Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 650

"Lord Liu, what else do you have that can kill me? Take it out together and let me open my eyes..."

At this time, ye Tian weighed the red stove in his palm, and then looked at Liu Bufan, with a mocking smile on his face. He said that when he said "want my life" and "open my eyes", he deliberately lengthened his tone.


Liu Bufan clenched his teeth, and his back teeth were almost broken.

However, although he is furious, hate crazy, but there is no way to take ye Tian, can only watch Dan furnace was his pocket.

"Master Liu, you Qingming sect are weak. Why are you so poor? Can't you get any details? How can you do "ha ha ha, Lord Liu, how can you look so ugly? It's said that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly. Your Qingming sect has always been called the first Sect on the mountain. You are not too bad than the prime minister. How can you be so small-minded? "

Ye Tian sees this and looks at Liu Bufan with a smile, playing with the taste.

"Ye Tian, sooner or later, you will pay the price of blood and life for today's move."

Liu Bufan looks at Ye Tian's appearance, after sneering a few times, gnashing his teeth.

"You're not tired of that. I'm tired of it. Well, I'll do a good deed and accompany you here for a while... "

Ye Tian sneers and shakes his head. Immediately, the stone monkey makes a wink and sits in front of Liu Bufan, leaving him a figure.

Ye Tian, I can't stay. I must kill him!

Liu Bufan looks at Ye Tian's back and pinches his fingers tightly. In his eyes, he is as sharp as a knife.

He has been around for so many years. He thinks he has seen all kinds of talents and strong men. But he asks himself, but he has never seen Ye Tian like this.

Moreover, he felt that if ye Tian was not killed and let him continue to grow in this way, it might not be long before the position of Qingming sect as the first Sect on the mountain would be lost. He could not be sure. He would also turn into a ripple in the long history like Taiyi sect, just a slightly larger one.

However, he asked himself, even now, it's not easy to kill Ye Tian, I'm afraid it will cost him a lot.

At this time, ye Tian started to run the original spirit fire of Dantian, trying to connect with Xiyao's corpse. He wanted to see if the change of Xiyao's corpse was caused by it.

What makes Ye Tian even more happy is that as soon as his original spirit fire turns, he immediately feels a strange wave coming from Xiyao's corpse.

That kind of fluctuation is the same as the original spirit fire, but ye Tian's original spirit fire is more flexible and vigorous, but the Qi emitted by Xiyao's corpse is a kind of dead and broken breath, just like a yin and a Yang, the contrast between life and death.

When he found this same but different feeling, ye Tian didn't have any hesitation. He quickly turned his mind and threw it at Xiyao's corpse.

As soon as I could see, there was a group of original spirit fire swaying in Xiyao's elixir. But the color of the original spirit fire was not as golden and bright red as he was, but as dark as ink.

"Her original spirit fire, how can it be this color?"

Ye Tian looks at this group of spirit fire in Xiyao Dantian. He is at a loss. But there is no doubt that this deep color of ink is extremely consistent with the stillness and disillusionment of this group of original spirit fire.

Not only that, ye Tian also found that Xiyao's Dantian is now full of holes, just like a ball that is about to disintegrate. That makes Ye Tian feel that before her corpse is covered by glaciers, she has definitely experienced a terrible battle of life and death.


But just when the divine idea explores and perceives the black original spirit fire, ye Tian suddenly feels that there is a sudden buzz in his mind. Immediately, the original spirit fire in his Dantian trembles slightly, and that part of it enters into the divine idea of Xiyao's corpse, as if it suddenly loses control, and spreads out to Xiyao's whole body.

That strange feeling makes Ye Tian feel that he is out of the body now, as if this body of Xiyao is another himself.

"What's the matter? It seems that I can enter into her body, as if I can completely master her body.... "

Ye Tian's face changed greatly. He didn't know why such a strange situation happened, but he was shocked, and a kind of joy rose in his heart.

This strange connection means that no one except him can get the body of Xiyao, even the Lingming stone monkey.

Immediately after that, ye Tian also found that with the idea of entering Xiyao's body, the original spirit fire, which was originally pure black, began to sway slightly at the moment.

That strange appearance, as if ye Tian had activated this corpse at the moment.

How could that be? Isn't he dead? How can I activate the original spirit fire of Dantian?This strange situation filled Ye Tian with shock and confusion.

Not only him, but also Liu Bufan found something extremely wrong with Xiyao's corpse. He saw that Xiyao's corpse, which was not moving at all, was emitting a more grand atmosphere of extinction.

This breath does not increase the prestige, but it frightens the mind and makes people feel that the spirit is about to collapse.

"Treasure! This immortal corpse is absolutely a treasure. Even if you can't feel any cultivation method from her body, as long as you get it, you can just throw it out when you fight with others. With the double pressure of the body and mind, you can kill the enemy, just like the furnace... "

But when he was shocked, Liu Bufan's eyes were even more unrestrained. But when he thought of the red stove, and then he thought that the treasure of the past had fallen into Ye Tian's hands, his face suddenly darkened.

Then, because of the Dan stove, he thought of an idea that made him even more uneasy: could this immortal corpse be due to Ye Tian's proximity?

At the same time, with the spread of the divine idea, at this moment, ye Tian's heart gave birth to an extremely strong illusion. He felt that Xiyao's body, at this moment, was like his own body, as if he could control it.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian's eyes changed, and his fingers moved slightly and imperceptibly.

With his action, the fingers of Xiyao's corpse twitched uncontrollably.

Although the movement is extremely difficult to detect, how can you avoid the eyes of experts such as ye Tian, Liu Bufan and Lingming stone monkey.

With this slight hook, everyone in the room felt as if there was a terrible thunder, which suddenly exploded in his ears. His mind was buzzing, his mouth was wide open, and he was hissing.

However, the shock in their hearts is not the same.

Ye Tian's shock is that he can really manipulate the corpse of Xiyao.

Liu Bufan was shocked and shocked by the fact that after many years of being covered with dust in the ice, he could continue to act.

"Xiyao You Are you still alive... "

As for Lingming stone monkey, at the moment when he saw Xiyao's fingers ticking, he was sitting on the ground with his knees crossed. Now his eyes suddenly sparkled with brilliance. He suddenly stood up, looked at the corpse and murmured! , the fastest update of the webnovel!