Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 449

"Yes, I often see on TV that the Li family in Changhe has done something charitable. I think it's all written in vain. It's a low-cost enclosure to cheat money!"

"Fortunately, we are united, so we can't let the Li family take advantage of the opportunity to take away our Jinxiao mansion and rush to the corner."

"You will die if you do more injustice. The Li family's practice will be over sooner or later, depending on which day it is."

All the neighbors around also followed with emotion. They were not happy with the original actions of the Li family in Changhe.

Ye Tian listens to these words with a smile, nods slightly and agrees with Quan, but Yu Guang is always watching Wang Miaomiao. He could see that Wang Miaomiao's face had become more and more ugly and embarrassed with the comments of the neighbors.

She must have something to do with the Li family in Changhe!

Maybe the people who adopted her at the beginning were from the Li family in Changhe!

Immediately after that, ye Tian had a guess.

"Uncle Li, it's settled. I feel a little uncomfortable suddenly. I'll leave first and see you another day."

Sure enough, a moment later, Wang Miaomiao forced out a smile and said goodbye to Uncle Li.

"Well, you should go back to the hospital and have a look. Don't think you'll hold on when you're young." Uncle Li nodded in a hurry, and then told him.

"Uncle Li, I'll go first, too." Seeing this, ye Tian said with a smile to Uncle Li.

"Mr. Ye, please stay for a while. You've helped us so much. Our neighbors will give you a little help, even if you give us a chance to treat you to a simple meal..."

Uncle Li is in a hurry to stop Ye Tian. All the neighbors around him agree with him and look at Ye Tian gratefully.

"Don't worry, Uncle Li. There will be opportunities in the future."

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile.

He helped these people, but he didn't want them to leave their homes because they were framed by evil people. He didn't think about so many other things.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Seeing ye Tian's insistence, Li Shu felt sorry, but he didn't stop him any more. Instead, he watched Ye Tian and Wang Miaomiao leave together.

After Wang Miaomiao walked out of Jinxiao mansion, he was very silent, bowed his head and changed his face. Ye Tian was not worried, but just followed her.

He knew that with Wang Miaomiao's character, he would tell the truth to himself.

"Mr. Ye..." Sure enough, a moment later, Wang Miaomiao looked at Ye Tian and said, "actually, I know the Li family in Changhe..."

"You were adopted by the Li family of Changhe in the orphanage, right?" Without waiting for Wang Miaomiao to finish, ye Tian said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Wang Miaomiao looks at Ye Tian in amazement and says.

"You look so strange just now. I can see that you have a close relationship with the Li family. According to your life experience and Aunt Wang's saying that the Li family does charity, it's not hard to know the truth by combining the two."

Ye Tian chuckles and explains slowly.

"Mr. Ye, you really know what's going on." Wang Miaomiao gave Ye Tian a look of admiration, and then said, "you are right. I was adopted by the Li family not long after I was sent to the welfare home. It's just that the people in the Li family said they didn't like high-profile publicity, so they didn't let me disclose my identity to the outside world. Uncle Li didn't know about it. Since I came to the Li family, they have been very kind to me. They treat me like a daughter. They teach me to go to school and cultivate. No matter what I ask, they will satisfy me as long as it's reasonable. I don't think they are like that. "

I see

Ye Tian Wen Yan, slightly nodded, for Wang Miao Miao this mood, in fact, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, Wang Miaomiao has been growing up in the Li family of Changhe, and according to her, the Li family is really good to her, just like her parents.

Now, Uncle Li and Aunt Wang, when they say that about the Li family, will inevitably make Wang Miaomiao feel that his cognition has been impacted.

Both of them, no matter which side, are her closest people. If there is no evidence, it is difficult for her to believe the other side completely.

"Mr. Ye, I really don't know what to do. I believe in Uncle Li, but I also believe in Uncle Li who has been taking care of me since I grew up..."

Wang Miaomiao's face was full of pain, sighing, and his heart was very sad.

