Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 694

"Ha ha, don't you hear them all? Why do you ask me? ! "

the fat boss is very arrogant. When he heard Ye Tian's words, he didn't even quibble. Instead, he looked at him and scoffed.

"It seems that you are really shameless!"

Ye Tian hears the sound, stares at the fat boss, sweeps a few eyes up and down, the corner of his mouth draws up a touch of radian.

He found out that there is always a kind of person in this world. You treat him with kindness, and he thinks you are weak. He will be honest only when he has a big ear scrape.

Ye Tian is angry! And it's a very serious anger!

When Ning Xue sees the smile on Ye Tian's face, she is immediately shocked. She has been in contact with Ye Tian for a long time. She knows that in this situation, the brighter the smile on Ye Tian's face is, the deeper his anger is. This fat boss is absolutely unlucky.

Just she doesn't know, what is Ye Tian for? She is so angry.

"Boy, what are you talking about?! I can't afford to buy stones. What's the matter with me? What did I say wrong? I think you don't want to have a face. I don't want to open your eyes and see where it is! Do you want to make trouble on our Liu family's territory? "

Fat boss is very rampant, Hear ye Tian's words, immediately jump foot denounce, but also hand pointing to his stall signboard, loud way.

It turns out that the goods are from the Liu family!

It seems that the Liu family is really not a good one. They used this method to entrap people!

Hearing this, ye Tian takes a look at the direction of the fat boss's finger and immediately sees that on the sign behind him, there is a sign with the character "Liu" wrapped around a golden dragon.

"Since you don't want to have a face, don't blame me for not giving you a face!"

Ye Tian glanced at him, sneered and said faintly, when he was ready to go forward and expose the fraud of the goods, he was ruined in this meeting place.

"Ha ha, don't you give me face? Come and have a try

Fat boss didn't know that disaster was coming, he was still arrogant and yelled at Ye Tian.

"Come on, little brother, don't be the same as him. Otherwise, offending the Liu family will only make you feel bad."

"Yes, I can stand the calm wind and the calm waves for a while, and take a step back. Although the Liu family is low-key, we can't afford it."

"I heard that the Liu family kept a low profile, but in fact they were the most vengeful. Some people said that in Yudu, they would rather provoke the Emperor Yu than the Liu family, because the Emperor Yu was still a reasonable person. If he was wrong, he would admit it. But the Liu family, even if they were wrong, should say it was your fault."

Looking at his appearance, those jade merchants around who have also heard the whole story, though they are angry, still persuade Ye Tian.

"Boy, do you hear them? If you don't want to be ugly later, get out of here

Fat boss heard around these people's words, is more and more arrogant, pointing to Ye Tian, shouting more than.

"Liu pangzi, what's the matter?"

But just when ye Tian's eyes were cold and he wanted to go forward and expose the tricks of the goods, a cold voice came from behind the crowd.

Following, the crowd separated, and a dignified, well-dressed young man strode out.

"Feng Shao, this pair of dogs and men are too rubbish. In my stall, I've been asking about things for a long time, but I don't buy anything. When I mumble a few words, he's not happy. He says that we should not give face to the Liu family!"

Although the fat boss was fierce in front of the crowd, he could see the young man, but he was respectful, smiling and nodding.

"The eldest son of the Liu family, Liu Feng!"

"It is said that Liu Feng will soon inherit the family business of the Liu family. At a young age, he will start a family that has lasted for hundreds of years. It's really powerful!"

"It has not been said for a long time that Liu Feng should be married when he is married."

It's not only Liu pangzi, but also the jade merchants around who come to buy jade. When they see Liu Feng, they look respectful. Many people even mutter and want to make friends with Liu Feng.

"There are people who want to be in Yudu and not give face to our Liu family. I want to see how they plan to do it..." At this time, Liu Feng after listening to Liu fatty's words, sneer, immediately to the position of Ye Tian and Ning Xue, but when his eyes fell on Ning Xue's face, immediately appeared the color of surprise, dare not set channel: "Ning Xue, how are you?"

Ning Xue knows Liu Feng?!

Leaf day hears a sound, not from some surprised to rather snow saw an eye.

Ning Xue has never said before that she knows the Liu family in Yudu, and she is also the eldest son of Liu Feng, who is likely to be in charge of the Liu family in the near future.

"Feng Shao, do you know her?" On hearing this, Liu pangzi couldn't help looking silly and said in a hurry.

"Xueer, I'm really sorry. I have too many people under my command. I can't see their character one by one, which makes you feel aggrieved. But you can rest assured that I will get justice for you today and let you have a bad breath. "At this time, Liu Feng first looked at Ning Xue and said something with a smile, then his face was cold. Looking at Liu fatty, he said coldly, "kneel down and apologize to miss Ning, then slap yourself in the face until she is satisfied!"

"Ah..." Liu pangzi was stunned and looked at Liu Feng in disbelief.

"Why, are you going to disobey me?" Liu Feng sees this, looking at Liu pangzi to smile indifferently, light way.

"Miss Ning, I'm sorry. I'm wrong. You're so big. Please forgive me..."

Liu pangzi seems to be extremely afraid of Liu Feng. As soon as he hears this, he immediately shakes his head. Then he kneels to the ground with a "puff" sound, and raises his hand. While pumping wildly towards his cheek, he prays to Ning Xue.

Liu Feng looks at this scene, his face is full of proud smile, pondering toward Ye Tian standing beside Ning Xue, his eyes are full of ridicule.

The vision, as if to say: you can't do things, I easily do, what qualifications do you have, standing in the snow side.

"Ye Tian, I'm sorry, this Liu Feng is my college classmate. I know he's from the Liu family, but I don't want to see him, so I didn't tell you about it."

However, what Liu Feng didn't expect is that Ning Xue directly ignores him and Liu pangzi. Instead, she looks at Ye Tian apologetically and says slowly.

Ning Xue apologizes to this guy because of me!

Liu Feng heard Ning Xue's words, the whole person is dull, deep in the eye, there is anger tengtengteng to burn up.

He thought that when Ning Xue saw her words, she let the arrogant Liu fat man kneel down on the ground. He thought that ye Tian was useless. But he never thought that Ning Xue didn't think so. Instead, she apologized for not saying anything to Ye Tian.

"It doesn't matter. Who in the world can have two annoying people who don't want to see or mention..."

Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head, calms down.

He knows that Ning Xue doesn't want to talk about Liu Feng. There must be her own reason. There's no need to criticize her.

"What did you just say?" Liu Feng is full of fire. At the moment, when he hears Ye Tian's words, he bursts out completely. Looking at Ye Tian, he is not happy.

"To borrow a sentence from your man, you have already heard it. Why do you ask me?"

Ye Tian raises eyebrow a smile, will Liu pangzi's words, intact return to Liu Feng.

"I don't know what to do with you As soon as he heard it, a layer of frost color appeared on Liu Feng's whole face. After a cold glance at Ye Tianxia, his eyes changed and he said coldly, "it seems that you have a lot of fire in your stomach. Since we are all in the jade capital and are still gambling on jade, how about following the rules of gambling on jade?"

"What rules?" Ye Tian's eyebrows are gently raised, playing with the taste.

"It's easy! Anything, I'll see the real chapter on the jade gambling field! "

Liu Feng indifferent smile, light way.

Anything, see the real chapter on the jade gambling field The rules of the jade capital are really related to jade

Hearing this, ye Tian raised his eyebrows and laughed, then said faintly: "if you want to play, I'll play with you! However, I'm a mental cleanliness addict, and I don't like to use the rubbish made by my conscience! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!