Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 688

If you can drink this wine once in your life, you will be satisfied even if you kick your legs tomorrow!

Fat man heard this, a burst of dejected, in the end is what kind of good wine, can afford such a high evaluation.

"It seems that you have never drunk any good wine in your life..."

Then, the fat man shook his head unconvinced, looked at the short and thin middle-aged man and mocked.

At this moment, he was really holding a breath in his heart. He thought that he and the short and thin middle-aged people should be on one side.

But he really didn't expect that this guy, unexpectedly, turned out to be on the other side of Ye Tian, which really made him some can't bear this evil fire.

"Ha ha, listen to what you mean, is that I Xu Sanwang didn't drink any good wine?"

As soon as the short and thin middle-aged man heard the fat man's words, he immediately raised his head and laughed, looking at the fat man and playing with the taste.

Xu Sanwang?!

When the fat man heard the name, he couldn't help looking stunned. He felt that the name seemed familiar.

"Xu Sanwang! You are Xu Sanwang, who has a good eye for distinguishing jade, a good fortune for understanding jade, and a good taste for wine

Then, when the fat man stared at the short and thin middle-aged man's cheek and scanned it carefully, he exclaimed in disbelief.

Xu Sanwang is a famous figure in Yudu. Although he is not as famous as the emperor, he is not waiting for idlers.

However, Xu Sanwang is not a jade merchant, but a skilled master of jade interpretation. He has a first-class eye for jade and a first-class technique of jade interpretation. Moreover, his fortune is very prosperous, but he is not prosperous himself, but others.

Basically, there is no loss in the original jade bought by him, and there is no loss in the original jade bought by him. At least, it is a break even.

What's more, he loves wine as much as his life. In order to ask him to help identify and understand jade, many jade merchants not only give him a fee, but also offer him all kinds of good wine.

Jade merchants are definitely one of the most prosperous people in the world. They don't have any good wine in their hands.

If we say that even Xu Sanwang hasn't drunk good wine, then I'm afraid few people in the world dare to say that they have drunk good wine.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu. I didn't know it was you. Otherwise, even if you lent me ten courage, I wouldn't dare to say that."

Immediately after that, without any hesitation, the fat man quickly nodded and bowed to Xu Sanwang and apologized.

It turns out that this short, thin, middle-aged man, who looks ugly, is also the number one figure in Yudu. It is true that he is not good-looking.

However, since this guy is the number one person, how can he be so lazy? It seems that he is extremely lazy without the spirit of a successful person

Ye Tian hears these words, also can't help but some surprised to see an eye to Xu Sanwang, in the Mou revealed curiosity.

"Little brother, I advise you that if you like someone, just be yourself and pursue it. There's no need to show your dignity by belittling others and stepping on others. We are all from the jade capital. We should know that as long as it's a beautiful jade, even if it's covered by dust, it's also a beautiful jade. If it's a mountain stone, even if it grows flawlessly, even if it grows on the beautiful jade, it's just a hard stone... "

At this time, Xu Sanwang is looking at the fat man, light way.

A language falls, on fat man's face, immediately is full of thick shame color, wish can't find a ground crack to drill in.

If he had known that the man opposite was Xu Sanwang, the Great Buddha, he would not have dared to say so even if he had lent him a hundred courage.

"And this little brother, don't blame my broken mouth. I've drunk your good wine. I really want to remind you that things on the gambling ground are not as simple as you think. It's hard for immortals to break inch jade. The water in this line is too deep. Even if people praise me and call me Xu Sanwang, I really don't know that I will smash this signboard one day. Over the years, I've been struggling in the gambling arena, and I've seen more people with dreams of becoming rich overnight, but most of them have lost their wealth. "

"Listen to my advice, after you go to Yudu, you want to play two pieces and try your luck. Brother, I can help you choose and solve for you. But if you want to play a big one, I advise you to buy a ticket after you get off the bus. It's better to go back to where you come from."

Xu Sanwang didn't pay attention to the fat man's expression, but turned his head and looked at Ye Tian and Ning Xue. His expression was very sincere and continued to persuade him.

Not only that, when he said these words, Xu Sanwang sighed and sighed, with a deep feeling on his face.

That kind of feeling, let Ye Tian feel, Xu Sanwang seems to see more than such things, but personally experienced such things.

"Brother Xu, it seems that you have had similar experience when listening to your words?"

Ye Tian ponders for a while and inquires curiously to Xu Sanwang."It's true that people say that I am Xu Sanwang. I have a good eye for jade, a good hand for jade, and a good taste for wine. But where do they know what's going on with this Sanwang..."

When Xu Sanwang heard this, he gave a bitter smile and said slowly, "thirty years ago, when I got home in the frontier logistics transportation, I was encouraged to come to the jade capital to solve the jade problem. As a result, I fell in love with it as soon as I came here. First I untied a few pieces of jade and made a lot of money. Later, I became more and more courageous and bought more and more raw stones. As a result, I took all my wealth and bought them It's a piece of high-quality original stone. After cutting it, it's full of quartz. From then on, it's ruined... "

A knife down, ruin!

This gambling ground is really a hell!

Hearing the sound, ye Tian looks at Ning Xue and sighs in his heart.

"It doesn't matter if the gambling is broken. Money can always be earned! But those who lose red eye don't think so. They always think that they can have a chance to gamble again. Since then, I have stayed in Yudu and worked in the jade mine day and night to earn money. I don't give it to my family, but I take it to gamble. As a result, I gamble once and lose once At that time, I became addicted to alcohol. The more I lost, the more I felt about drinking... "

"Later, I even want to sell the girl in my family, buy a stone, wait for the solution, and then buy my daughter back..."

At this time, Xu Sanwang continued to whisper. When he spoke, his fingers were shaking and tears were rolling from the corner of his eyes.


Ye Tian takes a breath of air and looks at Xu Sanwang. He has to say that if everything is exactly what this guy says, then he is really a bastard!

However, the gambler who lost his red eye is not like this. Even if he has a few yuan, he wants to use it in the place where he hopes to get rich overnight.

"At that time, I was completely crazy. After I broke the stone and lost all my family property, my wife, who moved to Yudu and worked as a cook in other people's restaurants, could see that I was totally hopeless, so she ran away with my children while I was drunk..."

Xu Sanwang murmured word by word.

A knife to hell!

It's not just hell, it's 18 levels of hell!

Separated wife and children, broken family!

When ye Tian heard the speech, he sighed and finally understood why Xu Sanwang felt so much about gambling stones. No matter who he was, he would have a deep feeling when he encountered such a thing.

However, Xu Sanwang is good. At least he has come out, but how many people are still wandering in the jade capital, holding the dream of becoming rich overnight and returning to the Jade Emperor's dream.

"They left, and I finally woke up. I found many places, but I couldn't find them. I went back to Yudu, and began to help people identify and understand jade. Slowly, I came out of the name of Xu Sanwang However, I have never gambled on jade since then. "

Xu Sanwang seemed to have a lot of depression in his heart. He wanted to find someone to talk to. After a long sigh, he continued: "this time, I heard a friend say that I saw their wives in Kundu, so I ran to look for them. As a result, people saw them, but they refused to follow me any more. Even if I was carrying a bag of money, I would change it Zhang Lvpi's divorce certificate. I know that she's afraid of me. She's afraid that I'll gamble again. She's afraid that something like that will happen again... "

At the end of the day, Xu Sanwang, who was already sobbing, pulled open his briefcase. The red banknotes in it were all over the bed, and the green divorce certificate in the middle of the red banknotes was very eye-catching , the fastest update of the webnovel!