Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 668

"Well, I'll thank you first."

Ye Tian was overjoyed by the speech and gave his sincere thanks to Lu Yanzhao.

Whether Xueshen can succeed or not is directly related to whether he can successfully break through the sea view. Lu Yanzhao's kindness is really great.

A moment later, he was full of meat and wine, but to Ye Tian's disappointment, the mountain god grandfather didn't jump out and show his real body.

However, ye Tian is not surprised at this. After all, he had a fight with the mountain god grandfather before. He did not show his own strength. When the other party saw him here, he chose not to fight, which is reasonable.

"It seems that the mountain god grandfather will not appear Little brother, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that the snow is getting smaller. I'll go out and try my luck to see if I can find those poaching grandchildren and give them some color. Are you coming with me or waiting for me to come back later? "

Full of wine and meat, Lu Yanzhao felt that his whole body was exhausted. He glanced out and saw that the snow had turned into snow particles, and there was no sign of stopping. He turned to look at Ye Tian and said with a smile.

"I'm with you."

Leaf day smell speech, smile to nod without thinking, way.

That group of poachers is likely to be a group of mountain people. With the ability of mountain people, it is absolutely easy to pick up Lu Yanzhao. If they don't go with him and meet each other alone, they will be dead.

Lu Yanzhao is chivalrous, righteous and warm-hearted. He can't bear to die in Kunlun for such an old man.

"OK, let's go together. Just in time, I'll take you to the area of Xueshen. It's just that it's snowy today. It's covered with snow. It's probably not easy to find."

When Lu Yanzhao heard that ye Tian wanted to be with him, he was very happy. He arched his hand to Ye Tian and said with a smile.

He knows that ye Tian is a master, and they can be a lot safer together. Not only that, Kunlun is vast, and running alone in the mountains, cold or trivial, that kind of loneliness is the most difficult, otherwise, he would not take gangzhiseng together, at least have a companion.

Now, with Ye Tian by your side, you can talk to more than one person, which is naturally the best.

Soon, they left the mountain temple and wandered around the mountains.

The snow capped the mountain, and the trap was camouflaged. Now it's covered with snow. It looks like it's covered in silver and white. Especially in Kunlun Mountain, the snow is very thick. Even if Lu Yanzhao is holding a long bamboo pole, it's hard to find the trap here and there.

Fortunately, ye Tian's mind was strong and spread out, covering the surrounding ground. After a while, he helped Lu Yanzhao find some traps. What's more, the two of them were glad that because of the heavy snow today, the wild animals were in their nests and didn't go out, so there were no dead animals in these traps.

"Little brother, how did you find out? Isn't that amazing?"

At the beginning, Lu Yanzhao thought it was a coincidence, but when ye Tian helped him find out four or five traps, Lu Yanzhao felt that it was not as simple as a coincidence. He could not help looking at Ye Tian and asked curiously.

You know, he is an old hunter who has been in the mountains for many years, and gangrisenge is a Tibetan mastiff with an extremely sensitive sense of smell. However, they can't find these traps buried in the snow by one person and one dog. However, ye Tian, as if he could see the situation under the snow, pointed to one by one.

That kind of feeling, straight let a person feel, ye Tian seems to have two perspective eyes, can see the situation under the snow.

"My sixth sense has been strong since I was a child, and I have a keen sense of danger."

Ye Tian hears the sound and laughs casually.

Lu Yanzhao is suspicious when he hears the news. He knows that the master really has the intuition of pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil. But ye Tian's intuition is a little too strong!

However, he knew very well that if it wasn't for ye Tian's incredible ability, at this moment, he might have fallen into the trap with gunrisseng, and his soul would be gone. Not only the two of them, but also the number of wild animals would have been poisoned.

And this, also let him in awe of Ye Tian heart, but also gave birth to a bit of gratitude, decided to help Ye Tian find two years of snow ginseng, let him take back.

"Brother ye, I found the area of Xueshen last time. It's here. Wait a minute, I'll show you..."

A moment later, when they came to a glacier Valley, Lu Yanzhao stopped, looked around, and then said.

Snow ginseng grows here?!

When ye Tian hears the sound, he is immediately happy. Without thinking, he spreads his mind and covers the surrounding area. He carefully perceives the situation under the snow and tries to find out the snow ginseng.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhao is also wandering in the snow, trying to find the mark he left when he saw Xueshen here.

However, the snow capped the mountain and the white snow had sealed off all the marks he had left, and nothing could be seen.

"Brother ye, just a moment..."

This made Lu Yanzhao look embarrassed. He swept around with a bamboo pole, hoping to brush away the snow and find the mark."Old man, it's dark under the light. Stand aside. I'm afraid you've stepped on the snow ginseng."

At this time, ye Tian looked at Lu Yanzhao and said with a smile.

Snow under my feet?!

Lu Yanzhao took a suspicious look at Ye Tian, then quickly moved his feet away and swept away the snow. Sure enough, as soon as the snow under his feet was swept away, he immediately saw a red rope.

"God, brother ye, you are a god!"

As soon as he saw the red rope, Lu Yanzhao's face immediately showed the color of disbelief, and gave a thumbs up to Ye Tian.

In Kunlun Mountain, there is a saying that snow ginseng is a spiritual treasure in the mountain. If you find snow ginseng and don't tie it with red rope, snow ginseng will disappear strangely next time you come back.

The last time Lu Yanzhao found Xueshen here, the mark left was the red rope.

The appearance of red rope makes him more and more sure that ye Tian really has the ability to see through the snow and see the situation below.

"It's really Xueshen!"

At this time, ye Tian had approached Lu Yanzhao and looked down to the ground. Immediately, he saw that what was tied by the red rope on the ground was a plant with several heart-shaped dark blue leaves. Under the snow, it was like a jasper plant.

Immediately after that, ye Tian stretched out his hand, then stretched out to the ground to dig out the snow ginseng from the ground.

"Brother ye, don't worry..."

Seeing ye Tian's action, Lu Yanzhao is in a hurry to stop him.

But when he came out, it was too late, and ye Tian's hand had fallen on the snow ginseng.

"You are too anxious..."

Lu Yanzhao shook his head and sighed, you know, snow ginseng is like ice and snow, very delicate, when picking snow ginseng, you must be careful again, otherwise, even if you break a little skin, or cut off a ginseng whisker, it will let the inherent ginseng slurry seep out, and the property of the whole snow ginseng will continue to dissipate with the rupture, when the time comes, the price will rise It's going to be a big discount.

This is also the reason why although snow ginseng is precious, it is not as famous as ginseng.

Because, most of the snow ginseng will be damaged, not shipped out of the mountain, the effect is discounted.

Therefore, when the ginseng collectors in Kunlun Mountain find snow ginseng, they will let the most experienced ones to do it by themselves.

In his mind, although Ye Tian's method is magical, such as seeing through the snow to find the snow ginseng, it may not be able to dig out the snow ginseng intact.

At this time, ye Tian's hand, deep into the ground, five fingers skillfully and constantly shaking, just a short short film carving effort, a thumb thick, the whole body is snow white, like snow jade, but also human shaped snow ginseng, he was dug out of the soil.

His action seems to be very rough, but the strange thing is that the snow ginseng he dug out from the ground is not damaged at all, every hair like ginseng is not damaged at all.

This integrity, even the most experienced veteran, may not be able to do!

Even Lu Yan and Zhao have some doubts at this moment, whether ye Tian is the reincarnation of Caishen people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!