Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 432

"I, I'm bullshit Woof, woof Woof, woof I stink

He Chengzhang looks at Ye Tian in fear, and excites Lingling to shiver. Without any hesitation, he kneels down on his knees in a hurry. After knocking his head at Ye Tian, he raises his hand to his cheek and screams for mercy.

He old gambling king looked at he Chengzhang's appearance, painfully turned his head and closed his eyes.

He used to think he didn't like him because he was too bossy and didn't know how to keep a low profile, but now he found that he didn't like him because he didn't have any man's dignity, or man's bones.

For the sake of power, he did not hesitate to be a dog.

In order to survive, he did not hesitate to say that he was a stinking piece of shit.

He didn't know where he had taught wrong, so he could teach such a bastard.

Ding Ling Ling

At this time, he's old gambler's mobile phone suddenly beeps, showing a strange number.

"Mr. Ye..."

He old gambler picked up the mobile phone, some hesitant to see ye Tian one eye.

"Take it..." Ye Tian casually waved his hand, light way.

As soon as elder Zheng's front foot arrived, the phone call came back. Therefore, the identity of the person on the other side of the phone is clear. He must be a member of Qingming sect. However, he is more curious about who is calling.

"Zheng Chen?"

After the phone was connected, there was a little silence, and then came a dignified male voice.

Old gambler he opens his mouth, but he can't speak. He looks at Ye Tian. Ye Tian takes his mobile phone from him with a smile, and then says faintly: "your call is a little late. If it's a little earlier, you can still hear his voice..."

"Ye Tian..." Ye Tian's words fell down, and the phone was silent immediately. A moment later, the people on the phone began to laugh, and said Ye Tian's name like a prophet.

"Master Liu?" Ye Tian heard each other call out his name, also immediately judged each other's identity, light way.

Liu Bufan! The person on the opposite side of the phone is actually the leader of Qingming sect, Liu Bufan!

When he heard this, his body began to tremble and tremble.

Liu Bufan is very famous among the people on the mountain, not only because he is the leader of the first Qingming Sect on the mountain, but also because he has been the first person on the mountain for many years with his excellent talent. Although the challenger is unknown, no one can shake him.

It wasn't until recently that ye Tian was born that people felt that Liu Bufan's position had been impacted. But even so, if you catch a mountain man and ask him, most people will think that Liu Bufan is stronger than ye Tian. This is his accumulated power!

But not long after the impact on his position, Liu Bufan set a new record. Sheng Sheng opened up a new realm for the cultivation of the mountain people. His name is congenital!


Just listen to these two words and you will know what is extraordinary about them.

Although he has worked for qingmingzong for most of his life and has been obedient to Liu Bufan for many years, he has never seen him or even heard his voice for the first time.

Under such circumstances, how can he not feel tremor.

"When a wise man talks, he is relaxed. Unfortunately, Zheng Chen is too stupid. I tried to persuade him, but he didn't want to listen to me... "

Liu Bufan did not deny his identity, light smile, calm way.

"In this world, stupid people are always in the majority." Ye Tianping smiles and says, "Master Liu wants duckweed stone. Did he know the secret of refining flying sword?"

"It seems that Mr. Ye can bring me more surprises than I expected."

Liu Bufan obviously didn't expect that ye Tian knew about the flying sword. After a moment's silence, he said slowly.

"In this way, I also want to know, Master Liu, where did you go before you broke through your inborn nature, and how did you suddenly know about refining the flying sword?"

Leaf day picks eyebrow to smile, light way.

"If you are willing to come to qingmingzong, you may get the answer." Liu Bufan's laughter is genial, as if he didn't mourn for elder Zheng's death. He is really inviting Ye Tian.

"I'll go." Ye Tian light smile, and then said: "but I suggest you better make qingmingzong and taiyimen an end of psychological preparation."

"Then I'll wait for you to visit Mr. Ye. In Qingming sect, there are many suitable bone burial places, with the company of those who were buried here in the past. I don't think ye Tian's life will be too boring. "

Liu Bufan was neither humble nor overbearing, and he fought back coldly.

They are not willing to give in to each other.

"I'll see you next time. I hope you won't have any accident before we meet."Liu Bufan light a, then prepare to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you a suggestion..." But at this time, ye Tian's eyes in the fun of color, to Liu Bufan suddenly way.

"What else can I do for Mr. Ye?" For the first time, Liu Bufan's words are more confused. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Tian would suddenly speak.

"I suggest that you should change your address to me. In your capacity, it's not suitable to call me sir. It's more suitable to call me Laozu!"

Ye Tian light smile, play taste.

Many of the secret arts of Qingming sect were born in the blessed land of Qingming, and he also created the cloud camera.

To sum up, Liu Bufan is indeed his younger generation, even his apprentice and grandson.

"I don't care how much you know about the secrets of my Qingming sect, and how much you know about the name of my grandmaster, but I warn you that if you use the same name as my grandmaster again, you'll make such a joke. Don't blame me for being rude to you in advance."

Liu Bufan smell speech, voice brush a cold down, calm cold drink, and then quickly hang up the phone.

The founder of Qingming sect is Ye Tian!

Although the phone hung up, ye Tian's face was full of amazement and tears.

He intended to make a joke, but unexpectedly, he got such a big secret from Liu Bufan.

All this made him very curious. Who left the Qingming Sect on the earth was the one who was in the blessed land of Qingming at the beginning? Since that person was the founder of Qingming sect, it showed that he might have been a benefactor.

However, it is a pity that there were too many people who had received Ye Tian's favor in the blessed land of Qingming at the beginning. When the blessed land of Qingming was destroyed, he was too busy to notice which disciples survived, so he couldn't come up with a clue for a moment.

"Mr. Ye..."

At this time, he Laowang's low voice interrupted Ye Tian's meditation on the origin of qingmingzong's inheritance.

"Don't worry. From now on, qingmingzong won't pester you. At least, before Liu Bufan can deal with me, you don't have to do anything for qingmingzong It can also be said that you, he family, are free! "

Ye Tian looks at he old gambling king's expectant eyes, raises eyebrow to smile lightly, light way.

Liu Bufan just that phone call, from the beginning to the end did not mention the he family, in fact, it is equivalent to a statement, which means that I have no way to take you for the time being, let the he family happy for a few days, when I have the assurance to clean up you, and then take all the things you take back!

Right bet! I'm really right in this gamble!

He old gambling king heard, excited looking at Ye Tian, eyes at the moment can't help but have some wet, old tears streaming down.

He had been waiting for most of his life, waiting for the day when he family could be free and get rid of being a dog for qingmingzong. He thought that he would never see this day in his lifetime, but he didn't expect that now, he realized this dream.

All these great changes are due to the appearance of Ye Tian.

If there is no Ye Tian, he can imagine that all the members of the he family and their children and grandchildren will be reduced to the miserable fate of being squeezed by qingmingzong and regarded as a means of collecting money. When they are completely useless, they will kick them away and abandon them completely.

Ye Tian saved not only him, but also the whole family, generations, even dozens of generations! , the fastest update of the webnovel!