"If you don't mind, you can take me to Li's. If the thing about Jinxiao mansion is really done by the Li family, I should be able to feel it. Moreover, the mind of those who practice Yin Sha is usually vicious, so it's hard to cooperate with such a person. If it's really the Li family, I'll go and warn them, so as to avoid the situation of regret... "

Ye Tian hears the speech, looks at Wang Miaomiao, smiles and says slowly.

"Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Ye! "

Wang Miaomiao smell speech, eyes immediately show the color of joy, grateful looking at Ye Tian, way.

She knows that ye Tian has great powers and strong ability, and can help her solve this situation.

"You're welcome..." The leaf day lightly smiles to put to wave a hand, smile a way.Wang Miaomiao's face is full of joy. He reaches for a taxi and takes Ye Tian to Li's ancestral home.

The Li family in Changhe is no less than the Zhai family on Hong Kong Island. Li Changhe, the old gentleman of the Li family, started his business with real estate. Many people in Hong Kong Island live in the real estate of the Li family. It is even said that one third of the people in Hong Kong Island are working for the Li family.

The Li family's residence is not as luxurious as they think. It's just a three story white old-fashioned building with a big garden.

"What a strong breath of evil spirit!"

As soon as he got out of the car and walked to the door of the Li family, ye Tian felt that along the Li family's western style building, there was a very strong smell of evil spirit.

Moreover, the evil spirit is more introverted and purer than that of Jinxiao mansion, and there is no influence of leakage on people. If ye Tianling is not keen, he can't feel this strange feeling at all.

This can also be seen from Wang Miaomiao, who obviously did not find these anomalies.

"Miss Miaomiao, you are back What's this

Wang Miaomiao goes to the gate and rings the doorbell, then a servant opens the gate. When he sees Ye Tianhou, the servant immediately becomes nervous and looks at Ye Tianxia's vigilant scanning.

"He's my college classmate." Wang Miaomiao thought for a moment, gave Ye Tian'an an an identity, then looked at Ye Tian apologetically and said, "they may have to do a security check for you before they can go in."

"All right, come on."

Ye Tian chuckled, then opened his arms, let the servant with the instrument, began to test his body.

He has heard that a big robbery on Hong Kong Island was related to the Li family. In that robbery, a group of mysterious kidnappers disguised themselves into the Li family and then kidnapped Li Changhe's eldest son. Although the Li family paid a huge ransom, the kidnappers finally tore up the ticket and let Li Changhe lose a son.

However, ye Tian also heard a news that the mysterious bandits were finally killed by Li Changhe's employees, and each of them was executed late. He scraped more than 3600 knives and executed for nearly ten days before they were tortured to death. Finally, everyone was crazy.

But this kind of statement is just a rumor. It is impossible to guess the truth.

However, at the moment, ye Tian felt the deep and gloomy breath coming from the western style building, and he believed it.

"Come in, please. Miss Miaomiao, the master is in the study now, and the second young master is talking about something with him... "

The Li family's security check was very serious, and even ye Tian's trouser legs and sole were carefully checked. After confirming that there was no abnormality, he and Wang Miaomiao were let into the western style house with a smile on his face.

"Thank you."

Wang Miaomiao thanks, then takes Ye Tian and goes straight to the study.

As soon as ye Tian and Wang Miaomiao came to the study, they saw a calm middle-aged man push the door open and come out. When they saw Wang Miaomiao, they immediately smile and say, "Miaomiao, you're here!"

Although Wang Miaomiao grew up in the Li family as a child, in order to avoid suspicion, the Li family bought her a house to live in. However, Wang Miaomiao can come to the Li family at any time. But as she went to college, her schoolwork became more and more, and she came back a lot less than before.

At the beginning of the prefecture level

Ye Tian's eyes changed slightly when he saw the middle-aged man.

He really didn't expect that the second young master of the Li family was a famous mountain man, and this cultivation strength was already a master among the mountain people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!