Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 638

Today is the day to break the sky level!

When ye Tian's words fall, everyone's eyes around him immediately focus on Ye Tian and Qiu Changchun.

I have to say that whether ye Tian is bragging or not, they must admit that it sounds too domineering!

What is the sky level? This is the ultimate dream of most mountain people and the achievement they hope to achieve.

But now, in Ye Tian's mouth, it makes people feel like Chinese cabbage. As long as he wants, he can give it to anyone!

"Who do you think you are? What do you think the heaven level is? You can give it to whoever you want? "

Wu Tianliang was stunned. Immediately, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ye Tian and said coldly.

The refining of tianlingdan is extremely difficult. Even qingmingzong dare not say that it can be refined 100% successfully. Moreover, the efficacy of tianlingdan is limited. It is not that as long as you take tianlingdan, you can make a smooth breakthrough, unless you can achieve a very high quality of tianlingdan.

But now, ye Tian's attitude is so strong, how can people not feel that he is blowing nonsense.

"Master Qiu, give me the elixir you have prepared. Today, I will let you break through the sky level and let them have a look. The sky level is not as difficult as they think!"

Ye Tian despises Wu Tianliang's words, but looks at Qiu Changchun and smiles calmly.

"Ha ha ha, OK, then I'll wait and see!" Hearing this, without any hesitation, Qiu Changchun immediately took out the elixir that he had collected for a long time, but no one could refine it for him, and no one dared to refine it for him, and handed it to Ye Tian.

"Don't mess around, elder martial brother! Are you sure he can make a magic pill? If you fail, isn't your hard work in vain? "

Seeing this, Yu Qianfan quickly put out his hand to stop him. Looking at Qiu Changchun, he said in a deep voice.

"Don't try to persuade me any more. Today, I have made up my mind!"

Qiu Changchun flatly waved his hand and motioned Yu Qianfan not to waste more words.

He really did not know whether ye Tian could make the elixir for himself, but he was willing to believe Ye Tian.

Not because of anything else, just because ye Tian was able to say those words that he had accumulated in his heart for countless years, but was trapped as a person of Tiangang gate and could not say.

A man who can speak out for others and save his life in the snow mountain deserves his trust!

At least, for him, ye Tian is far more trustworthy than Yu Qianfan!

"Hahaha, I'm so laughing. You start refining as soon as possible. I want to see how you plan to make Qiu Changchun break the sky level today!"

Listening to these words, Wu Tianliang laughed wildly, and at the same time, he glanced at the people of qingmingzong not far away.

The refining of tianlingdan is extremely difficult, otherwise, it will not be monopolized by qingmingzong.

Even if Qiu Changchun gave Ye Tian the elixir to refine the elixir, there was no ground fire here. What did ye Tian take to refine the elixir for Qiu Changchun? Did he intend to use the bonfires around to refine the elixir? If it's so easy to refine, the heaven level has already left the world?!

Moreover, don't forget that qingmingzong has said that Qiu Changchun can't enter the heaven level in this life. Even if ye naivete has the way of contrarian elixir, he can also refine the heaven elixir for Qiu Changchun without earth fire, and let him break the heaven level. But how can qingmingzong allow someone to dare to violate their orders.

At that time, waiting for ye Tian and Qiu Changchun, it is not only his anger, but also qingmingzong's hot hand.


But almost at the same time, as soon as ye Tian's hand was raised, the original spirit fire suddenly flew up, swirling around the void, emitting smart heat.

Then, like a magic trick, a red stove flew out of the palm of his hand, fell on the original spirit fire, and began to warm up.

After breaking through the seventh floor of the cave, he can use the original spirit fire instead of the earth fire, and he can also refine pills.

"Hiss! He was able to condense a flame out of thin air. Did he master the heaven level of the five elements

"Where is his stove hidden? How do I feel like this thing is flying out of thin air? "

"His fire seems to be a little different from the five elements magic. It's more powerful and has a kind of spiritual movement!"

As soon as this mysterious scene appeared, all the people on the mountain around them were stunned, whispered and exclaimed.

Rao Shi, who came from three schools and five schools, had never seen such a strange method as ye Tian.

"The boy Who is it? "

Wu Tianliang was stunned. He couldn't believe that he looked at Ye Tian in front of him. His face was full of surprise. Moreover, in his heart, he had a very strange feeling. He didn't know that ye Tian could really help Qiu Changchun break through his dream!

At this time, when ye Tian was warming up the Dan furnace, he had already begun to process miraculous drugs. All kinds of miraculous drugs were processed skillfully by him, or squeezed into juice, or rolled into powder, or only took the flowers and roots. The skillful technique was like butterflies flying in the flowers, which dazzled people."He's so accomplished in Dan Dao! When did such a powerful Dan master appear among the people in my mountain? ! "

" this is the most skillful way to make a magic medicine. Who is he? "

"In addition to Qingming sect, there is such a powerful Dan master in the world. Which sect does he belong to? He doesn't come out of thin air, does he?"

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if they have. Seeing ye Tian's action, those Dan masters who brought Sanjiangyuan by each sect immediately show their shocked color in their eyes.

You know, whether the elixir can be refined successfully has a lot to do with the master's processing of elixir.

The skillful Dan master, by using the method of processing, can turn decay into magic, and make some elixirs with defects play a normal or even stronger role.

Ye Tian's skill shows that he obviously belongs to these powerful Dan masters.

However, the number of Dan masters is very small among the people in the mountain. They ask themselves whether they can communicate with each other. They have never heard of such a powerful Dan master in any sect or in any sanxiu!

"Ding Dang Ding Dong Ding Dang... "

And at this time, ye Tian has put the elixir into the Dan furnace. Suddenly, the sound of quenching Dan can't stop. It's as crisp as gold and jade.

Not only that, but also the fragrance of danxiang diffused into every Friar's nose.

"I think maybe he can really make it!"

"It's unbelievable that a alchemist with unknown origin can refine the elixir and succeed at one stroke!"

"Qingmingzong, I'm afraid there will be a sense of crisis now. If this alchemist can also refine the elixir, how many people will go to qingmingzong as long as his offer is a little lower

Fragrant, so that people around the mountains, whispering, all aware of an incredible possibility.


A moment later, the lid of the red stove suddenly flew up, and a jade white red medicine rose up into the sky with the fragrance of the medicine.

"Dan's done it!"

"Oh my God, he did it!"

"Besides Qingming sect, there is another force in the world that can refine the elixir! The pattern of the clan on the mountain may be broken! "

Looking at the jade white elixir, the scene immediately seemed like a frying pan, and all the people exclaimed, especially the prefecture level peak and the late friars, who almost burst out fire in their eyes, wanted to rush up and snatch the elixir.

"Master Qiu, please take it. It's today to break the sky level."

Ye Tian hands a move, will this day spirit Dan copy into the hand, handed Qiu Changchun.

"Ha ha ha, that's like your lucky words!"

When Qiu Changchun heard this, he woke up from the shock that ye Tian could really refine the elixir. After taking the elixir, he laughed and sent it to his mouth.


In a flash, a terrible aura burst in his mouth and spread all over his body.

At the moment when the breath spread, it was like the thunder ticking the fire. He felt that all the mana in his elixir field roared out, and a new force that he had been longing for suddenly soared up.

Not only that, his breath, at this moment, also suddenly changed, from the prefecture level to the heaven level!

Break the sky level, sure enough, today! , the fastest update of the webnovel!