Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 680

"Master, what do you want me to do

Ye Tian picks an eyebrow to smile, looking at Monkey Mountain God, smile to chant a way.

"Although I'm a monkey and don't like to think about so many things, I'm not a fool. I don't know why. I have a feeling that you don't belong to this world, or even my master I can feel that you have no malice towards Kunlun, but I want you to give me an answer... "

Monkey Mountain God listens to Ye Tian's words, and doesn't mean to make fun of him. He continues.

As it said, it felt that ye Tian was different from anyone he had ever seen, not only in the realm of cultivation, but also in the breath of Ye Tian, as if he had read a thousand sails. Moreover, ye Tian's careless "not in this heaven and earth" just now made him aware of a possibility.

If it doesn't feel that ye Tian has no malice towards Kunlun, then, with Ye Tian's strength, in order to defend Kunlun and fulfill the promise left by its master, it will do its best to fight against Ye Tian, instead of questioning him as it does now.

"Master, please believe that although I have seen many landscapes and experiences that others have never seen, there is no doubt that I am a person of this world! And from the beginning to the end, I've always been a person! "

Ye Tian saw Monkey Mountain God's solemn affairs, and did not tell him any more nonsense. Instead, he looked solemn and said every word.

As he said, no matter how many years he has been practicing in Fangcun spiritual realm, he has never changed the fact that he is an earthman and a Chinese. More importantly, even if he becomes a great monk in Yupu realm, he always thinks that he is a man, not a God, or an old monster, who can ignore everything.

That's why he respected Monkey Mountain God. Even if he liked monkey wine very much, he didn't encounter anything beneficial to himself like many monks in Fangcun spirit realm. If it was ownerless, he took it; if it was ownerless, he robbed it.

Even after the duel, he was quite sure that as long as he used the fierce sword, he would be 100% sure that he would kill the Monkey Mountain God.

"Ha ha ha, I believe you."

Monkey Mountain God smell speech, stare at Ye Tian to see after a long time, laugh a few, then no longer ask.

It doesn't care what secrets Ye Tian has, just as there are secrets in him. As long as ye Tian can still keep a human heart, as long as it is harmless to Kunlun, it doesn't mind turning a blind eye to Ye Tian.

Hearing this, ye Tian rushes to Monkey Mountain God, raises the gourd and drinks a mouthful of monkey wine.

A snowstorm night passed quickly. The next morning, the snowstorm finally stopped. The mountains of Kunlun were covered with snow, like a snow dragon.

"Master, I'm leaving. We'll meet again in the future."

Ye Tian stretched a stretch, only feel fresh, toward Monkey Mountain God and Lu Yanzhao a fist, Lang voice way.

He has left the South China Sea long enough this time. It's time for him to go back.

Moreover, last night, he had made it clear to Monkey Mountain God that Yu Yi, Liang Wei and others were mountain people of xueyingmen. But the patriarch who they thought could help them easily kill Monkey Mountain God was already killed by Monkey Mountain God and kicked his head into the snow ditch.

Under such circumstances, he no longer needs to worry about the safety of Lu yanzhao, and can leave Kunlun at ease.

Of course, the more important thing is that after the duel last night, Monkey Mountain God taught him the secret breath method.

The name of this method is very domineering. It's called "hidden killing"!

According to the Monkey Mountain God, when his master taught him this method, he once said that it was a secret method belonging to the Kunlun criminal sect. It was specially used to deal with the mortal enemies of Kunlun and those who betrayed Kunlun. Once they were hidden, they would hide heaven and earth; once they were attacked, they would be killed without mercy!

"Green mountains will not change, green water will flow forever..." Monkey Mountain God to Ye Tian the same fist arched hands, laughing.

"Come back to Kunlun again, I'll cook for you and introduce my granddaughter Zhuoma to you!"

Lu Yanzhao heard that ye Tian was going to leave, and his face also showed reluctance. Looking at Ye Tian, he said eagerly.

Although he has not been in contact with Ye Tian for a long time, he really likes this young man. He is absolutely first-class in character, character and strength, which makes him want to be his grandson-in-law.

"Don't you forget, old man? I have a girlfriend... "

When ye Tian heard this, he could not help but lose his smile and waved to Lu Yanzhao.

"Ha ha ha, look at me..." Hearing this, Lu Yanzhao slapped his forehead heavily. He was embarrassed, but his eyes were lost.

Such a good son-in-law fell into the hands of others.

"If I mean if ha, if you break up with your girlfriend one day, remember to come to Kunlun to relax. I'll introduce Zhuoma to you. "

After that, Lu Yanzhao continued.Ye Tian has no choice but to nod with a bitter smile.

Monkey Mountain God envies looking at Ye Tian, chasing to introduce his girlfriend, such a good thing, how can it not catch up?

Ye Tian looks like him, but he has two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Where did he lose to this guy?

This idea, if let Ye Tian know, will certainly feel, some guys, obviously so ordinary, but so honey confidence!

"Old man, although it is a good thing that Kunlun is arresting hunters, you are old enough to consider everything for yourself."

Ye Tian shook his head with a bitter smile, and then arched his hand to Lu yanzhao, admonishing him.

As he said, Lu Yanzhao is enthusiastic. It's a good thing for Kunlun, but it will also put him in danger. If he's just a poacher, it's all right. If he meets mountain people again, it's dangerous.

"Well, I remember." Lu Yanzhao laughed and nodded. At this moment, the feeling of regret in his heart has become more and more strong.

"Don't worry, I'll cover him later, and the mountain god will be the backing. Later, he will walk horizontally in Kunlun, and no one dares to provoke him." Monkey Mountain God heard this, raised his hand and patted his chest, giving a guarantee.

Lu Yanzhao smiles and thanks Monkey Mountain God again and again. Ye Tian feels relieved when he hears the speech. He knows that there is no need to worry about Lu Yanzhao's safety in the future. With Monkey Mountain God as his backer, this old man is walking across Kunlun Mountain in the future, and no one dares to provoke him.

Monkey Mountain God looked up and waited for a long time, but he didn't. Lu Yanzhao said that he would introduce his granddaughter to him, which made him feel lost and sighed. He was more and more puzzled that he was worse than ye Tian. Obviously, that guy was not as cute as his own hairy.

After some communication, ye Tian didn't hesitate, so he turned to walk out of the mountain.

After walking all the way, ye Tian came to the snow line area of Kunlun Mountain, where there are large coniferous forests with dense pine trees, dark and gloomy.

"There's someone in front!"

Just as he was about to move on, ye Tian immediately heard a voice coming from the front. It was obvious that he was not the only one who walked into the coniferous forest, but they were tourists into the mountain or the remaining evils of the blood shadow gate?!

Ye Tian's mind changed. He didn't choose to show up now. Instead, he used the method of "hidden killing" to hide his breath. He jumped into the branches of the tree and followed closely. Like a little squirrel, he walked through the dense forest. After a while, he arrived at the place where the voice was.

"I didn't expect that, it's really these evils!"

Ye Tian's eyes swept down, and immediately saw that two people in xueyingmen mountain, who were similar to Liang Wei and Yu Yi, were sitting in front of a beautiful girl in a wolf fur coat with two plateau redness on her cheeks, which made her a little more beautiful without Rouge!

There's no doubt that these two guys, I'm afraid, are so bold that they should not be moved to this girl! , the fastest update of the webnovel!