Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 586

Ji Changming, get out!

A word fell, and the sound was like thunder, which made the heads of a group of shuiyuezong disciples hum. But compared with the shock brought by the sound wave, the waves in their minds were more terrible, just like the tsunami.

Who is Ji Changming? He is the top master of heaven and the elder of Qingming sect!

This kind of existence is absolutely one of the top figures of the pyramid among the people on the mountain. No matter which sect you go to, no matter where you go, you have to be held and offered. Especially for the small sect like Shuiyue sect, his words are even more effective than the patriarch.

Otherwise, Ji Changming proposed to marry Xu Qing, and the master of Shuiyue would not dare to take a breath of air. Even if he was unwilling, he could only agree.

But at this moment, it is such a superior existence, but ye Tian is so whooping, just like whooping pig and dog!

What is called strong, this is absolutely worthy of the strong!

"The sound It's Ye Tian He came to shuiyuezong... "

At this time, Xu Qing, who was practicing in the secret of shuiyuezong, suddenly felt that she heard a shout in her ear, and the sound sounded more familiar, which made her open her eyes and look in the direction of the sound.

"No It can't be him. He and I have already lost our friendship. He won't care whether I live or die. "

But immediately, Xu Qing's face showed a touch of bitterness and shook his head, thinking that it was his own auditory hallucination.

However, she can't understand why Ye Tianming is the one she should hate, but most of the time, she can't summon up the courage to hate Ye Tian.

Moreover, sometimes, she even thinks that if she could promise Ye Tian Long ago and stay with him, everything would be different. In that case, her father would not betray Ye Tian's parents in order to save himself, and everything would be changed.

But she also understood that all this was just her fantasy. Time had passed, and everything could not turn back.

This situation can be recalled, but at that time has been lost!

"Ignorant, you just killed a taiyimen. Do you really think you are a character? How dare you shout in front of me

At this time, Ji Changming heard Ye Tian's words, and his face was as gloomy as the bottom of a pot. He walked out of the hall and looked at Ye Tian, gnashing his teeth and saying coldly.

His identity is definitely one of the top groups of people in the mountain. Even as a congenital, as the leader of Qingming sect, Liu Bufan does not need to be respectful in front of him, but at least he is treated equally.

But now, ye Tian is shouting at him, such as calling pigs and dogs. This kind of humiliation is really unbearable to him.

"Killing you is like killing a dog!"

Ye Tianping looks directly at Ji Changming and says faintly.

But having said that, ye Tian saw that his sword was in the sky, and his face was completely different. Ji Changming didn't feel strange about it. It's obvious that Liu Bufan has mastered the art of sword.

Even before Liu Bufan, some people in Qingming sect had this skill.

The disciples of Qingming sect don't know these secrets, but Liu Bufan, as the elder, naturally doesn't.

"Kill me like a dog? Killing me is like killing a dog... "

Ji Changming was furious and his voice became louder and louder. At last, it was like a piece of thunder rushing over the sky.

Since he set foot on the road of cultivation, he has never suffered such unbearable humiliation.

"No one has ever dared to despise me like this! Younger generation, you have to pay the price of bleeding for your rampancy! "

Ji Changming gritted his teeth and immediately reached out to grab a huge bow engraved with many dragon patterns. He pointed to Ye Tian and said in a loud voice.


Next, he opened the full moon, the string like thunder, an arrow toward Ye Tian shot away, arrow light roaring, as if a rainbow, and more wind elements rolling on the arrow vibration, it looks like this arrow, together with the sun can kill.

"Worthy of being the elder of Qingming sect, so strong!"

The disciples of shuiyuezong were shocked by Ji Changming's attack.

"This bow, in your hand, is wasted!"

Ye Tian gazes at Ji Changming's brilliant bow and marvels in his heart.

This bow is definitely a top-quality spirit soldier. It is the first choice for long-distance combat. It can burst out powerful power, which is more than 100 times stronger than guns. Moreover, what's more amazing is that this bow, as ye Tian can see, is not damaged at all, which is even more valuable.

This leads him to infer that Qingming sect has definitely excavated a lot of cultivation relics in the past few years, and the treasures obtained from them must be countless, which is not comparable to him. Even those who come here can't be compared with Qingming sect.

"Shua!"Almost at the same time of exclamation, ye Tian suddenly reaches out and grabs the sharp arrow.

"Ha ha ha, you dare to take my arrow with your hand. You really don't know what life and death are!"

At the same time, seeing ye Tian's action, Ji Changming looks up and laughs wildly.

This sharp arrow, surrounded by wind yuan, presents a top shape and is extremely swift. Even if it is the peak of the sky level, it does not dare to attack the front.

But now, ye Tian dares to grab the arrow with his hand. In this way, the only result waiting for him is that the hand that grabs the arrow is cut into pieces by the spiral wind yuan.


But at this time, ye Tian's hand is already out, just holding the arrow body. On the body of the arrow, a series of spiral wind elements suddenly fly out and sweep away the hand that grabs the sharp arrow to Ye Tian. They want to cut their palms and turn them into rain of flesh and blood.


But at this time, people feel that the incredible scene appeared.

I saw that when the spiral wind yuan swept away towards Ye Tian's hand, ye Tian's hand trembled slightly. In an instant, a strong force swept out. When he touched the spiral wind yuan, he fell apart and scattered, as if it was a breeze.

"This How is that possible? "

In a flash, Ji Changming's proud smile suddenly stagnated, looking at Ye Tian above the sky in disbelief.

This divine bow he has is extraordinary. When he uses his magic power to push and shoot a sharp arrow, he will naturally be threatened by Fengyuan. He once competed with Liu Bufan, but even in Liu Bufan's realm, he can't directly attack the spiral Fengyuan and will be damaged by it.

But now, ye Tian defeated Feng Yuan with a pair of meat palms, which is incredible!

And this also means that ye Tian's strength may be better than Liu Bufan's?!

"You give me an arrow, and I'll give you an arrow!"

At this time, ye Tian's wrist gently shakes, and the sharp arrow with the piercing sound cuts through the sky and sweeps away to Ji Changming.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The sharp arrow shuttles along the body of the arrow. The spiral wind element appears light cyan, which is even stronger than when Ji Changming pulled the bow.

"Get out of my way!"

Ji Changming's eyes twitched, and he was in a complete hurry. He swung the magic bow in his hand and wanted to block it.


However, what made him die was that the speed of the sharp arrow at this moment was as amazing as the real light. Before he could stop it, he watched helplessly. The sharp arrow came to him with a spiral cyclone.

Let him try to swing body, Dodge, but ultimately can not get rid of, there is no chance.


The next breath, the sharp arrow into Ji Changming's chest, a group of blood, accompanied by Ji Changming unwilling to hiss, suddenly bloom.


Finally, the arrow penetrates his body and penetrates into the ground heavily. The blood gushes and drags his body to the ground heavily.

Spiral wind yuan is terrible. It directly penetrates his whole chest, and there is a hole the size of a bowl. His heart is torn to pieces. Even if the immortal daruo is in the dust, he can't live again!

The elder of Qingming sect, the peak monk of heaven, was killed by one arrow. Just one blow, he died and was removed from the world forever!

Everyone is shocked, silent, just looking at Ye Tian standing on the sky.

Killing you is like killing a dog! , the fastest update of the webnovel!