Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 686

"Good Good Just think I didn't say anything... "

At this moment, the fat man was completely convinced. After a long time, he shook his head with a bitter smile and followed closely. He gave a thumbs up to Ye Tian.

At this moment, he even has some curiosity, ye Tian is not to Ningxue poured ecstasy soup, otherwise, such a beautiful girl, temperament is also so good, and dressed, a look is not the kind of lack of money family, how can ye Tian die hard to such a shocking degree.

Ning Xue doesn't pay attention to the fat man's attitude at all, but she is blushing with shyness on her face, but she looks at Ye Tian with firm eyes.

She said so much, in fact, what she did was to let Ye Tian know how much she cared about him.

"The most difficult thing to accept is beauty..."

Ye Tian looks at Ning Xue's eyes and sighs in his heart. But for a while, he doesn't know what to say to Ning Xue.

If he doesn't feel anything about Ning Xue, it's absolutely impossible. How many people can't find such an excellent and gentle girl with a lantern? How can he feel nothing when the other party likes him now?

In fact, ye Tian doesn't care about the worldly thing that a man can only have one woman. In the square inch spiritual realm, he sees more male friars and groups of beauties around him. Therefore, he has long been indifferent to all this.

But what is different from those people is that many of the male monks are greedy for the beauty of the female nuns and like the feeling of the stars, but he is different. He is more concerned about Ning Yao's feelings.

Now, Ning Yao's spirit is in a state of deep sleep, and his life and death are uncertain. How can he do it? When his beloved is in such a state, he is still half hearted.

Moreover, all this, first of all to get the consent of Ning Yao.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

At this time, ye Tian's mobile phone suddenly rings, breaking the dead silence. When he takes out the mobile phone, he finds that it is a strange number.

"Brother ye, I'm Zhuoma. I've found my grandfather! He wants to talk to you... "

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhuoma's voice came from there. Then Lu Yanzhao's voice came from there, saying: "brother ye, Zhuoma told me everything. Thank you. After helping me so much, you saved Zhuoma. You are a benefactor of our family."

Granddaughter's name is big brother, and grandfather's name is old brother When ye Tian heard Lu Yanzhao's words, he said with a smile: "you're serious, old man. What I've done is not enough to lift a finger. I can't be your heavy evaluation."

As he said, he didn't do all this in order to get any reward from Lu Yanzhao and Zhuoma, just because these people did what he thought was right, and those who dealt with them stepped on the bottom line that he couldn't stand.

"No words, I and Zhuoma, thank you." Lu Yanzhao said in a deep voice and said, "Zhuoma told me about the Jade Emperor. I called my brother about it, but he said that he is in a mess now. He doesn't have time to take care of these things. Maybe you have to worry about it yourself."

Things have changed!

Ye Tian's heart sank when he heard the news. When the fat man said this, he had already guessed that even if he had Lu Yanzhao's relationship, it was not so simple to go to the jade capital and want to see the Jade Emperor.

After all, now the Jade Emperor is in a mess. Even if he has a good relationship with Lu yanzhao, where can he care for others.

"Sir, I've already known about what happened to Emperor Yu. If you help me to contact him again, you can say that I have a way to help him solve the problems he's facing and let him see me. Of course, if he doesn't believe it, then forget it. I'll think of a way myself. "

Ye Tiannian and here, immediately to Lu Yan Zhao deep voice way.

As said, although they came to Yudu to ask Emperor Yu for help, as the saying goes, it's better to ask someone to do something than to be asked to do something. These are two completely different concepts. Therefore, he hoped to help Emperor Yu solve the trouble, but he didn't go to the pole to ask the other party to agree with him for help.

He didn't mind. Emperor Yu begged him again after he was in a state of anxiety.

After all, as the saying goes, sending charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake. It's not a good thing to let Emperor Yu believe so easily.

"Well, I'll talk to him. But I can tell that he's really in a bit of a mess now. I'm afraid he won't listen to me. "

Hearing this, Lu Yanzhao immediately nodded his head and agreed, but he didn't say so much.

"It's OK. You can do as I say. It's OK whether you succeed or not." Ye Tian smiles, indicating that Lu Yanzhao doesn't have to worry about it.

Soon, Lu Yanzhao hung up the phone, and then waited for Lu Yanzhao to call Emperor Yu again.

"Brother ye, I'm really sorry. I heard what my brother meant. He should have found someone to solve the problem, and he was quite confident. He declined my words. I'm afraid I can't help you this time. However, brother Yu also said that when he has solved the problem, I can see you. It's just that time may be delayed for a long time. " Not long after, Lu Yanzhao's phone will open again, some embarrassed to Ye Tiandao.Although he had a good friendship with Emperor Yu, it didn't involve interests. This time, the matter was too big. Emperor Yu was worried and didn't dare to believe him, which was justifiable.

"Well, I see."

Lu Yanzhao's answer did not exceed Ye Tian's expectation. He immediately laughed and nodded.

Since Emperor Yu couldn't trust him, he tried to find a way to let Emperor Yu understand how wrong it was to not believe them.

"What's Emperor Yu's recent itinerary, and it's a big event that he will definitely go to?"

Thinking of here, ye Tian looks at Ning Xue and inquires.

"As far as I know, there will be a jade gambling meeting in these two days, and the Jade Emperor will definitely take part in it. After all, he made his fortune by gambling on jade, and the more critical it was, the more he needed to increase the number of times he appeared in front of people and stabilize people's minds. " Ning Xue is in a hurry.

"Well, I'll borrow this jade gambling meeting to let him understand what a wrong decision it was to not listen to master Lu's advice."

Ye Tian hears the sound and nods with a smile.

He has decided to shine brilliantly at the jade gambling meeting to make the Jade Emperor realize that he is not an idle person. Indeed, as Lu Yanzhao said, he can help him.

"Ha ha..."

But ye Tian's voice just fell, along the front, came a burst of cold laughter.

But this time, it was no longer a fat man, but a short, thin, middle-aged man who, as soon as he got on the bus, was sleeping with his briefcase facing the wall.

"Why, you have a problem with me, too?"

Ye Tian hears this voice, eyebrow lightly a Yang, looking at that person's back figure, light way.

He is also satisfied with the boring, rather snow and his choice of this section of the car, is not toxic, how, these guys, so like to sneer at him.

"Opinion? I have no problem with you. I just laugh at you. You don't know that heaven is high and earth is rich. You can't measure yourself! "

The short and thin middle-aged man didn't even look back, just a crisp and cold road.

This guy is really crisp and can ruin people's interest

Ye Tian for a while speechless, at this moment, he really some doubt, this section of the car Feng Shui, and he has some disagreement, special Ke he.

Even if it's not because he has no acquaintance with these people, he should think that the other party is deliberately against him.

"Let me tell you, gambling on jade is not a matter of eating and sleeping. It's not as simple as you think Then, the short and thin middle-aged man, facing the wall, said word by word: "I've seen the people who gamble on jade. I've never seen the people who cut out the best suet jade with a knife in heaven. But with hope in his heart, I've seen many pitiful people who have lost their family, separated their families and lost their lives." , the fastest update of the webnovel!