Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 436

"I'll do it, you say. What do you want? If you lose money, I'll pay for it. Let's count it! "

Hearing this, Zhai Xin didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, he raised his head and said slowly.

"Zhai Xin, what did you say? Do I spoil you so much that you have no rules? Apologize at once

When Zhai heard this, he immediately looked at Zhai Xin and said angrily.

Zhai Xin snorted coldly and raised his head. He didn't hear anything on his face. He didn't mean to apologize at all.

"Cicada, does it hurt?"

Ye Tian glanced at Zhai Xin indifferently, then bent down to look at the cicada, warming his voice.

"Master, I don't hurt..."

The cicada's tears are about to flow out, but she still looks at Ye Tian and shakes her head.

But the more she is, the more angry Ye Tian feels.

Not to mention Zhai Mo's illness, it's not that bringing pets in will be affected. Even if there is an impact, when cicada doesn't enter the room, Zhai Xin says that with cicada's character, he won't enter the ward.

But Zhai Xin had to wait until cicada came into the ward with Xiao Lizi in her arms. This was obviously a deliberate revenge for cicada's previous words.

"Ha ha, don't be hypocritical here. Let's count. You people are just for money."

Zhai Xin looks at Ye Tian with a sneer and disdain.

"Sorry, Miss Zhai, you are wrong. We are not short of money! What we want is justice! Since you don't want to apologize, I'm sorry! "

Ye Tian hears the sound and smiles coldly. Then he bends his fingers and flicks them gently towards Zhai Xin.


There is nothing between Ye Tian's fingers, but when his fingers bounce, there is a thunder like sound, and there is a broken air sound.


Immediately after that, Zhai Xin let out a howl, and a large purple and blue color appeared on her left cheek, which was the same position as she pinched the cicada.

"In the future, remember not to do to others what you don't want to do to yourself."

Ye Tian looks at Zhai Xin indifferently, immediately pours mana into his palm, and rubs the cicada's face gently.

In a flash, the cyan and purple on the cicada's face disappeared, and a smiling face turned black again.

"Master, it really doesn't hurt now."

When the cicada saw this, he hugged the chestnuts and said happily.

"You You dare to hit me! Dad, are you looking at me so quickly when he does this to me? "

Zhai Xin covered his face, went to the mirror and looked at it. He found that there was such a big blue and purple on his cheek. After that, his eyebrows stood up and his eyes were murderous. He looked at Zhai in a loud voice.

"You should fight!"

Zhai glanced at her and scolded coldly.

What happened just now, he saw clearly that Zhai Xin was not willing to accept Zhai Mo at all, but purely retaliated by taking advantage of his own personal interests. Moreover, he was unwilling to apologize after doing something wrong. Ye Tian taught her that such a move was reasonable and not worthy of pity.

What's more, ye Tiangang's method made him extremely frightened.

There is nothing between the fingers, just a little flick, a force can hurt people like this.

At this moment, he completely understood why he had to say that ye Tian's ability was great when he introduced Ye Tian before. This kind of ability is really big enough!

Not only Zhai, but also his two security guards looked at each other. They thought to themselves that they could fight, but they asked themselves that even if they killed them, they could not do what ye Tian just showed.

At this time, they finally understand that ye Tian's previous sentence "you two don't add up enough to see" is really not bragging and joking, but the truth.

I'm afraid that if ye naivete wanted to do something, he would not even have the chance to draw a gun.

"Dad, you help a charlatan, and you don't help me!"

Zhai Xin listens to Zhai's words, widens his eyes and says angrily in disbelief.

"Shut up! Doctor Ye is not a charlatan. He's here to save Mo'er! "

Mr. Zhai frowned and scolded coldly.

"Ha ha, since Mo'er's accident, under the guise of a miracle doctor, are there fewer people coming to our Zhai family to cheat? Just him, doctor, Dad, don't be cheated! In this world, people know their faces, but not their hearts

Hearing this, Zhai Xin said with a cold smile and glanced at the old gambling king he.

Obviously, what she means is that ye Tian and others are the swindlers that he old gambling king deliberately seeks.

"What niece Xian means is that I'm interested in your Zhai family's wealth?"

He old gambler where suffered this kind of insult, pick eyebrow to smile after, play flavor.

"Get out of here!"

When Zhai heard this, he couldn't listen any more. He reached for Zhai Xin and pushed her towards the door."Dad, Mo'er is hopeless. These people are here for your money. If you don't listen to me, you'll be fooled sooner or later! "

Seeing this, Zhai Xin struggled and said angrily to Zhai.


Zhai's face sank when he heard this. He slapped Zhai's face heavily with his backhand and said coldly, "I tell you, Mo'er will be fine. You curse her again. I'll hear it and hit you once."

"You, you hit me! OK, OK, you should never regret it later... " Zhai Xin didn't expect that Zhai would do something to her, cover his face, stare at him, sneer a few times, then turn around and walk towards the corridor.

"Alas..." Looking at Zhai Xin's appearance, Zhai sighed a long time, then looked at Ye Tian and he Laowang, and said with a bitter smile: "Ye Shenyi, he Laoge, I'm really sorry. I'll let you see the joke. Xinxin, she was not like this before, and I don't know what happened. Her temper has become more and more strange in the past two years. Don't tell her the same thing. "

"My niece is really different now from before. The younger her face is, the younger her temper is..."

He old gambler also can't laugh and cry of shake head, immediately thought of he Chengzhang, also can't help but sigh.

Every family has such a difficult book to read!

"I'm sorry, kid."

At this time, Zhai looked at the cicada and apologized sincerely.

"Grandpa, you didn't do anything wrong. Don't apologize to me. Master, I'll wait for you outside with Xiao Li Zi. You can help the elder sister in the bed

The cicada shook his head politely, then held the chestnut and said with a smile to Ye Tian.

"Doctor ye..."

Zhai old son smell speech, this just relaxed tone, then some worry of looking at Ye Tian.

He is very worried that ye Tian will leave in anger because of Zhai Xin's performance. In that case, the hope that Zhai Mo will wake up will be less.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhai. I'm a person who is right about things, not people. I won't be angry with other people because of other people's fault. I will continue to look after Miss Zhai Mo's illness. "

Hearing this, ye Tian waved his hand to Zhai. Then he went to Zhai Mo and touched his pulse.

When ye Tian touched it, he immediately found that Zhai Mo's pulse was beating very slowly. This situation was much more serious than that of Ning Zhongshan at that time, just like the metabolism of the body was about to stop.

Immediately after that, ye Tian opens his eyes and goes to Zhai Mo's body.

"This is..."

After a glance, ye Tian immediately saw that Zhai Mo's head had no congestion now.

But in the mud ball palace area of her brain, there is a white worm swimming and swaying slowly, and from the worm's body, you can feel a faint wave of mana.

It is obvious that the reason why Zhai Mo became a vegetable and occasionally suffered from apnea is that this strange insect was suppressed in the mud ball palace!

After all, the Niwan palace is the gathering place of the human body's essence, Qi and spirit.

Similarly, the God of Niwan is closely related to his whole body, descending the viscera and every node, and the damage of Niwan palace can also easily make Zhai Mo suffer from apnea.

Such insects can never be naturally generated, but should be cultivated by someone and then planted into Zhai Mo's body.

Overseas lingchong sect!

Suddenly, a name flashed across Ye Tian's mind.

Apart from the overseas lingchong sect, he really can't think of anyone who can cultivate such strange insects , the fastest update of the webnovel!