Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 496


Hearing this, ye Tian could not help but be dumb. He opened his mouth, but he could not say a word.

He lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot. At that time, he was on the plane in order to disperse the bearded robber. Yan Bing made fun of him with this sentence.

However, ye Tian's eyes are involuntarily swept to Yan Bing's chest radian, and then when he sees Yan Bing's playful smile, he can't help but feel embarrassed, and his old face can't help reddening slightly.

This body is really too young and immature to be worthy of the powerful soul of Dandi.

"Well, I won't tease you any more. I can't see that your accomplishments are so high and your face is so thin..."

Yan Bing looks at Ye Tian's appearance and can't help but smile. However, she has a little more affection for ye Tian in her heart. In today's world, there are really few boys who can blush. They are rarer than giant pandas.

However, she didn't know that ye Tian's young body had a heart of two hundred years old, but even if he was a man of two generations, and he was in his twenties and twenties, he still had a very poor understanding of women's minds.

"What are we going to do next? It's estimated that things on the plane will start to quarrel later, and many people will come to you... "

Closely following, Yan Bing looks at Ye Tian and says.

As she said, what happened on the plane before is really incredible. When the passengers who witnessed it tell others, they will certainly add fuel to it. Maybe they will say that ye Tian is an immortal. At that time, there will be countless efforts to find Ye Tian.

"Don't worry. I told my friend before I got on the plane. She told President Qi that we should meet around here. Let president Qi deal with these things. This is his place. I think he should have some ways..."

Ye Tian chuckles and says.

"Friends? Is it Xiao Yueer's girl last time? "

Yan Bing hears the sound, eyes immediately become alert, looking at Ye Tiandao.

The last time Yanhua university went to Nanhai University for communication, she noticed Xiao Yueer and noticed that her relationship with Ye Tian was very unusual.

"Well. Yueer and I are classmates in high school, and we are good friends, good brothers... "

Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

Good friend Good brother When Yan Bing heard this, she was slightly relieved, but then she took a suspicious look at Ye Tian. She doubted that this wooden pimple might be that she didn't see the girl's mind and gave her a wrong impression.

At this time, ye Tian has taken out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao yue'er's phone.

As he said, Xiao yue'er and Qi Chunsheng are already waiting outside the airport. After receiving Ye Tian's call, they ask where ye Tian is next. Soon, a Maybach S600 comes and stops in front of them.

"Ye Tian, get in the car."

Then the window rolled down, revealing Qi Chunsheng's genial face and smiling at him.

Xiao Yueer sits in the back row and nods to Ye Tian with a smile on her face. Compared with the last time she met, she obviously becomes much more cheerful. Obviously, after the Xianghuo Yuanli affair was solved last time, her relationship with her parents is as good as ever, and her heart and nature have changed a lot.

"The airport was in a mess just now. It seems that a plane was hijacked by several robbers, isn't it you?"

After getting on the bus, as soon as ye Tian was seated by the co pilot, Qi Chunsheng looked at Ye Tian and asked with a casual smile.

"It's our flight." Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

"Hiss! Are you all right... " When Qi Chunsheng heard this, he immediately took a breath of air and said in a hurry. But when he spoke, he realized that he had said a piece of rubbish. If something happened, ye Tian and Yan Bing would not appear in front of him, so he quickly changed his words and said, "I heard they said that someone had put over a dozen armed robbers alone. Is that true?"

"Not so many. In fact, there are only six or seven." Ye Tian shook his head and said.

Yan Bing is really right. Three people become tigers. Originally, six or seven robbers turned into more than a dozen when they went to the passengers' mouths.

"There are quite a few of them..." Qi Chunsheng sighs with emotion, but immediately realizes that ye Tian's sentence "actually it is" is a little strange. He quickly stops and pulls over to the side of the car. He looks at Ye Tian in shock and says: "that person, can't be..."

"Yes, it's me." Ye Tian nodded, gave a wry smile, and then said: "this matter, I'd like to trouble president Qi. You can help me find a way to cover it up. I don't want to be like a monster. No matter where I go, there are a large group of people following me."

"Hiss Hissing... "

When Qi Chunsheng heard Ye Tian's words, he immediately took a few mouthfuls of cold air just like eating noodles.

He really did not expect that ye Tian's memory has been so superior, brain so developed at the same time, skill is even better to such an incredible level, even can rely on one person, put six or seven armed robbers.If he didn't know that ye Tian was not a boaster, he would almost doubt that ye Tian was exaggerating.

"Principal Qi, please." Ye Tian looks at Qi Chunsheng's appearance and says with a bitter smile.

"Well, it's a bit of a trouble, but I'll think of a way to keep it down."

Qi Chunsheng hears the speech and looks at Ye Tian carefully. After he finds that he really doesn't seem to be faking, he nods and agrees. But at this moment, he looks at Ye Tian more different.

You know, if ordinary people do such a great thing, it must be publicized. All over the world knows it, but ye Tian didn't do it. He didn't want to make it public. Instead, he asked him to help suppress it.

It's very rare to see such a person who has done such a good deed and saved a person's life, but has not taken credit for it.

"Such students should not stay in Nanhai University. They should be from Yanhua University!"

After thinking of this, Qi Chunsheng sighs and laments that ye Tian, the Pearl, did not fall into the arms of Yanhua University.

"I'll trouble you, principal Qi."

The leaf day hears a sound, this just slightly relaxed a breath, have a kind of feeling like a heavy load of relief.

When he was at Nanhai University, he was surrounded by people everywhere he went, holding his mobile phone to take photos. He really didn't want to feel it for the second time.

"It's no trouble. I'll help you. I should..." Qi Chunsheng pretended to be casual, waved his hand and continued to drive. As he walked on, he said, "this time you come to communicate, it's actually similar to the last time we went there, that is, to take part in a competition and then take a look at our courses. The teachers in Yanhua university are very good. If you have time, you can listen to their lessons together with Yueer. I think you should like it here. "

"President Qi, our teacher at Nanhai University, is also very good."

Yan Bing heard the sound, immediately alert response.

"Ha ha ha, all very good, all very good..." Qi Chunsheng gave a ha ha, and then said to Ye Tian mysteriously: "last time, things about Nanhai university went crazy in Yanhua University, so I have to tell you something first."

"What's the matter?" Ye Tian doubts to ask a way.

"You are not so good as an exchange student." Qi Chunsheng shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "last time you beat so many of us alone, the students in the school were very unconvinced after hearing about it. Many people are waiting for you to enter the campus and teach you a lesson. In their words, it's to let you come back to Nanhai University in a miserable way. "

The leaf day hears speech, a tiny smile, didn't say what words.

Before he came to Yanhua University, he had already guessed these situations. After all, the people in Yanhua university are top-notch people with eyes higher than the top. Now he has been trampled on by Nanhai University. He must be a lot of unconvinced in his heart, holding his strength and trying to settle accounts with him.

"This time, they have made great efforts to prepare you with two kinds of threats..." Qi Chunsheng shook his head with a smile, and then said, "one is martial arts, the other is literary fighting!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!