting power in the same realm has been improved a lot. However, the danger he faced has also been increased a thousand times.

All this is related to Kunlun and even the dark ages, which he had never been involved in in the past when he was in Fangcun spiritual realm.

At this moment, what happened to Wang Duo, the future, may happen to him.

Next, he must be careful step by step, otherwise, as long as there is a little bit of carelessness, waiting for him, I'm afraid there will be no turning over!

I don't know how long it's past. Ye Tian's disappointed eyes are clear again. The fierce soldiers are driven by the flying sword. Like a bright streamer, ye Tian crosses the sky and goes to the mine.

He knew that the dead had passed away, and his own road still had to go on. Maybe it was dangerous, maybe it was terrible, but he still had to move forward. The only thing he could do was to make himself strong enough, strong enough, even if he dumped the ashes in Kunlun in the past and destroyed the terrible existence of Kunlun.

A moment later, ye Tian arrived in the mine. His appearance, like a light, immediately illuminated the hearts of all people in the mine.

"Grandfather, I know you will not leave us, you will come back to save us. I mean what I say. This is the Lei wood sword. I give it to you. Please take me away from here. Don't leave me here. Let those monsters eat me..."

As soon as he saw Ye Tian, the fat Taoist immediately ran to Ye Tian's side, holding up the peach Lei wood sword with both hands, and flattering with his face.

"He's not a monster, he's my elder martial brother!"

Ye Tian grabs Lei's wooden sword and looks at the fat Taoist priest. Every word is light.

Although his tone was very mild and peaceful, and there was no heavy tone, the fat Taoist sensed the terrible killing opportunity from this sound. He felt that as long as he dared to insult Wang Duo again, waiting for him, he would be dead.

"Yes..." Without any hesitation, he quickly with a flattering smile, nodded to Ye Tian.

Are you kidding? After seeing the picture of Ye Tian stretching out his hand to control the thunder and flame, and being able to fly with his sword, in his heart, ye Tian now has no difference from the immortals. He is against the immortals. Even if he borrows 100 more courage, he doesn't dare!

"Mr. Yu, the situation in this mine has been dealt with. If there are problems in other mines, take me there."Ye Tian ignored the fat Taoist priest, turned his head and looked at the Jade Emperor.

Wang Duo's situation has already shown that the monsters in the devil jade are the last seeds of firewood that Kunlun was saved when it was destroyed. These people should not exist in the world like the monsters they are now, and their hands should not be bloody because of their evil nature.

He's going to help them find a relief, take them to Kunlun again!

"Yes! I'll take you right away Without thinking, the Jade Emperor nodded. Immediately, he trotted in front of Ye Tian and took all the people out of the mine.

Soon, a group of people came out of the mine. The fat Taoist priest walked out of the mine, looked at the snow and thought of what happened in the mine. In a moment, he felt as if he was separated from the rest of the world. He could not help but sit down on the ground and wail. At this moment, he had made up his mind that he would never do such business again.

It's OK that nothing happened, but once it happened, it really took my life.

Think of here, he is to run to Ye Tian's front, respectfully kowtow three ring head.

He knew that if there were no Ye Tian, even if he had a hundred lives, he would have been sent to the mine just now, and there would be no chance of escape.

"Give him five million for me, and go back to the hotel first. I'll take Mr. Yu to other mines."

Ye Tian looks at the appearance of fat Taoist, a burst of speechless, toward rather snow smile, way.

It's a thousand year old leimu, and it's also the one left by the ancient friars when they went through the robbery. It's very valuable. According to Ye Tian's plan, he planned to give the fat Taoist 10 million yuan. However, he saved this guy's life. Besides, he spoke disrespectfully to himself and Wang Duo, so he deducted half of his money.

Five million for one life. The fat Taoist really made a lot of money in this business.

"Ah Thank you, master, thank you Fat Taoist smell speech, a burst of ecstasy, toward Ye Tian is a chicken peck rice like crazy kowtow.

He really didn't expect that ye Tian would give him money. You know, he lost his bet to Ye Tian. Moreover, with Ye Tian's ability, let alone losing his bet, even if ye Tian really won the bet, he didn't even have the ability to resist a star and a half.

But there is no doubt that with the five million yuan, he can go back to do a small business without worrying about the food and drink expenses of his family.

"Mr. Yu, do you have a good sense of direction? If it's in the sky, can you recognize the location of the mine

At this time, ye Tian looked at the Jade Emperor and said with a faint smile.

"Should It should be ok... "

Hearing this, Emperor Yu hesitated and nodded.

"Well, then you and I will go with the sword!"

Hearing this, ye Tian immediately reached for the Jade Emperor and pulled him onto the flying sword. Immediately, they flew to the sky.

When Emperor Rao Shiyu heard Ye Tian's words, he had already guessed what he was going to do, but at this moment, he could not help but scream.

The shrill voice sounds like an emperor, but more like a frightened rabbit , the fastest update of the webnovel!