Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 571

What he remembers is not the water, but the glass!

When ye Tian's words fall, Yan Bing and Xiao yue'er look at each other, immediately step back from the video, enlarge the picture and watch the situation of Allen will's game carefully.

As soon as they could see, although Allen will acted as if he was observing the water, in fact, his eyes did linger on the glass all the time. Obviously, he was judging which glass of water he chose by virtue of some special circumstances on the glass.

As for why he spent a short time looking at every cup of water, it seems that the reason is very simple. It's not that his strength is too strong, so he can be so powerful. It's that he worries that the longer he wastes his time, the more he can't remember clearly. The particularity of that cup and the appearance in his head will be confused.

Although it is also very difficult to see some special conditions on the glass with the naked eye, it is much simpler than identifying water.

The reason why people think that Alan will is identifying water, not glasses, is very simple, because he is identifying water for the title of the competition, coupled with the coaxing of the judges and the audience, so people have such an illusion.

Just as ye Tian said, it is more appropriate to say that Allen will is not so much the God of water as the God of glass.

"Record a video for me and I'll respond to his challenge."

At this time, ye Tian looks at Yan Bing and Xiao yue'er and says with a smile.


Yan Bing and Xiao yue'er, hearing the news, nodded without thinking, and their eyes were full of strong excitement.

Since Ellen will claims to give ye Tian some color to see, if he doesn't give a response, it doesn't seem that ye Tian is afraid of him.

Soon, the subject of the shooting was determined. Ye tianduan was sitting on the chair, crossing his legs, ready for leisure. Behind him was the magnificent Zhonghai, and in his hand was a glass full of water.

After the video recording, ye Tian smiles, holds up the water cup, looks up and drinks up the water in the cup. Immediately, he looks at the camera calmly and says, "it's as simple as drinking this cup of water to win you!"

A few words, with a playful smile, a leisurely sitting posture, indifference, reveals a kind of extremely strong self-confidence, which is pitiful.

"When this video is sent out, it doesn't need any editing at all. It will be very hot! That Alan will, he must be very angry... "

After watching the video, Xiao Yueer is very impressed. She takes Ye Tian's mobile phone to register an account. After publishing the video online, she looks at Ye Tian's eyes and suddenly feels more eager.

What is a man's strength and confidence?

At this moment, ye Tian has shown it incisively and vividly.

Allen will's provocation has already made the Internet boiling. Everyone is waiting for how ye Tian plans to respond. At the moment, seeing this video, everyone immediately gets into a commotion. It's like playing chicken blood and running to praise and forward it.

"Hahaha, I finally got a response. I'm aggressive enough. I like it! Beating him is as easy as eating and drinking water! "

"What kind of water god, when we come to China, we'll have to be acclimatized. Then we'll pull our pants 100%!"

"It's a good background. It seems to be Zhonghai by visual inspection. There are lakes, courtyards, big villas and moats. I want to know you!"

"Ha ha, don't speak so early. Allen will is the last champion. It's hard for me to win him!"

"Microscopic identification of water is not as simple as drinking water. This time, Alan will definitely won. It's better to delete this video. Otherwise, it won't be so good-looking if someone takes the video and slaps it in the face later."

For a short time, countless people left messages under Ye Tian's video. In just a few minutes, the popularity broke through the 5 million mark. The four words "Ye Tian's response" occupied the top of the hot search list, and all the little fresh meat and the popularity of traffic stars were below.

However, among these rumors, although 90% of them unconditionally support Ye Tian, they are not optimistic about ye Tian, and there are not a few people who think he is bound to fail.

Although some of them really hate the country and can't see how powerful China can show, more people do it because of Allen will's microscopic discrimination of water. After all, colorless and tasteless water can see the difference. This kind of power is almost to the point of being called a miracle. It's hard to defeat it.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, ye Tian's high-profile response to this video is just asking for trouble, which makes him lose more ugly. It's better to keep a low profile.

The popularity of video is not only in China, but also abroad.

Although he didn't know the language, some enthusiastic people helped him with subtitles, so that foreigners could know the meaning of Ye Tian's words.

"Damn chinese boy, Alan will, we must give him some color to see, let them know our strength!""A hundred years ago, we defeated this country. Now, it's our turn to defeat the weak again!"

"A group of poor people don't know what is really powerful, but they are arrogant and don't know anything..."

"It's not that you can beat Allen as easily as drinking water, but that Allen can beat you as easily as drinking water."

"Arrogant Huaxia boy, you will understand what the name" Water God "means, but soon, you will understand when you lose the game!"

Ye Tian's leisurely attitude and determined tone of voice made many foreigners angry to the extreme. One by one, they attacked him on the Internet and asked him to give ye Tian some color, so that the arrogant Chinese could understand what the end of such nonsense would be.

Many people have even begun to apply for a visa, buy air tickets, and come to China to cheer for Ellen will. They have witnessed the scene of Ye Tian's defeat, being trampled on the cheek by Ellen will, and rubbing furiously on the ground.

"Huaxia, I'm coming!"

At this time, Allen will also showed a picture of walking out of the airport on his account. The angle of selection was very clever. It was a picture of the setting sun at Yanjing airport.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of counterattack to Ye Tian's provocation, telling Ye Tian that you are just the sunset and can't be my opponent!

This sentence, let those foreigners completely crazy, one by one crazy call not to fall; similarly, the Chinese side, all the people are passionate, but also set up numerous small groups, to discuss, when ye Tian starts the game, how to cheer for him, to build a strongest cheering group for him.

There is no doubt that this competition is no longer a simple brain competition, but a battle of dignity and honor between the two countries!

Everyone is waiting, the beginning of this game, is also waiting, the final result of this game, competing out, East and West, who is the real strong!

In a flash of time, it was the day of the match.

It's just dawn, and the cool breeze is blowing. However, at the gate of Yanjing University, the former quiet world is now very noisy, full of people, yellow skin, black hair, black eyes, white skin, yellow hair and blue eyes. The crowd crowded at the gate, holding their own cheering slogans and shouting.

When ye Tian and Allen will appeared, the crowd was boiling to the limit. The noise was deafening, almost dispersing the morning fog.

But just then, there was a sudden uproar along the back of the crowd.

At the moment, four girls with different looks, but equally gorgeous, appeared in the crowd.

The delicate and moving faces made the noise immediately fall, whether it was Chinese or foreigners.

Especially when the four of them were smiling, the flower like dimple made everyone feel as if they were in a moment of warm spring, full of flowers and dizzy.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely the strongest and most powerful face cheering group! , the fastest update of the webnovel!