Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 555

"How can you say that?"

A word, listen to Xu Hao gnash teeth, angry voice questioning.

"Did I say something wrong? Ask yourself, or the people around you, if you're a garbage! "

The young man heard the speech, sneered, looked at Xu Hao and said in a loud voice.

He dropped a word, and the people around him immediately nodded, indicating that they agreed with the young man's words.

"We are not fighting today, but to discuss right and wrong. You said that those overseas exchange students wanted to plot against you. What evidence do you have? Who knows, is it the fact that you deliberately make up in order to get Ye Tian's favor, or that you deliberately collude with those overseas exchange students, because love leads to hate? "

Xu Hao looked at this scene, his face was almost blue, but he knew that he could not argue with each other, so he looked at Korean Yan and said in a cold voice.

"I hook them up? What kind of thing are they, worthy of me? There used to be so many excellent boys pursuing me in Yanhua University. Ask them, have I looked them in the eye? And you, Xu Hao, haven't you ever written me a love letter? "

Korean Yan sneer repeatedly, looking at Xu Hao, sarcastic way.

Xu Hao's face turned white immediately after hearing the sound.

"That is, Korean Yan has been in Yanhua University for so many years, and there are so many pursuers. How can those overseas exchange students let her go after her?"

"Xu Hao, I think you are really out of your mind now. You can say such unconscionable words."

"Without conscience? Where is Xu Hao's conscience? "

Around the public smell speech, also followed by sneer, looked at Xu Hao with disdain, such as looking at a group of garbage.

"You want proof, don't you? It's very simple, then I'll give you the evidence! That night, we happened to be in the area where we were. There were surveillance cameras. They took pictures of everything! " Korean Yan light a, and then looked at the police around, said: "several police officers, please put that night's surveillance video play it."

Several policemen nodded, then took out the device and projected the video onto the TV screen.

Soon, the plot of that night reappeared. Korean Yan walked out of the bar alone, obviously to the taxi parked at the side of the road. At this time, the overseas exchange students appeared in the picture, several people whispered, and then went to Korean Yan's side, pulling and pulling, and always wanted to do some small moves.

Surveillance video is very clear, can clearly see, Korean Yan has been struggling and resisting their behavior.

Then, the young man appeared to stop their behavior, but he was insulted by the overseas exchange students.

"It's really rubbish. Seeing a girl bullying herself, I just want to do something wrong in the past!"

"This kind of person, even better, means that with passion and dream, he wants to help Chinese students? I think he's coming with the idea of doing something wrong? "

"It's really scum. Just like this bird, you can say something about your dream and pretend to be the virgin white lotus. I think it's the grass sky, not the green lotus!"

This scene, let the crowd completely out of anger, one by one looking at those overseas exchange students and Xu Hao, angry attack more than.

Although Korean Yan has just said the situation at that time and made them sweat for her situation at that moment, they didn't know what the situation was. However, the appearance of video images made them fully realize how bad the situation was.

They can't imagine what terrible consequences will happen to a single girl who walks alone. I'm afraid that by then, the girl's life will be completely destroyed.

But fortunately, as the video goes on, ye Tian appears on the screen. His fast body, like a phantom, appears in front of those overseas exchange students. Then he puts all these evil guys on the ground, making them pay the price of blood.

"Good fight! It's time to beat the scum

"Beautiful! This kind of filthy rubbish should be cleaned up so that they can learn from it

Looking at this scene and watching the video, the crowd in the room immediately felt relieved. They clenched their fists and danced in the air, shouting for ye Tian's action at that time.

At this moment, they finally understand why the Korean Yan who used to speak to the boys in Yanhua University chased Ye Tian. It turned out that it was the hero who saved the beauty and the princess in distress who met the kind knight and safeguarded her dignity and reputation.

"So It's like this... "

Han Shaofeng also stared at the screen, and then looked at Ye Tian. In his eyes, he was moved.

Although he is a dandy and not so good at Korean Yan, no matter what, Korean Yan is his sister. Blood is thicker than water. He still has a little humanity.Seeing Korean Yan being harassed in the video, his lungs are about to explode, and he is even more nervous and crazy. Fortunately, ye Tian's appearance dissolves all this. How can he not be grateful for ye Tian.

The behavior of those overseas exchange students is too bad, too despicable, causing public anger.

"Xu Hao, what else do you have to say now? And what do you want to say for your overseas exchange students? Ye Tiangang didn't say anything to protect my reputation, so he didn't want to say it. But I think there is nothing to hide. If I don't have the courage to stand up, then he will be stigmatized. We can't let those who insist on justice be stigmatized! Only in this way can more people dare to lend a helping hand to those they don't know! "

Korean Yan listened to this sentence, then turned her head and looked at the organizers of those overseas exchange students, as well as Xu Hao, asked word by word.

Those overseas exchange students in charge of people, one by one gaping, speechless, do not know what to say.

The video is right in front of them, which can be described as a mountain of irrefutable evidence, and there are witnesses. What those overseas exchange students have done is that they can't escape a crime of indecency attempt. If they continue to investigate, they will surely go to jail.

Xu Hao's face was pale and his forehead was sweating.

There's a mountain of hard evidence. There's no point in any explanation

At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling of being defeated like a mountain, as if the sky had collapsed and hit him, which made him gasp for breath.

"You overseas exchange students, if you think of death, wounding and attempted indecency, you need us to detain and investigate. The evidence is complete, and we will give you an answer soon. I believe that the laws of China will not be difficult for a good person, nor will they let go of a bad person. "

At this time, the police came to a group of overseas exchange students in front of the person in charge, looking at them, word by word in a deep voice.

"Our students are not Chinese. You are not qualified to arrest them!"

A group of overseas exchange students in charge of the people, smell, look immediately become nervous, and then urgent voice.

"What do you mean? If you are not Chinese people, you can do nothing in the land of China? "

"I said, how can there be such scum students? It turned out that they were taught by your garbage teachers!"

"A nest of snakes and mice, with white lotus and Virgin Mary, is really a group of grass days!"

When the crowd heard this, they immediately got out of anger and yelled at each other.

"You are not Chinese, but what you are stepping on is Chinese land, and the people you hurt are Chinese. Believe us, the law will give them justice. We will not wrongly treat anyone, but we will not let go of a villain. Those who have done bad things in Chinese land will pay the price they deserve. "

After hearing this, several policemen looked at each other, responded with a straight face, and said, "you may have forgotten one thing. Now China is no longer the Qing Dynasty one hundred years ago. No one is allowed to be presumptuous!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!