Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 488

"Cheap hand! Why don't you do it? You have to steal it. After a long time, you even have to scratch your hands on the ground Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, brother, I've lost my people

Hearing this, Tai Sui despised the secret hand and even spat at it. He was angry and sad.

"Oh, oh, please Ha ha ha, please... "

At the moment, the secret hand has no intention of fighting with Taisui. A few fingers are rubbing wildly on the ground. The force is so strong that it marks several deep marks on the concrete floor. If it is not a banxianbing, it must be worn bald now.

Ye Tian turns a deaf ear, as if completely unaware of the mysterious hand.

"Help me, I'll give the little evil animal a complete mind of the great dream! What do you want to know, I'll tell you... "

The secret hand is extremely miserable, and constantly bewitches Ye Tian, hoping that he can raise his hand and give himself a way to live.

But it's a pity that ye Tiangen didn't pay attention to it and let it struggle on the ground.

The secret hand is very evil, and this guy seems to be an old fish. If he doesn't temper his temper well, he just asks twice and chooses to help him, he will be difficult to control and even be used by him in the future.

"Call brother, I'll help you beg the master."

Taisui slipped to the side of the mysterious hand, took his paw to kick it twice, rubbed his front paw, and rubbed his way.

"You dream! Even if I itch to death, I will never fulfill your wish as a son of a bitch... "

The secret hand has a lot of backbone. Even now, it refuses to let go.

"Then you itch to death..."

Tai Sui was so tired that he felt itchy, but he wandered to one side with an indifferent look. He was just like a real chestnut, licking his front paw with or without a touch. Ye Tian was speechless. This guy, the play is really enough.

"Please Please, help me, ouch Ha ha ha Brother, please help me

It seems that the secret hand can't resist the terrible itching at all. It rubs wildly on the ground. In the end, the fear of pain overcomes the resentment of Taisui. It chooses to change its tongue. It struggles and crawls with a few fingers. When it comes to Taisui, it grovels and flatters the messenger.

"Hum..." Taisui turned over, licked his front paws, and said lazily, "Hello, brother."

"Your uncle!" The secret hand was furious and scolded. Looking at Taisui, he could only plead: "good brother, dear brother, please, help me, help me, I don't want to die!"

"Hum, brother, wait." Taisui nodded his head. Then he got up lazily, went to yetian, held his ankle, and said with a flattering face: "good master, please, help smelly brother. Although he is cheap and smelly, he is my brother anyway. I can't watch him live or die Master, just give me face and help it... "

With that, Taisui winked at Ye Tian, indicating that if he had any request, he could just mention it to help mediate.

Tai Sui has been following Ye Tian for some time. He knows that ye Tian certainly doesn't want to miss such a half immortal soldier. The reason why he ignores the secret hand is just to sharpen his temperament.

"Good brother, good master, please help me Ouch, ouch I'm itching to death... "

The secret hand is half dead by Taisui's call, but it's really itchy. He can't help rubbing his fingers crazily on the ground, while he's whispering to Ye Tian and Taisui for help.

"You've been following me for so long. I'll sell you face and help your brother."

Seeing that the fire was almost finished, ye Tian looked at Tai Sui, then looked at the mysterious hand and said, "but if you want me to help you, you have to answer three questions, and you have to say everything."

"I must say everything, master, help me!" The secret hand was overjoyed. Like a chicken pecking rice in a hurry, he pointed his wrist holes wildly.

"Can I believe it?"

Ye Tian is not in a hurry to help, but looks at Tai Sui first.

"Secrets involve a lot of privacy matters. I'm most afraid of swearing. If someone swears and goes back on it, there will be nothing. But if it goes back on it, it's very likely that the oath will become a reality!"

Taisui nodded quickly and gave a positive answer to Ye Tian.

Secret hand hate fingers are twisted into a ball, wish to live to strangle Taisui.

"Then you will swear that if you dare to lie, you will suffer this pain every day!"

Ye Tian stares at the mysterious hand, immediately full face pondering smile, way.


Taisui takes a breath and looks at Ye Tian with admiration. He just thinks that his hand is too poisonous.The secret hand is afraid to die of this strange itch. Once he makes a vow and goes back on his promise, even if there is only one in ten thousand probability that it will become a reality, it will definitely make the secret hand dare not fight, but choose to be honest.

The secret hand is also shivering all over the body. This terrible pain, once a few days, is enough for people, let alone once a day.

"Why, don't you? If you don't want to, forget it! But I think it's better for you to endure this situation. As long as you get through this, maybe you won't be afraid of this torture in the future? "

Ye Tian looks at the appearance of the mysterious hand, pick eyebrow a smile, light way.

"I swear, if I dare to lie, let me bear this pain day by day."

The secret hand was extremely resentful, but it had no choice but to make an oath.


Ye Tian raises eyebrows and smiles. Immediately, he takes out a spirit jade from the storage ring and throws it to Tai Sui. Then he reaches out and picks up the secret hand from the ground and puts it on his hand.


As soon as the secret hand was put on, ye Tian immediately felt that along the bottom of his heart, there was a strange call, a faint agitation, which was passed from the secret hand to the whole body, and his fingers became itchy.

That kind of itching, very strange, concentrated on the tip of the finger, it seems that if you can't get something in your hand, you can't stand it.

This thing is really mysterious!

Ye Tian is a little tongue tied. You need to know that he cultivates the idea of suihuangguan. His mind is extremely strong and tenacious. But now, he is easily bewitched by the secret hand. It can be seen how powerful this thing is to attack the mind.

And this, or in the case of damage to the secret hand, ye Tian extremely curious, if the secret hand is complete, this kind of invasion, and how strong, and what kind of person, can hold such a secret without interference.

There is no doubt that he is absolutely the most powerful man in the world of cultivation. The great friars in Yupu realm may not be able to do it so easily. Maybe they need to be the top friars in Tiangong realm to do it!

"Master, hurry up, I really can't stand it any more!"

The secret hand kept trembling and begged to Ye Tian. The voice of the divine thought was no longer calm, but trembled. It seemed that it had almost reached the critical point of collapse. If it didn't help, it would be crazy and demonized.

"I see."

Ye Tian smiles indifferently, and in a moment, his hand looks down on Taisui.

Hand out of the moment, ye Tian suddenly feel that his whole hand, at this moment, just like came to another strange space, incompatible with reality, incomparably mysterious.

This glove is so weird!

When ye Tian was in Fangcun Lingyu, he saw many strange magic weapons and banxianbing, and even had a real immortal soldier Dan stove. But those things didn't make ye Tian feel so strange at this moment.

Secret hand, these four words really deserve the name.


And almost a second later, ye Tian's eyes suddenly moved, feeling that in the palm of his hand, there was a mass of things , the fastest update of the webnovel!