Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 591

Is there any message left by the ancient monks on earth in this hidden area?

Ye Tian's mind is changing. Without any hesitation, he uses his mana to activate the small heaven and earth array pattern on the dongtianshi. With the instillation of his mana, the region gradually begins to have strands of golden patterns.


Almost at the moment when the veins spread out, along the void of shuiyuezong, bursts of violent roar appeared suddenly. That kind of feeling is like the Earth Dragon turning over, like an unknown area, to pierce the present space and appear in the world.

"Master ye, what's the matter?"

The water month Zong Lord hears this terrible movement, involuntarily looking at Ye Tian, surprised hair asks a way.

But it's a pity that ye Tian is pouring all his heart into the small heaven and earth array pattern on the activated cave stone at this moment, and has no time to answer her doubts.

"My God, what's going on? Is it a mirage? How can I have such a huge space in shuiyuezong

"It's so mysterious. What's the matter with this scene?"

"It's not an illusion, is it? I've lived here for so many years, how can I never realize that there is such an area? "

When the master of Shuiyue sect was in a state of mind, he suddenly heard the cry of many disciples of Shuiyue sect.

There are other spaces in shuiyuezong?!

When the Lord of Shuiyue sect heard this, he was stunned. He looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, and then rushed to the outside world to see what happened.

"God, this is..."

As soon as she walked out of the building, the whole person's expression suddenly dull, as if petrified, looking forward in disbelief.

At this moment, in the void on the top of the mountain, there appeared stone steps.

Those stone steps are not solid at the moment, but present a semi virtual and semi solid state.

Many stone steps spread to the top of the sky, level by level, and rushed into the high air, with no end in sight.

This area, not only the disciples of Shuiyue sect, but also the leader of Shuiyue sect, has never been aware of it. It's like there is an illusory space coming down from the sky and born out of thin air in Shuiyue sect.

But what the master of Shuiyue sect knows is that ye Tian must have done this strange scene at this moment. No one else can do it except him.

However, what puzzled her was how ye Tian did it. She knew more about everything here than she was the leader of Shuiyue sect.

In other words, how ye Tian did it was a strange move that shuiyuezong generation had never done.

Even at this moment, there was a kind of doubt in her heart. She felt that ye Tian was like those ancient monks who once lived in the water moon cave.


At this time, the void shuddered and the ripples scattered. The stone steps, one after another, completely changed from a half empty and half solid state to a solid state. In that way, they spread from the top of the mountain and went straight into the deep clouds.

Not only that, at the top of the stone steps, there is a strange arch.

Above the arch, it is shining, carved with dragons and painted with phoenixes. It seems that the vicissitudes of life are sacred, and it radiates a kind of terrible pressure that makes people's mind collapse.

"What is this door?"

The master of Shuiyue sect was at a loss. The oppression made her almost breathless. She could only look up to the God like attitude and the huge door.


At this time, along her back, came the voice of Ye Tian.

Until this moment, she was surprised to find that ye Tian didn't know when, had quietly appeared beside her, but she didn't even notice, this kind of feeling, made her thrilled to the point.

You know, although she was shocked just now, her spiritual sense was still scattered, but ye Tian was able to get close to her without any sound, making her spiritual sense unable to sense. This means that if ye Tian wants to kill her, he can easily do it without any sound.

"Stargate, what's that?"

In shock, the Lord of Shuiyue sect looks at Ye Tian and asks in bewilderment.

"Behind this door is the vast starry sky!" Ye Tian whispered slowly, word by word.

It's just that the leader of Shuiyue sect is confused. In his eyes, ye Tian is not only shocked, but also excited.

This kind of expression makes her feel confused and unable to understand why the starry sky makes Ye Tian so excited. Suddenly, a bold inference comes into her mind. Is it true that ye Tian actually comes from the vast starry sky?!

But without waiting for her to continue to ask questions, ye Tian is walking up the stone steps step by step.

A moment later, ye Tian came to the front of the gate of the starry sky, his eyes swept, and fell on the numerous golden veins. In the huge portal, he was flowing slowly like water, exuding a wonderful atmosphere of interweaving space and space, and his eyes were full of deep admiration.He knew that these veins were mysterious spatial veins, which could only be achieved by great monks who had mastered the way of space.

If you had not seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought that as early as in ancient times, those ancient friars had mastered such a powerful force and embarked on the road of exploring the starry sky.

That kind of mysterious, let him can't help but put out his hand, toward the huge door on the touch.


At the moment when the finger fell on the door, along the huge door, there was a low hum immediately, such as excited.

Then, along the original foggy, can not see clearly inside the door, suddenly there is a bright starry sky.

Even ye Tian, looking at this scene, couldn't help but gasp.

This scene is too magical, behind the mountains and water, but in front of the body is a boundless starry sky.

The stars are shining, shining and incomparable, like a beautiful picture. Those stars are just within reach. When the rivers of stars flow in them, they drop the power of stars. They are peaceful and holy, as if through endless time.

Ye Tian looks at the stars in front of him, hesitating and bewildered. He is very curious whether the star sky behind the door is the square inch spiritual realm?

After a little hesitation, ye Tian raises his hand and slowly pours mana into the gate of the starry sky. He wants to see if the gate can still be urged.


In a flash, the gate of the starry sky trembles. The clear starry sky in the gate suddenly spins up and turns into a huge whirlpool like a black hole.

"What on earth is this?"

"Why do I think there is a huge space behind this vortex?"

All the disciples of shuiyuezong were shocked. They looked at the huge door and felt a kind of space from behind the vortex.


But at this time, the whirlpool suddenly broke, turned into a beautiful starry sky again, and finally, returned to the dim.

"Wheezing Wheezing... "

Not only that, at this moment, ye Tian is like a dehydrated fish, gasping, with an unhealthy pallor on his face and a cold sweat on his forehead.

"My mana is too weak to support myself. I can't open the gate of the starry sky and the path of the stars..."

Ye Tian sighed in his heart that the consumption of mana in this starry gate was too terrible. Just for a moment, he felt that just as this gate had emptied all the mana in his body, he had a feeling of incomparable weakness.

According to his estimation, if you want to push the door of the starry sky, I'm afraid you need at least the strength of Hua Ying's success. Or, another way is to fill it with Lingyu, and fill it with a large number of Lingyu. But the number of Lingyu you need is in millions.

But there is no doubt that such a number of Lingyu, he can not have now!

"The sky is close, but it can't reach it!"

Ye Tian sighs gently, and finally takes his hand back from the gate of the starry sky. His eyes are lost, but not too much.

He knows that he is still in the world of mortals, and now is not the time to get away from the earth and set foot on the star road again , the fastest update of the webnovel!