Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 419

"It's a big hand. What's the matter? Do you want to continue playing?"

Ye Tian's hand copies the iron cards that symbolize the earth's elixir into his palm. He looks at he Chengzhang playfully and says faintly.

"Of course! What's terrible about our family

He Chengzhang's face was cold. He stuck his neck and accepted back without hesitation.

He felt that what had just happened must have been a coincidence. He didn't believe that Cheng Bo would lose.

"This one, I won't lose again!" Hearing the news, Cheng Bo got up and stared at Ye Tian's eyes, and then said, "this game is not bigger than us, it's smaller than us!"

"Smaller than? As you wish "

Ye Tian nodded at will, his palm power surging, picked up the dice cup and picked up all the dice on the table.

"I'm fine. You're free."

In less than ten seconds, ye Tian buckled the dice cup heavily on the table, immediately reached out and pushed the pile of chips on the table towards the front, looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Cheng Bo..."

He Chengzhang looks at Ye Tian's understatement, hums coldly, then turns his head to look at Cheng Bo, his eyes are full of questions.

If ye Tian loses this one again, he will win something from the he family, which is worth 96 pieces of dilingdan. In fact, he can no longer make the decision.

But he doesn't believe that ye Tian has such ability to win this one again.

"Don't worry. We won't lose this one!"

Cheng Bo stares at Ye Tian, closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, then picks up the dice cup, copies six dice into the dice cup, raises them, and shakes them madly in mid air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One by one, one by one, clearer and clearer than the other, which makes people feel like a hailstorm is falling suddenly.

"I'm fine. This time, you will lose

This time, after nearly seven or eight minutes, Cheng Bo's forehead was soaked with sweat. His face became dignified and full of confidence. After smashing the dice cup on the table, he swore to look at Ye Tian and said in a deep voice.

"Yes? Then open it and let me see. You've spent so long trying to make me lose! "

Ye Tian laughs and shrugs his shoulders at will. He looks at Cheng Bo playfully and says faintly.

"It's going to surprise you!"

After Cheng Bo's confident voice, he raised the dice cup up.

"I'll go! Really? Isn't that too fierce? "

"Can you still play like this? It's really an eye opener. It's really unexpected that the senior of this day is doing things! "

"Six dice, turned into five, and these five are still a little bit small, how can other competitors win?"

As soon as the dice cup was opened, the scene was like a frying pan. Everyone looked at Cheng Bo with admiration.

I saw that after Cheng bogang's terrible shaking, all the points of one of the dice were flattened, and the six sides were bare. In this way, naturally, it was zero.

Originally, six dice were smaller than who's, and the smallest was just six. But Chengbo broke through the limit and shook the number to five. How can we compare?

What's more incredible is that the dice are all made of ten thousand year old cold iron, which is extremely strong. But Chengbo can shake all the points on the surface into blank. The strength required is absolutely amazing to the extreme.

I'm afraid, except for the heaven level old monster, even the mountain people at the top of the prefecture level have no way to do it.

If it wasn't for my own eyes, who could believe that this scene would be true.

"Chengbo is powerful!"

When he Chengzhang saw this scene, he also raised his head and laughed wildly.

No matter how hard Ye Tian tries, he can only shake out six o'clock at most. But now, Cheng Bo shakes out five o'clock. How can ye Tian compare?

Not to mention he Chengzhang, even Cheng Bo's face showed a happy smile.

In fact, he was able to do this step occasionally before. This time, before he started, he was only 70% sure to shake out five points, but fortunately, God bless him to eliminate the hidden danger brought by the 30% uncertainty.

Immediately, Cheng Bo looks at Ye Tian with a good look on his face. He wants to see the nervousness on Ye Tian's face.

But as soon as he glanced, his expression suddenly stagnated.

From ye Tian's cheek, I couldn't see half of the tension and fear, and the smile was still calm.

This guy, how can he be so calm? What does he rely on?

Cheng Bo looks at Ye Tian's expression. He is proud in his heart. He is not sure whether ye Tian's expression at the moment is deliberately pretended or whether ye na? VE has something to rely on.

"There's one thing we need to make clear in advance. You finished this gamble in the he family's court. I'm the sacrifice of the he family. Naturally, I'm half of the he family. So, on this table, I'm the dealer."Thinking of this, Cheng Bo's eyes changed and he said with a smile.

After this, the look of the people around them suddenly changed.

You know, in the casino, according to the rules, if the banker and the idle player have the same number of points, then the banker wins.

Cheng Bo is now doing this, but also directly put an end to if ye naivete what to rely on, but also shake out a five point, and he tied, bickering play rely on the possibility.

"Of course."

When a crowd of people in the mountain thought that ye Tian would refuse without hesitation, an incredible scene appeared. Ye Tian nodded with a smile and unexpectedly agreed to Cheng Bo's proposal.

This boy, do you think he's going to lose, so he's going to break the pot?

Next to the mountain people looking at Ye Tian this calm posture, the heart can not help but be surprised.

Not only these people, but also cicada and Ning Luoshen are nervous. They hold their big hands and small hands together. Looking at Ye Tian's dice cup, they are extremely worried that this gamble will end with Ye Tian's failure.


But at this time, ye Tian gently picked up the dice cup from the table.

As soon as the dice cup is raised, the whole casino falls into a dead silence. Everyone stares at Ye Tian's dice cup in disbelief. Even many people begin to rub their eyes and suspect that they are hallucinating.

As for Cheng Bo and he Chengzhang, who had a proud face and was sure to win, when he saw the incredible situation under the dice cup, his face was completely stiff. There was no blood on his face, and he became as pale as paper.

I saw that under the dice cup, there were six cold iron dice all over the body, bare and without any points.

All six of them have nothing on six sides. It's an incredible zero! , the fastest update of the webnovel!