Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 706

Ye Tian's favorite raw stone?!

The words fell, and the faces of the people around him immediately showed a strong color of curiosity. He wanted to know which one of the stones Ye Tian preferred most, and he thought that the stone could have the ability to fight with Liu Feng.

As far as they can see, none of Ye Tian's original stones can be compared with Liu Feng's.

"That's it!"

At this time, ye Tian pointed to a stone on the ground and said with a smile.

"I'll go, what the hell, am I hallucinating? This is his favorite stone? "

"Brother, if you don't bring such a piece of stone, how can you compare it with Liu Feng's?"

"Honeycomb skin stone is the worst stone. Even if you win three times, you can't be so rampant!"

They followed Ye Tian's hand. When they saw that what he pointed to was the honeycomb stone, they were shocked.

You know, there is no doubt that honeycomb skin is the most inferior of all kinds of original stones. The possibility that there is jade in it is one in ten thousand, which is regarded as a compliment. It should be said that it is one in a billion. And Liu Feng's jade can definitely be placed in the highest rank in terms of appearance.

They really don't understand that what ye Tian is most optimistic about is such a piece of the most rubbish stone.

Similarly, they really don't understand why Ye Tian thinks that this piece of garbage stone can surpass Liu Feng's.

"Brother Xu, I have a hunch that this stone is also very good. Let's not cut it, but wipe it bit by bit."

But strangely, ye Tian listened to the noise, but his face was calm, and even told Xu Sanwang with a smile.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was speechless immediately.

Honeycomb skin stone, under normal circumstances, take the cutting machine for cutting, people will feel that the loss of gear. But now ye Tian is very good, not only does he not cut it, but he has to polish it. What can I polish this kind of thing.

"Brother ye..." Xu Sanwang is also sad, want to persuade Ye Tian two words.

"Brother Xu, believe me!" Ye Tian doesn't wait for Xu Sanwang to finish his speech, so he interrupts him, and then says with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Sanwang sighed and nodded.

"Ha ha Let's go

Seeing this, Liu Feng takes a mocking look at Ye Tian, and then says in a deep voice to the Jieyu master beside him.

"Salad Salad... "

In a flash, the sound of the grinder rings slowly, gently rubbing the edge of the skylight to see if there is jade in it.

The huge exhibition hall is quiet now. Everyone holds their breath and wants to see if Liu Feng, the original stone with excellent appearance, can solve a piece of oil white jade with excellent quality or even better tallow jade as expected.

"Stop!" The grinder just polished for a moment, Liu Feng raised his hand to stop, followed, carefully picked up a bowl of water, sprinkled on the grinding machine rubbed out of the area.

"You white jade! It's going up! "

"This luck, really good, skylight expansion, dry white jade into oil white jade, the result, is really to reverse it?"

"I have to say that the people of the Liu family really have two brushes. Just such a piece of white jade will make the value of this stone increase by one million!"

When you see the area around the skylight, it turns out to be a greasy white again. And when the indoor light shines with a light of oil, the people around you immediately take out air conditioning. When they look at Liu Feng's eyes, there is envy and even more admiration.

Although the fraud of the Liu family is tiresome, Liu Feng's performance at the moment still shows that the inheritance of the Liu family for hundreds of years has some foundation.

At least, most of the jade gamblers can't see the original stone's good quality, and dare not conclude that its skylight can be expanded, and the Jade's nature will change from dry white jade to oil white jade, and its price will rise.

Liu Feng listened to this voice, his face immediately showed some satisfaction, immediately, looking to Ye Tian, want to see, this guy see his extraordinary, what expression will show.

"I said, Liu Dashao, can you hurry up? I'm almost asleep after such a long time. You should seize the time and speed up. If you want to rub, you should rub and you should cut. I don't see that I, as well as a hundred and ten people, are waiting for you. To be a man, you need to have some time, viewpoint and quality. "

Just, Liu Feng's vision just swept past, ye Tian then hit a big yawn, a wave of hand full face impatiently, light way.

"Damn it

Liu Feng heard this, heart immediately scolded a voice."Let me hit you in the face with the final result and reality!" Immediately after that, Liu Feng took a deep breath and thought to himself, "after stabilizing his mind, he picked up a piece of chalk and drew a mark on the stone. Then he nodded to master Xie Yu and said in a deep voice," since some people can't wait to lose, we'll help them! "

"Click Click... "

In a flash, the huge cutting sound suddenly sounded, the gear rapidly rotated, and brought up pieces of powder like white fog.

"Something's wrong. Why is the oil gone?"

"Yes, how to go down? The quality is poor, and there is no oil white jade powder?"

However, after cutting the gear just a little bit down, the noise in the field suddenly came forth, and everyone looked at the original stone and couldn't believe it.

At the beginning of gear cutting, a lot of stone powder flying out was still oily, but those stone powder was just a flash in the pan and became the miserable white of quartz powder.

How could this be This scene, people still like this, not to mention Liu Feng, his face smile, instant solidification, can't believe looking at the stone.

"Click..." Almost at the same time, in the harsh sound of gear rotation, the half stone with the skylight opened was divided into two.


This scene, a huge sigh, immediately spread out along the crowd in the field, and Liu Feng, not only smile solidification, face can't believe, but also to the point of no more, staring at the stone flat section, fingers, at this moment, are constantly trembling.

On the huge section, except for a thin layer of jade on the surface, all of them are pale quartz.

Moreover, the grains of quartz are extremely rough with large voids.

This is an extremely bad situation, because the larger the grain size of quartz crystal, the larger the gap, which means that the internal structure of the original stone is more loose, even if it is cut towards other areas, the possibility of jade will be extremely low.

"How could that be?"?! How could that be? "

Liu Feng's body trembled wildly, his lips moved back and forth, and his eyes were full of angry blood, like questioning, like asking himself, murmuring endlessly.

At this moment, he was really angry and unwilling to go to the extreme.

He thinks that under the skylight of dry white jade, there will probably be oil white jade, or even the best mutton fat jade. But where did he expect that, let alone oil white jade and mutton fat jade, there will be no dry white jade, only full of white quartz crystals.

"Is this the jade that can't be broken by immortals? Thank you, Feng Shao. I've been taught. "

At this time, ye Tian seems to bow his hand to Liu Feng with a solemn face, laughing and chanting.

"You..." When Liu Feng heard this, he felt a sharp pain on his cheek. He wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't say a word. Then he suddenly raised his foot, kicked the master who helped him solve the jade to the side, reached out and picked up the cutting machine, and cut off the two stones which were divided into two parts!

It's a pity that the stone, which is divided into four pieces, is still as white as paper, and no jade shadow can be seen

Obviously, this knife, hell! , the fastest update of the webnovel!