Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 412


At the same time, ye Tian's hand trembles slightly. The middle-aged man is afraid that he has a huge body of more than 200 Jin. Immediately, he is like a weak paper man. He flies up and hits the wall not far away.

"Cough Cough... "

The terrible impact force makes the middle-aged people fall to the ground and feel terrible stabbing pain on their back. They open their mouth and want to speak, but they can only cough violently.

"Hit him!"

The middle-aged man coughed violently for several times, then he calmed down. He pointed to Ye Tian and yelled at the bodyguards around him.

After hearing this, the big bodyguards rushed towards Ye Tian, and wanted to press Ye Tian to the ground with the advantage of the number of people, so as to find a place for the middle-aged people.

"It's over. I'm afraid the boy is miserable!"

"If you sell a squirrel for 200000 yuan, you won't do such a cost-effective thing. Now it's a disaster."

"But this young man is really fierce. He's a fat man with a weight of 200 kg. He'll throw it out as soon as he shakes. This strength, tut tut..."

When people in the entertainment hall saw this, they immediately got into a mess. Many people tut tut with emotion, but most people felt that they had seen the picture of Ye Tian lying on the ground.

After all, ye Tian has just shown that although he can fight, there is a saying that two fists are hard to beat four legs. How can he be the opponent of five or six big men?

"To die!"

Seeing this, ye Tian sneers indifferently. Instead of avoiding anything, he bullies himself forward.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The next second, the scene that made everyone feel incredible appeared. After ye Tian rushed into the crowd, he was not lying on the ground as they expected. Instead, he was like a tiger into a sheep. Every time his hand touched a strong man bodyguard who was close to him, he fell to the ground like mud kneading paper. He held his arm or covered his stomach Son, killing a pig like howl.

"My God He He beat these people down

"Who the hell is this guy? Is he an expert in the underground ring?"

"The experts in the underground boxing field are not so powerful! These bodyguards are so big that they have been trained. But when they come to him, they don't even have the ability to resist... "

The people in the gambling house were completely dumbfounded, staring at this scene, and even a lot of people rubbed their eyes to make sure that what they saw was not an illusion, but a real scene.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, along the second floor of the entertainment center, a middle-aged man with gold glasses, who looked very elegant, came down the stairs and glanced at the entertainment center. After that, he frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. He, boss Xue takes a fancy to the guest's pet squirrel and wants to buy it. The guest doesn't agree, so boss Xue does it, and then there is a conflict between the two sides!"

Hearing his voice, a Dutch official, who witnessed the process, said respectfully.

Hearing this, Mr. he frowned, then quickly walked to Ye Tian, gave him a gentle smile, and said: "I'm really sorry, it's our dereliction of duty in the entertainment, which surprised Mr. He. Today, all the drinks and food expenses in the entertainment are paid by our he family."

He's family is generous enough to do things. No wonder they can save so much money in Haojiang.

Ye Tian hears the sound and immediately looks up at Mr. He.

"Get rid of him, and from now on, don't let him enter our Jinsha amusement park! The friends who come here for entertainment, we he family, treat each other sincerely, welcome them, but those who come to make trouble, don't blame our he family for sweeping him out! "

Immediately after, Mr. He looked down at boss Xue and said coldly.

As soon as a word fell, a group of people in black with stiff suits came running along the side, helped up boss Xue and his bodyguards, and walked towards the Jinsha entertainment field.

"Sir, I wonder if you are satisfied with my treatment plan?"

Mr. He turns his head to look at Ye Tian with a warm smile and politeness.

Ye Tian nodded, he just that hand, absolutely broke a few bones surnamed Xue, this guy is not in bed paralysis rest for ten days and a half months, don't want to have the possibility to get up.

"That's good, that's good..." Mr. He nodded with a smile, then clasped his hands, arched around, and said with a smile: "dear friends, I'm sorry to disturb you just now. I hope you can have a good time."

"Do you still want to play?"

Hearing the sound, ye Tian looks down at the cicada and says with a smile.

The cicada looked around, hesitated and shook his head.

The just mischievous ones have already made her addicted to the God of gamblers in the movie. In addition to the things about boss Xue, she is worried that if she continues to win, boss Zhang and boss Li will come up and make trouble for her master."OK, let's go back to the hotel."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, more gratified.

If cicada still insists on playing at the moment, it means that the little girl has a heavy gambling nature in her heart, and needs to be well adjusted by herself, so that she won't be in trouble in the future.

But now, since cicada can finish decisively, it shows that her willpower is stronger than she imagined.

"This gentleman, please wait a moment. I wonder if you can take a step to speak?"

But at this time, the Mr. he suddenly came over quickly, looking at Ye Tian with a warm smile and saying.

"Of course." Ye Tian hears the sound and looks at each other in doubt. But because Mr. He has just dealt with the matter well and has a friendly attitude, he nods and follows Mr. He to the second floor with Ning Xue and cicada.

Unlike the first floor, the second floor of Jinsha amusement park no longer has individual tables, but a box specially set up for big customers.

"This gentleman, if I guess correctly, you should be a mountain man, right?"

After entering a box, Mr. He looks at Ye Tian with a smile and opens the door to the mountain road.

"Well Do you have any advice? " Ye Tian hears the sound, eyebrow tip one pick, light smile way.

"Of course not. I just want to tell you that as you are, the first floor of the casino is not suitable. If you want to play some later, you can come to the second floor. I can provide you with a box for free. I'll make sure you enjoy it."

Mr. He's very polite. From his appearance, the friendly smile on his face never disappeared.

This guy was worried that I would use the ability of mountain people far beyond ordinary people to kill people everywhere on the first floor, so he deliberately proposed to provide me with a box.

Hearing this, ye Tian immediately understood what Mr. he meant, but he was not surprised.

Mountain people are much more powerful than ordinary people. They can easily harvest the makers with their eyesight, hearing and some unique means. It's reasonable that casinos have such regulations.

"I came to Haojiang this time to do something. I didn't have a plan to enter. Just the children at home were curious about the atmosphere, so I brought her to see it. I made a little noise carelessly."

Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head. He lightly rejects Mr. He's proposal. After robbing Tiangong base and Taiyi gate, the most important thing he needs now is money.

In the circle just below, he found that as long as he was willing, with his current strength, he could easily show more extraordinary gambling skills than the God of gamblers in the film, and was not noticed.

These findings have completely diluted the expectations of adolescence.

"Sir, you may have misunderstood me..." At this time, Mr. he chuckled and said slowly: "in these boxes specially provided for mountain people, what they gamble on is not those common things, but cultivation resources such as elixir and Lingyu! Even some unknown secrets

Gambling on cultivation resources such as elixir and Lingyu, even some unknown secrets?!

When ye Tian heard this, he was stunned. These mountain people are really good at playing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!