Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 581

"I once told you to tell your master that Xu Qing has a special constitution. If you shuiyuezong push her out to make a cauldron, you will bear my anger. Have you forgotten this? "

Closely following, leaf day to cloud Fei light way.

When Xu Qing followed Yun Fei to shuiyuezong to practice, he warned Yun Fei not to take Xu Qing as a cauldron, or take her special constitution as a gift to someone.

At that time, Yunfei also promised him.

But now, shuiyuezong wants Xu Qing to marry qingmingzong. How can ye Tian not be angry.

"Ye Tian, why are you talking so hard? I can't blame my elder martial sister for Xu Qing's affair. In order to stop it, she fell out with the patriarch and punished her for thinking for many days. Today, she just left the quiet room. The first thing is to call you, and you still say that about him. "

Ye Tian a language falls, over there of small green, immediately dissatisfied of retort way.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little out of line."

The leaf day hears a sound, this just reaction come over, oneself just of words really is some excesses.

, what has the matter of Shui Yue clan is not that Yun Fei has the final say. If she decides what to do, even if she goes to fight, it will not necessarily have consequences.

And Xu Qing, of course, will not tell him.

"It's none of your business. I brought Xu Qing back to shuiyuezong. I'm really responsible for such things." Yunfei shook his head, and then said: "this time, there is some trouble. An elder of Qingming sect came to shuiyuezong as a guest and took a fancy to Xu Qing. Although master Xiaoyi and I talked about the relationship between Xu Qing and you, master seems to have talked to the elder, but it didn't work. The other party decided to take Xu Qing away and threatened the master."

Knowing that Xu Qing is related to himself, qingmingzong dares to do so. It's obvious that he wants to fight against himself

The leaf day hears a sound, the corner of the mouth immediately peeped out a put on sneer.

"What is Xu Qing's attitude towards this matter?"

Closely following, leaf day sends to cloud Fei to ask a way.

"She didn't say anything. After a few days' hesitation, she nodded her head and agreed. But I felt that she didn't want to. She didn't want to make me embarrassed for her, so she reluctantly agreed. Now, according to the instructions of the elder of Qingming sect, the master sent her to one of our Shuiyue sect's training places to carry out latent cultivation and improve cultivation. Only then did I get her mobile phone and call you... "

Yunfei sighed, slowly, and then apologized: "Ye Tian, I'm sorry, I'm responsible for your entrustment. I know that it's hard to tell the grudge between you and Xu Qing, but I still hope you can help her this time. The elder of Qingming sect has a bad reputation. The female mountain people who have followed him all come to a bad end, either dead or mad. Moreover, he is aiming at Xu Qing just to help him break through the top of heaven with the help of his special constitution. "

Ye Tian is silent. He knows that Xu Qing should resist. Otherwise, he won't call him.

It's just that Xu Qing really can't open that mouth, so after he got through the phone, he didn't say anything.

"Tell me where your shuiyuezong is. I'll go there as soon as possible."

Immediately, ye Tian to the cloud Fei over the telephone, sink a voice way.

Although the relationship between him and Xu Qing, as Yunfei said, is difficult to explain clearly, but he can't watch Xu Qing jump into the fire pit, but he is indifferent, that kind of cold-blooded, he can't do it.

"Shuiyuezong is in Chicheng mountain of Tianfu. When you get to Chicheng mountain, you can call me and I or Xiaoqing can bring you in. Otherwise, ordinary people can't enter shuiyuezong, and even the Shanmen can't be found anywhere."

Cloud Fei hears leaf day this words, on the face immediately peeps out a put on happy color, to leaf day way.

Ordinary people can't enter shuiyuezong. They can't even find the Mountain Gate

Ye Tian heard this, eyes immediately slightly move, immediately aware that shuiyuezong should be in a small world.

However, this is not difficult to understand. After all, Chicheng mountain belongs to a scenic spot in China, with many tourists. If there was such a mountain Sect on it, people would have discovered the secrets of the mountain people for a long time, and the existence of Xiaoshan people would not have been unknown in modern society.

However, there have always been legends about fairies on Mount Chicheng. Now it seems that the so-called fairies are the disciples of shuiyuezong who accidentally show their abilities to the world!

"OK, I remember. I'll go to Chicheng mountain as soon as possible. When I get there, I'll contact you."

After ye Tian had a general speculation in his heart, he nodded and gave a positive answer.

"Well, I'll thank you for Xu Qing."

Yunfei smell speech, immediately long sigh of relief, grateful way.

After this incident, she was exhausted and felt that the sky was about to collapse. She didn't know what to do. But now, after ye Tian opened her mouth, she suddenly felt that the big stone was suddenly loosened. Although she didn't know what ye Tian was going to do, she felt that she had seen the dawn and hope."Wait till you see her."

Ye Tian some helpless, sighed, and then hung up the phone.

He did not want to have any intersection with Xu Qing, but the fate of the arrangement, but always let the intersection between the two.

"Ye Tian, what happened to Xu Qing?"

See ye Tian put down the phone, Qin Luoshen and other talent looking at Ye Tian, doubt asked.

They all know the existence of Xu Qing, and they probably know the past between Xu Qing and ye Tian. To be exact, they understand that Xu Qing is the first girl Ye Tian likes. They are all latecomers.

Even Qin Luoshen is worried that ye Tian will never forget Xu Qing. After all, there is a saying that what a man can't forget most is his first love.

"Xu Qing's constitution is quite special. It belongs to the cauldron body in practice, and can help people improve their accomplishments. Now some people are following her constitution, and want to break through her accomplishments and get married with her. But she refuses to tell me. One of her elder martial sisters called me."

Ye Tianxing is magnanimous and has nothing to hide. He tells them the truth directly.

"There are such shameless people in the world! If you want to improve your self-cultivation, you just have to rely on other people's bodies to sacrifice their happiness for a lifetime. This kind of person is really rubbish! "

"Ye Tian, I support you, go to help Xu Qing to get justice, and give the garbage a little color."

"Yes, this kind of person is really disgusting. We must deal with him severely!"

When ye Tian's words fall, all the worries in the girl's heart disappear. Instead, they are filled with sympathy and indignation. Instead of stopping Ye Tian, they encourage him to seek justice for Xu Qing.

If ye Tian doesn't go to Chicheng mountain, they may have to go to Chicheng mountain by themselves to get justice for Xu Qing!

Girl's world is so strange, they intrigue, they are careful, but they share a common hatred.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that these girls are kind-hearted.

Because of Xu Qing's past and ye Tian's past, they don't think that Xu Qing has encountered such a thing now, so they can watch the play and watch jokes from other sides. Instead, they feel unfair and resentful for her, hoping to seek justice for her!

"Well, after this meal, I'll go to Chicheng mountain."

Ye Tian looked at their beautiful or gorgeous or dignified cheeks, but they had the same kind cheeks. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said.

In fact, he wanted to see the elder of Qingming sect and ask him where he came from. Even after hearing his name, he dared to act recklessly.

Does he think it's amazing that he can become a top of the world?

Or does he feel that he has already lived enough, so he wants to spend his last time in the world, and he is addicted to bear heart and leopard gall?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!