Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 565

"Hello, please show me your ID card, we need to register, because our Xueji cream is too popular, so we need to limit the purchase, so that more people in need can use it..."

But at this time, the team finally reached two people, the girl in charge of sales, with a good-looking smile, warm voice.

"OK, here is my ID card. I want to buy a course of treatment."

Gan Li quickly squeezed out a smiling face and handed her ID card to the little girl.

"All right." The sales girl took the ID card and nodded with a smile. But she took a look at the ID card. After looking at Ganli again, she handed the ID card back to her and said, "sorry, we can't sell this snow cream to you."

"Can't sell? Why? " When Ganli heard this, she was dumbfounded. She looked at the sales girl. After a long time, she took out her bank card and said, "I have money. Why don't you sell it to me?"

"Sorry, we can't sell it to you."

The sales girl shook her head, still modest and peaceful.

"Why?" Where did Ganli expect to encounter such a situation? She just wanted to get angry, but she thought of the amazing effect of Xueji ointment. She could only suppress her anger and whispered: "do you have to pay for some tea when you buy this? I'd like to

"I'm sorry, we don't charge for tea. Anyone but you can buy it."

The sales girl continued to shake her head and said.

Anyone but you can buy it!

Gan Li's head is directly confused. She has made it clear that people's attitude is very clear, that is, they don't sell snow cream to her alone.

However, she really can't understand what's going on.

"Beauty, what's going on? We came with money. Why can't we buy this cream? "

Luo Chao is also full of confusion. He takes a step forward and looks at the sales girl, full of confusion.

It's not just their husband and wife, but also the customers who buy Xueji cream around them.

They've bought Xueji cream many times, but they've never seen such a situation before. When people send money to their door, it turns out that someone doesn't want it.

"This is the direct instruction from our headquarters. I don't know what's going on, but the regulations are very clear. Xueji cream can be sold to anyone, but it can't be sold to her. Oh, by the way, I forgot, and I can't sell it to you."

The sales girl gave a polite smile and gave a calm answer.

Orders from headquarters?!

Luo Chao's head is almost out of use. He looks at the sales girl in confusion. After a while, he says, "are you wrong? We don't know the people in your headquarters. "

"Just a moment, I'll check..." Obviously, it's the first time for the sales girl to encounter such a thing. She hesitated for a moment, then tapped on the computer for a few times, looked up at Luo Chao and said, "Sir, is your name Luo Chao?"

"It's me..." Luo Chao nodded in bewilderment. He didn't understand how the other party even knew his name.

"That's right. The order from the headquarters is not to sell the cream to your husband and wife."

Sales girl looked at the computer carefully, politely with alienation, to Luo Chaodao.

Luo Chao's whole person was completely stupid. He stood in the same place, his head humming.

Since people even know his name, it means that this matter is really aimed at the couple.

But what makes people speechless is that they don't know the people in the headquarters of Xueji cream at all. They are two vegetable sellers. How can they provoke such a big man!

"I'll go. What's the matter? It's the first time that I've been queuing up to buy Xueji cream so many times... "

"Who said it wasn't? According to the order issued by the headquarters, it must be these two people who have offended the big figures in the headquarters of Xueji ointment!"

"The effect of Xueji cream is so good, but the price has always been very close to the people, and they try to crack down on scalpers, so that people in real need can use it at a low price. They don't sell Xueji cream to these two people. It's estimated that these two people have done something immoral..."

Sales girl this word falls, the crowd around immediately noisy, whisper, eyes in Luo Chao and Gan Li's body constantly look.

"What are you talking about? Who's doing something immoral! I tell you, we don't know the people of Xueji cream at all. Who knows what's going on with them! "

When Ganli heard this, her face immediately turned red, and the scars around her forehead were even more red. After she yelled at the people around her, she turned her head and looked at the little girl, and said, "we have money with us. Why can you sell it to others instead of us?"

"Sorry, that's our rule. What's more, buying and selling, buying and selling, willing is buying and selling. We don't want to sell, and you can't force us to buy, can you? "

The sales girl is very polite.

She has just looked at it carefully. The notice given by the interior clearly says that no one can sell Xueji cream to Luo Chao and Gan Li, otherwise, the annual bonus will be cleared and the risk of dismissal will be faced.Xueji cream is in short supply. When it is sold, the Commission is almost the same as the gale. I don't know how many people are staring at such a good job opportunity. She doesn't want to lose such a good job opportunity because of Ganli and Luo Chao.


Ganli flew into a rage and opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word.

In business, what we really pay attention to is a willingness. Not only is the buyer willing, but also the seller willing. Now, the seller is not willing to sell things to others. Even if it's said that it's unreasonable.

Moreover, although Xueji cream is a cosmetic, it is not a medicine, but a cosmetic.

Who can force the seller to sell cosmetics to everyone?

"Well, if you can't buy it, can you let me buy it first? I have to go home to cook later..."

At this time, the middle-aged woman standing behind Luo Chao and Gan Li looked at them and said with an embarrassed smile.

"Elder sister, I'll give you the money. Can you buy it for me? I'll treat your family to dinner later... "

When Ganli heard this, she quickly looked at the middle-aged aunt and showed a flattering smile.

Hearing the news, the middle-aged aunt couldn't help but move her eyes. She did a little favor and the whole family's lunch was settled. It seemed to be very cost-effective.

"Xueji cream is not allowed to buy on behalf of others. Once it is found, it will be disqualified."

When the little girl heard this, she immediately became alert, looked at the middle-aged woman and said.

"I don't know them..." On hearing this, the middle-aged woman waved her hand in a hurry. Then she bypassed Luo Chao and Gan Li and went to the sales girl. She took out her bank card and said, "I'll buy a course of treatment."

"OK, here is your cream. Please keep it. Thank you for your patronage." The sales girl took the bank card, brushed it, looked at the middle-aged woman, nodded politely, and then said, "next."

"Excuse me..."

A word falls, very quickly, the person in the back, then passed Luo Chao and Gan Li, smoothly bought snow muscle cream from the sales girl.

"What do you mean by headquarters? Who did I offend? Why doesn't he let me buy snow cream?! If you don't let me buy it today, you can't sell it! "

Ganli looks at one after another, bypasses herself and smoothly buys Xueji cream. She rushes to the sales girl and gnashes her teeth.

"I'm sorry, we don't know about these problems, but I personally suggest that you think carefully about whether you have done something wrong or offended someone recently." The sales girl shook her head politely and then said, "and I personally suggest you not to mess around. Our security is very tight. If you want to make trouble, I'm afraid..."

"Scare me, right? I've destroyed all these things. I can't buy them. We can't buy them!"

Gan Li is so angry that she reaches out her hand to rush up and overturn the boxes of snow cream on the table.

"What are you doing?"

"If you dare to move these cream, I'll try my best to believe it or not!"

But Ganli's hand has just been raised, and before the security personnel came, the scar patients who bought Xueji ointment, who were behind them, had already stridden forward and stood in front of the container. They looked at Ganli with bad eyes and threatened coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!