Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 710

Another hunch?!

When those jade merchants and gamblers around heard Ye Tian's words, they were almost crazy, and they had a strong expectation in their hearts.

They really want to see if ye Tian can continue to be brilliant after he gambles four times and gains nearly ten thousand times of increase, and the solved jade is as high as 130 million.

"Click! Click! Click

Hearing the sound, Xu Sanwang was also full of curiosity. After nodding to Ye Tian, he picked up the cutting machine and began to divide the remaining stones on the ground.

Gear cut, a piece of stone in half, a large Yingrun jade light, immediately appeared in front of everyone in the field.

Clear green Beautiful white Rich black A variety of colors, gorgeous, simply gorgeous to an amazing point can be called.

Similarly, these gorgeous colors are not only gorgeous, but also mean that they are amazing wealth.

According to their estimation, after gambling on jade for several times, ye Tian's total value of jade has reached 200 million.

Jieyu, two small targets have been solved! If you didn't see such a thing with your own eyes, who can believe that it would be true?

"Up! It's up again! What kind of luck is this? How strong is it? "

"It's incredible, it's incredible. I've been in Yundu for so many years, and I've never seen such a crazy bet on jade. I'm so lucky."

"Before, I didn't believe that there were people who were born to be envied, but today, I really believe it!"

In an instant, all the people in the room were almost crazy. Looking at the cut stones piled up on the ground, they lost their voice and exclaimed.

And everyone looks at Ye Tian's eyes, in addition to the strong envy, there is more shock and admiration.

None of them has ever seen such an amazing picture of gambling on jade in Yudu, which almost makes many people feel that whether ye Tian has a pair of perspective eyes, he can clearly see the performance in the original stone.

However, as the saying goes, it's hard for immortals to distinguish inch jade. Even if it's stone skin that can't be penetrated by X-ray, how can it be seen through?

However, these people don't know that their conjecture is actually infinitely close to the truth. Ye Tian's eyes are not X-ray machines, but they are more powerful than X-ray machines. No matter what kind of raw stone it is, and no matter how thick the shell is, as long as the source eye shines through, everything inside will fall into the eye.

"Hahaha, I'm flattered. In my opinion, it's mainly because of brother Xu's good fortune. The name of Xu Sanwang really deserves its reputation! Dao Dao Jian Wang

Hearing the sound, ye Tian waved his hand and looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Yes, master Xu's Xie Yu's luck is really unique. The sword is rising. It's not something that can be done by idle people!"

"Master Xu, next time you must help me understand jade. I also want to touch your spirit! We don't want two hundred million, two million, no, two hundred thousand! "

After all, Xu Sanwang's name of "Sanwang" is really famous.

"I'm flattered. It's not my luck. It's brother Ye's luck."

Only Xu Sanwang, with a wry smile and waving his hand, became more and more determined. When ye Tian chose these original stones, he already knew what was going on inside them.

One reason is that he has been a jade gambler for so many years and a master of jade solution for so many years, but he has never seen a jade gambler who can achieve such an amazing situation as ye Tian. It's lucky and coincidence to gamble once, but it's lucky and coincidence to gamble so many times?!

The second reason is that when he took the cutting machine to cut these raw stones, he cut them in the direction of Ye Tian's finger. As long as he cut them in the direction of Ye Tian's finger, he could protect the jade pulp inside the raw stones to the maximum extent. Often the blade of the gear was rubbing against the jade pulp without any damage.

He thinks that his ability of distinguishing jade and his judgment of the direction of the jade pulp inside the original stone are quite accurate, but he can't be as amazing as ye Tian.

As for the third point, it is very simple because ye Tian showed a very strong idea to ask him for help before gambling on jade. He also said that if he was willing to help, he would not regret it.

And now the result is full proof that he did not make a wrong choice!

What's more, he can't imagine what would happen if he had chosen to help Liu Feng Jieyu instead of helping Ye Tian before Liu Feng won't let go of himself if he fails to bet on jade, and Sanwang's signboard will also be smashed because of it. At that time, I'm afraid that the one who is waiting for him, as Liu Feng said before, will lose his reputation. From then on, no one will find him to solve jade.All of these together, it shows that the whole thing, there is only one answer and possibility, that is, ye Tian already knows everything inside the original stone.

"Brother Xu, let's go. You are familiar in Yudu. Take us to find a place to celebrate."

At this time, ye Tian smiles to Xu Sanwang and says.


Hearing this, Xu Sanwang converges his mind and nods in a hurry. Then he goes out with Ye Tian and Ning Xue in the envious eyes of the people in the meeting hall.

"Brother ye, you are really an eye opener today. Two hundred million jade Tut tut... "

After walking out of the meeting hall, Xu Sanwang looked at Ye Tian with a sigh. Then he looked at Ye Tian and said, "brother ye, do you know what's inside before you buy those stones?"

Hearing Xu Sanwang's words, Ning Xue also looks at Ye Tian curiously.

Just now, ye Tian's selection of raw jade has been soaring, which makes her have the same doubts.

Although she knew that ye Tian was very powerful, she could know what was in it through the thick stone skin, which made her feel that it was too incredible.

"Hahaha, brother Xu is joking. How can I have such great ability? It's just that I've always had better luck."

The leaf day hears a sound, lightly smile to put to wave a hand, deny.

Are you kidding? If he admits that he can see something in the original stone, will Ning Xue be shocked and think that if ye Tian wants to, all her clothes will be gone, and all her inner charm can be seen by him.

At that time, he would not jump into the Yellow River and be unable to wash it. How could he continue to face Ningxue.

"Brother ye, your luck is really tough enough!" Xu Sanwang stares at Ye Tian. Seeing that he looks solemn and doesn't look like a liar, he has to praise him. Immediately, he looks at the exhibition hall in the rear, and then says, "however, brother ye, you have to be careful recently. Liu's people will repay you. You are afraid to cause a lot of trouble when you clean up Liu Feng today."

"Trouble? If the people of the Liu family really don't know what to do, I don't mind. Let them know what the real trouble is. "

Ye Tian hears this, raises eyebrow a smile, light way.

When Xu Sanwang heard this, he could not help but gape. Immediately, he shook his head with a bitter smile.

All over the world, I'm afraid Ye Tian is the only one who can say this in Yudu.

Moreover, if other people say such things, he will feel that the other party is tired of living, or has lost his mind.

But it happened that when ye Tian said this, he actually felt that what ye Tian said was not a joke. If the Liu family really dares to mess around, they are afraid that they will kick the steel plate.

"Brother Liu, it's said that Yudu's mutton is unique. Please take us to a shop for a taste..."

And at this time, ye Tian is already diverging from the topic, looking at Xu Sanwang, laughing.

"Ye Tian, don't we look for Emperor Yu?"

Rather snow hears this words, doubted saw leaf day one eye, way.

"Don't worry..." Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head, and says, "I think it's better to wait for him to come to us." , the fastest update of the webnovel!