Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 713

A knife cuts the flesh and bones, and takes people as light as a feather, flying upside down. If it doesn't urinate, then the world really doesn't know what urination is!

Xu Sanwang listened to Ye Tian's words, his lips moved, but he couldn't say a word, and his heart was shocked.

The boss of the barbecue shop, Buza, is not so. If it is not for this scene, he almost doubts whether he is hallucinating.

The two of them are still like this, not to mention the little gangsters in the field. When ye Tian's voice fell, they fell into a dead silence.

Everyone, at this moment, all over the body as if he had gone mad, in the crazy twitch shaking, face can not believe the look, although the charcoal fire around, but they can not feel anything, just feel a terrible chill, into the body fiercely drilling, liver and gall are cold.

Such power, let them feel, is beyond the limit of human beings can have, as if, ye Tian is the kind of Superman they usually see in the movies and comics, between every move, they can easily be these ordinary people, as weeds like elimination.

"When we go together, I don't believe that he can deal with so many of us alone."

But just at this time, along the back of the gang, a middle-aged man with a bald head stood up, grabbed a bunch of iron signboards with fierce eyes, drank a deep voice, and then said: "clean up this boy, I'll give you a big reward, car tickets, whatever you want!"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of those little gangsters around changed suddenly. The original shock was replaced by the color of eager to try.

As the bareheaded middle-aged people said, even if ye Tian can fight again, his two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention dozens of them! One mouthful of saliva may not drown Ye Tian, but at the same time, a group of people rush up, one person with an iron stick, which can definitely make ye Tian a sieve.

Needless to say, the boss has already said that as long as ye Tian is killed, there will be a lot of benefits. It's just a job of licking blood at the edge of a knife. Who doesn't want to fight for wealth.

"What do you want? You'd better dream about such a good thing! "

Ye Tian hears the sound and laughs indifferently. He grabs a clean sheep bone on the table and shakes it gently. Senbai's skeleton is shining with dazzling cold light. He makes a fierce sound and sweeps away towards the bald middle-aged man.

The bald middle-aged man hears the news, and the secret in his heart is not good. He will dodge when he jumps up.


Unfortunately, although his reaction speed is fast enough, he still can't compare with Ye Tian's speed. Before he reacts, he feels the cold wind howling in front of him. Immediately, his head is like a heavy hit by a train, and the intense pain spreads out. As soon as it's dark, Venus shines, and people will fall to the ground.

"This..." This treacherous scene made a group of little gangsters who had some hope in their hearts feel like they had been poured a basin of ice water by someone. The little idea disappeared in an instant, leaving only endless fear and panic.

A piece of sheep bone can knock a big living man into a coma. Isn't it Superman?

They may be numerous and powerful, but no matter how many people there are in front of this kind of opponent who has crushing strength, it's just gourd baby saving grandfather and giving his head away.

"Continue to dream, you said together, there are dreams." Ye Tian looked at the direction of the bald middle-aged man, with a faint smile. Immediately, he reached out and grabbed a handful of peanut shells on the table, looked at the group of little gangsters, and said faintly, "do you want me to send you to have a dream?"

"No Dare not We have eyes that don't know Taishan. Please let us go as a fart. We swear, from now on, we will never dare again

As soon as the words came to my ears, the little gangsters immediately trembled and shook their heads in a hurry. In their hands, they dropped to the ground, nodded and bowed, and their faces were full of flattering smiles.

At this moment, they have nothing to care about. There is only one thing in their head, which is how to get Ye Tian's forgiveness and get rid of the sad fate of the bald boss and another companion.

"You've completely destroyed my pleasure of eating and drinking. Now you want me to think that nothing has happened. Do you think I'm easy to talk? Or am I easy to bully? " Ye Tian listens to this word a sentence, eyebrow tip lightly a pick, light way.

"We..." That group of little gangsters a listen to Ye Tian this words, the person immediately counseled, whole body shiver, the facial expression on the face, simply compare cry even uglier.

Ye Tian is so alone that a group of them can't breathe. If such a person is a bully, who else is a bully in this world?

"Besides, don't you think you shouldn't come to ask for my forgiveness, but to say sorry to the person who should really apologize?"

Leaf day indifferent smile, looking at this group has been completely scared to break the gall of the little gangster, word by word light way."I'm sorry. I'm just talking nonsense. Please forgive us."

When they heard this, they quickly turned to look at Ning Xue, with a flattering smile on their face and a trembling cry, hoping to get her forgiveness.

"Since it's an apology, shouldn't you show some sincerity?" Ye Tian looked at their appearance, raised his eyebrows and laughed, his tone was calm, but he spilled a kind of cold killing, and said faintly: "forget what I just said? Kneel down and apologize

Hearing the sound, these little gangsters immediately showed a color of hesitation on their faces. Their age, similar to Ning Xue, made them kneel and kowtow to a peer, which really made it difficult for them to bend their knees.

"I want to apologize, but I don't have any sincerity. Why, are you going to ask me to help?" Ye Tian sees shape, light then way.

Although Ye Tian's tone is very flat, there is a kind of invisible powerful pressure. The moment it spreads out, many little gangsters feel that there is a towering mountain in their heart, which makes them almost breathless.

"Putong Putong... "

The next second, without any hesitation, they immediately fell to the ground, kneeling in front of Ning Xue, like dumplings, one after another.

"Please spare us. We swear we will never dare again."

Closely following, this group of people toward Ning Xueqi brush kowtow, cry beg repeatedly, words sound, even have so a little uniform meaning.


Where has Ning Xue seen this kind of battle? For a moment, she is at a loss. She can't help but turn her head and look at Ye Tian. She wants to know how he plans to solve these things.

"Since it's an apology, it must be sincere. Kneeling beside the charcoal fire basin, what's the sincerity? In ancient times, there was Cheng menlixue. Today, you must kneel down and apologize! Go and stay in the snow. I didn't tell you to get up. If anyone dares to get up, don't blame me. "

Leaf day to rather snow light smile after nodding, then looking at those kneeling all over the ground, black great little gangsters, word by word, light way.

Kneel in the snow, don't say up, can't get up?!

Little gangsters hear this, can't help but stimulate Lingling to shiver, looking at Ye Tian with a face full of horror, eyes full of fear.

You know, the outdoor temperature of Yudu is always below minus ten degrees, especially in this kind of snowy days, it can reach an amazing minus twenty or thirty degrees, which can be seen from sitting by the fire, eating barbecue and drinking liquor.

Now, ye Tian let them kneel in the snow. Even if they were lucky, they didn't freeze to death, but they probably got frostbite all over the body. There are three advantages and two disadvantages.

"Why, don't you?" Ye Tian looked at their creepy faces, pondered with a smile and said faintly: "it seems that I have to help you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!