Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 422

"Old master..."

He Chengzhang looks at old gambler he in horror and forces out a flattering smile.

Just now, the attitude of the old man has explained everything, which makes him realize that his behavior of leaving everything to he Haoran is just the opposite of the old man's idea. In the future, his impression in the old man's heart will be worse than the extreme.

"Kneel down and apologize to Mr. Ye!"

Old gambler he didn't wait for he Chengzhang to finish his speech. He raised his hand and interrupted him coldly. Then he said in a deep voice.

"Old master!"

He Chengzhang can't believe looking at old gambler he, almost can't believe his ears.

The he family is in Haojiang. What's the status? It's above ten thousand people!

As the second son of the he family, he has always had others kneeling in front of him and begging for help. When did he kneel down and admit his mistake.

If he really kneels down, he will not be able to raise his head in Haojiang after that, and he will become the laughing stock of the whole he family. As long as people mention him as a member of the he family, they will say that he Chengzhang kneels down to others and kowtows to admit his mistake.

This man, he really can't afford to lose.

"Kneel down! If you really don't want to, get out of the he family! "

He old gambler cold toward He Chengzhang after sweeping one eye, light way.

"Old master..." He Chengzhang trembles. He knows that he is really angry this time.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

After a long time, he Chengzhang shivered and went to Ye Tian. He fell to his knees with a puff and knocked his head heavily to Ye Tian.

In this scene, the officials in the gambling house, one by one, couldn't believe it.

He family kneels down to others and kowtows to apologize. I'm afraid no one will believe such a thing.

"Mr. Ye, are you satisfied with the disposal? If I'm not satisfied, I'll give him to you. If you want to fight or kill him, you're welcome. If you still have resentment in your heart, I personally apologize to you. "

He old gambling king see this, both hands clasp fist, to Ye Tian respectfully after salute, way.


Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

Not to mention the old gambling king he's behavior, which has given him enough face. At the age of an old man, how can he make the opposite party apologize to him? Moreover, he said that this was his idol in his last youth. He didn't have the abnormal mentality of trampling on his former idol to seek pleasure.

"That's good, that's good..." Hearing this, he old gambling king gives a salute to Ye Tian with his hands clasping his fist. Then he looks at he Chengzhang and says in a cold voice: "get out of the gambling house. From now on, you are not allowed to appear in the place one kilometer around the gambling house, otherwise, your legs will be broken."

"Yes, I remember..."

He Chengzhang kowtows to old gambler he dejectedly, and then goes out of the casino in a hurry.

However, his eyes were full of resentment. His fists were clenched tightly, and his fingertips pricked his palms with blood.

He knows that after this time, in addition to becoming the laughing stock of the whole he family, he has completely lost the qualification to inherit the position of old he gambling king. Like most he family, he can only take the meager annual dividend and wait to die.

How can he accept all this.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'm willing to accept defeat. If something like this happens again in the gambling house in the future, I'd like to congratulate someone. I can't die easily. I'd like to let his family suffer from disaster and die under a random knife!"

At the same time, old gambling king he threw his fists in his hands and swore to the mountain people in the house.

"Old gambler he is very serious. We can trust your reputation."

"Yes, we can rest assured that we will continue to play in the Jinsha casino in the future if we have the words of he old gambler."

All the people on the mountain around immediately waved their hands and laughed.

The he family has a bright eye!

Ye Tian heard the words and nodded slightly. It seems that old gambling king he's swearing is not in line with the identity of his generation, but in fact, it's the best way to eliminate the resentment of these mountain people to say this low-profile words in his identity.

"Everyone, please have a good time. Haoran, please inform the kitchen to prepare a snack for you. All the extra expenses outside the gambling table tonight will be paid by my family."

The old gambling king of he bowed his hands to all the people and gave a command to he Haoran. When he went to command people, he looked at Ye Tian and said, "Mr. Ye, I don't know if we can talk about it in another place? Settle your chips. "

"Of course."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile.

At the moment, he was also a little curious. He wanted to see what he, the old gambling king, could take out to be equal to 96 pieces of earth elixir!

"This way, please."

Hearing this, he made a gesture of asking, and asked someone to push his wheelchair to a corridor on the left side of the casino.

"Master..."Seeing this, the cicada looks at Ye Tian anxiously.

"All right, let's go."

Ye Tian smiles at him and shakes his head, indicating that the cicada doesn't have to worry about anything. He takes her and Ning Xue with him.

He believed that he Lao gambling king will not be disadvantageous to himself.

Of course, if the other party says one thing and does another, he will not care whether the other party is his idol in his last life. He will let the famous old gambler he understand how to write the word regret.

After walking along the corridor for a moment, they came to a heavily guarded alloy gate.

At the door, there were ten security personnel in black suits, and behind them, there were all kinds of heavy and light firearms.

Not only that, as ye Tian can see, there are many organs in the corridor.

I'm afraid that if he didn't lead the way, even if he wanted to break in directly, he would have some trouble.

After all, he is only flesh and blood, not to the point where bullets can be regarded as nothing.

Of course, according to Ye Tian's estimation, if the other party can't get rid of him in three minutes, then there's no need to stop him.


These security personnel, obviously trained by the military camp, immediately stood up when they saw old gambler he. Then they looked at Ye Tian with alert eyes and held the trigger tightly. As long as ye Tian had any change, they would shoot fiercely.

"Don't be so nervous. This is my friend."

Old gambler he waved his hand, motioned the security personnel in black to get out of the way, and pushed the wheelchair to the alloy gate. After verifying the fingerprint, iris and sound, the alloy gate opened abruptly, revealing endless rows of metal shelves. He made a gesture to Ye Tian and said: "Mr. Ye, here is my collection of he family these years. Please come in! ” , the fastest update of the webnovel!