Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 609

"President Leng, do you have a clear idea? Are you here to accompany me? Or should I go to Nanhai in person and find Yueyue's niece to accompany me? "

The leader looks at Leng Ruyu and knows that he has grasped her weakness. The smile on his face immediately becomes more ferocious.

Leng Ruyu listened to this sound, only felt that her body was about to fall into the ice cellar, and felt a kind of terrible cold.

At this moment, she regretted to the extreme. She shouldn't underestimate the evil in people's heart, and she shouldn't come here alone with a driver and end up being coerced. After all, she's not like Ye Tian. She can be a hundred strong.

"Mr. Leng, run!"

At this time, the driver with Leng Ruyu jumped up and hit the leader on the head, then drank to Leng Ruyu.

"What's more, I'm afraid you're not ready to play hero saving game with me!"

But without waiting for Leng Ruyu to act, the leader suddenly raised his foot, kicked the driver in the stomach, kicked him to the ground, held his stomach and howled miserably, glanced at several gangsters around, and sneered: "this boy is not bloody. He loves to show off his ability. Help him release blood, and see if his blood is enough!"

"Hey, boy, if you dare to fight brother Xiong, you really don't know what to do. I'm afraid you don't know. Brother Xiong is an old man, but he has blood on his hand! "

"Pretend to be a hero, show off your ability, and clean up the things that can't kill you son of a bitch!"

As soon as the words fell, several gangsters immediately took out the spring knife from their pockets, waved it in their hands and surrounded the driver.

That bright blade, just to see, it makes people feel flustered and uneasy. The driver, who was pale because of eating pain, lost his blood color completely at the moment.

"Stop it But at this time, Leng Ruyu's eyes changed. If she had made any decision, she pursed her lips and looked at the strong man who was the leader. She said, "do you let him go if I agree to your terms?"

All these things are due to her own, she is not willing to drag down the driver, let him be foolproof.

"Of course, I always mean what I say! What, you've got it all figured out now? "

Brother Xiong nodded with a smile and looked at Leng Ruyu playfully. He enjoyed the cold beauty and the feeling of being coerced by himself.

And he thought that before long, this cold and delicate beauty would have to entertain herself gently. He even felt that his blood was boiling, and he was bubbling in his heart.

"Let him go, I promise you, the money and the people are yours!"

Cold as jade, indifference a way.

Everything can't be avoided, so she has the right to think that she was bitten by a dog.

But although she looks indifferent, but in her heart, there is a kind of desolation and helplessness, and it is also an incomparable desire. At this time, like in the movie, there is a big hero, stepping on the seven colors of auspicious clouds, coming down from the sky to save her from fire and water.

But unfortunately, she also knows that this idea is doomed to be futile. In this world, there are so many heroes who fall from the sky.

"Tie him aside! Let me go when I'm done! " At this time, brother Xiong waved his hand to the boys and tied the driver aside. Immediately, he said to Leng Ruyu with a grim smile, "President Leng, let's go."

Leng Ruyu clenches her lower lip and stares at brother Xiong's eyes. After watching for a long time, she finally closes her eyes in humiliation, raises her hand and touches the collar button.

She has a habit of cleanliness, not only in her body, but also in her heart. Thinking of the tragedy she will face soon, she has a feeling of madness.

At this moment, her desire for salvation suddenly became more urgent.

But what she knows better is that those yearnings and hopes are all her own dreams. A tragedy has been doomed. No matter who it is, it can't be changed.

"Open your eyes and look at me. Who told you to close your eyes? Open them! Do you think I'm not good enough for you? "

But just at this time, brother Xiong's face showed displeasure and looked at Leng Ruyu. He was threatened by the cold voice.

Leng Ruyu clenched her teeth. After a long time, she slowly opened her eyes. However, when her eyelids opened, along the corner of her eyes, there was crystal clear dripping, which was humiliating and unfortunate tears.

"Ha ha ha..." Brother Xiong is laughing. The colder the jade is, the more satisfied he is with the beast in his heart.

"President Leng, you are also a famous strong woman in Nanhai city. You are a good hand in the shopping mall. How can you have such a big loss today? Not only money but also people! When I helped you, I should have learned this method... "

But at this moment, outside the hospital, with the help of the eyes and super hearing, I can't help watching all ye Tian inside. I can't help but stand up, hold my hand, float like a feather blown by the wind and cross the wall. After standing on the ground, I look at Leng Ruyu and say with a smile.All of a sudden, resounding around, suddenly, like a terrible storm, swept the field!

"Who is this guy? When did he start standing outside? "

"Who is he?"

Brother Xiong's younger brothers, when they saw Ye Tian, immediately turned chilly and stepped back two steps involuntarily.

This village is very desolate, except for some old people who usually stay at home, there are few young people, which is one of the reasons why they choose to threaten Leng Ruyu here.

But now, ye Tian has been standing outside the door for such a long time, and they have no idea. How can they not be surprised.

"Ye Tian!"

Leng Ruyu heard this, and then saw the banter smile on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth. The whole person was stunned, and felt like a dream.

She had just thought of Ye Tian, and felt that if she could be as strong as ye Tian, she would not be afraid of everything in front of her.

But she really didn't expect, oneself just think so just, but leaf day, unexpectedly really appeared in front of eyes.

Although he did not step on the five colors of auspicious clouds, there is no doubt that he is a hero who will be able to save himself and his life!

"Why, boy, you have enough blood to help her out?"

Brother Xiong was stunned. Looking at Ye Tian, he sneered.

"What's the matter? What's your opinion?"

The leaf day playfully shrugged, looking at elder brother Xiong, light way.

"Get him!"

Brother Xiong looks at Ye Tian's indifferent face, and then thinks of the rising interest. He is completely destroyed by Ye Tian, and his face is covered with frost. With a wave of his hand, he shouts out to those little brothers.

A language falls, around those younger brothers, immediately brandish the spring knife in the hand, pounce on to the leaf day, want to open a knife to see blood for him.

"It's naive of you to play in front of me..."

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and gave a faint smile. He didn't talk to these people at all. With his hand raised, a wind blade swept across, with a terrible cold breath, and fell on the wrists of the gangsters holding the knives. With a wisp of blood, he immediately dropped the spring knife to the ground, making a clang sound.

Blood splashed everywhere, howling everywhere. A second ago, a group of younger brothers, who looked fierce, collapsed to the ground in the blink of an eye, covered their wrists, and blood flowed.

"You You Are you a human, a ghost or something... "

Brother Xiong looked at the scene with astonishment. He was almost petrified. His eyes were full of wonder and confusion.

He only saw that ye Tian's hand was so gently raised that he didn't even see a little cold light, and he didn't see anything. His younger brothers all fell to the ground with blood streaming all over the ground.

This scene, treacherous to the point of no more, it seems, just like the arrival of unpredictable ghosts.

"What are you doing? Just now you touched lengruyu with this hand. She has a habit of cleanliness and doesn't like to get dirty things. In this case, don't take your hand! "

Immediately, ye Tian's hand gently raised, a blade of wind swept out again and landed on brother Xiong's wrist.


The strong wind swept and suddenly fell. In an instant, brother Xiong only felt his wrist cool. Immediately, a blood line spread out. In the moment when the wind blew, the hand broke and fell to the ground! , the fastest update of the webnovel!