Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 404

"Human heart is always more terrible than mirage!"

When Wen Cheng heard these words, his eyes were awe inspiring. While he was on guard, he sighed in a low voice.

Every time the mirage is opened, some mountain people will loot the people who enter the mirage.

In Wen Cheng's opinion, the reason why these mountain people are attracted to them is that most of the people on their yacht are young people who feel that their accomplishments are not high and weak.

"Unfortunately, they chose the wrong person!"

Ye Tian nodded at the same time, eyes zhanran, light way.

"Hand over what you get from the mirage, and you will not die!"

At this time, the mountain people on another yacht have jumped over, shaking their weapons and threatening with cold sound.

"Hand over what you get from the mirage, and you will not die!"

Ye Tian looks indifferent, looking at this person on Yingshan mountain, and his tone is also indifferent.

"Ha ha ha, younger generation, who gave you the courage to speak like me! Hand over what you get and discard your accomplishments. I will spare you from death! "

Ye Tian's words fell down. Among the people who jumped from the boat, an old man with white hair and white beard, who was in the early days of cultivation, looked at Ye Tian with a bad look and sneered.


See the old moment, Wencheng and Yunfei and others canthus can't help a crazy jump.

It's obvious that this old monster had entered the mirage a long time ago. This time, he stayed on the yacht to intercept the people who had entered the mirage and plunder.

"No need!"

Ye Tian's face was calm, his hand trembled slightly, and his Taoist art was performed, and a thunderbolt fell down.


With a dull sound, the old man with white hair fell to the ground, turned into coke, and had no breath.

He even killed an old monster in front of him, and even made him have no ability to resist!

Wen Cheng opens his mouth in amazement and looks at Ye Tian in disbelief.

Mirage line, he knew that ye Tian's strength is indeed very strong, but did not expect that ye Tian was so fierce to such a terrible situation.

Tianji, that's the peak among the people on the mountain, but it's just like this. In front of Ye Tian, he is as vulnerable as a mole ant.

Is The one who destroyed taiyimen was

Suddenly, a unbelievable idea suddenly appeared in Wen Cheng's mind.

He has heard the news that taiyimen was destroyed by Ye Tian, but as far as he wants to come, the person who can do all this should not be ye Tian.

After all, before Guanlan mountain and his party, he thought that ye Tian's cultivation strength should be in the later stage of the prefecture level. In a short time, even if he was promoted, he could not break through too much.

But now all this, but let him suddenly feel, I'm afraid his idea is wrong.

It is Ye Tian who killed Taiyi gate!

"His strength is so terrible! It must be ye Tian who killed taiyimen! "

Not only is Wen Cheng, cloud Fei sees to leaf sky's vision, is also full of tremor.

And at this moment, the conjecture in her mind was completely confirmed.

"You Who are you... "

This scene of fear made the threatening color on the faces of those people who jumped from the boat suddenly solidify, turn into fear, tremble and retreat.

"My name is Ye Tian!"

Ye Tianping smiles quietly.

"Ye Tian You are ye Tian... "

"Ye Tian who destroyed taiyimen!"

The mountain people who jumped on the deck were completely absent-minded and looked at Ye Tian in horror. They instantly realized that the soft persimmon they carefully selected was actually an indestructible iron plate, or kicked a big God in the leg.

After all, ye Tian's fighting power is really amazing, a person destroyed a clan, such a record, can be called a miracle.

Moreover, among the people on the mountain today, there is a saying that he can compete with Liu Bufan for the position of the first person on the mountain.

There are even many people who firmly believe that ye Tian is the first master among the people in the mountain. After all, even Liu Bufan has never defeated a sect, and he is one of the three sects and six sects.

Putong Putong

The next second, the mountain people who jumped on the deck immediately fell on their knees and kowtowed to Ye Tian, begging for mercy.

"Take out what you got in the mirage, discard your accomplishments, and then roll back to your boat!"

Ye Tian glances at these kowtowing fellows indifferently and says coldly.

The people in the mountains looked at each other in horror and trembled, but in the end, they could only take out the things they got from the mirage and put them on the deck. Then, according to Ye Tian, they waved their hands and abandoned their own cultivation.

Taiyimen's lesson has made them understand that if they disobey Ye Tian, they don't want to have a good end."Wanxinghua, huangxuecao, there is a golden snake fruit!"

Ye Tian glanced at the elixir taken out by the mountain people, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

Wanxinghua is a very mysterious elixir. It doesn't need to refine pills. It can be taken directly. It has many advantages for those who are promoted to the sea view realm. It can make the air sea generate stars in the Dantian and increase the chance of forming pills.

As for huangxuecao, it was the material he lacked to refine Cheyuan pill.

As for the golden snake fruit, it is more precious. Besides the bichaoshi, it is also a precious elixir for refining bihaichaoshengdan to break through the sea view.

It's just yuxuecao. Ye Tian didn't expect that in the mirage, there were wanxinghua and golden snake fruit, two extremely precious high-level elixirs.

"Go away!"

Ye Tian reaches out his hand to put away the elixir. With a flick of his hand, he signals the mountain people to leave. At the same time, Yuantian's eye sweeps away the elixir in his hand. As far as he can see, there is still a mirage in the three elixirs.

However, the intensity of the mirage fog is thinner than that of the mirage.

When you get back to the shore, you have to deal with these elixirs to eliminate all the mirage fog, and then you can refine the elixir for use.

Seeing this, ye Tian immediately makes a decision in his heart. He immediately points out a wisp of divine thoughts and glances inside the storage ring. He finds that the lotus seed of dragon scale lotus, Guiyuan pill and Ming lotus still exist.

This scene made him immediately and thoroughly determine that the reason why he could only take one elixir in the mirage was really because of the mirage fog.

However, the reason is not because of the mirage itself, but because of the prohibition of Huaxu's power.

After all, mirage fog is controlled by the master mask of darkness. If you escape a lot, no one knows what will happen.

After the inspection, ye Tian put the three kinds of elixirs into his bag.

In this regard, whether it is Wen Cheng, or Yunfei, even Mu Qingqing, there are no micro words.

Ye Tian's strength is there. He deserves it. And if it wasn't for ye Tian's reason, they would have to hand over all the things they got from the mirage after the appearance of that heaven level.

"Brother Ye Tian, I'll go first. If I have time, I'll go to Lingxi island to find me. There are many secrets in our overseas sanxingdong that are unknown to the people on land!"

At this time, Xiyan walks to yetian, with big eyes and enchanting smile, whispering.

Overseas three star cave? Xiyan is an overseas monk!

Ye Tian hears the sound of a Zheng, and finally understands the origin of Xiyan's identity. He nods to her slightly, indicating that he has written it down.

Xiyan hears the sound and laughs sweetly. Then she takes out a green bamboo flute from her pocket and blows it gently for a moment. Along the sea, a turtle with two grinding plates comes out. She jumps over the turtle and drives away quickly.

Although Wen Cheng and others are curious, they don't ask Ye Tianwen anything.

After a while, the yacht landed.

"This is the Xuanling pill and the Diling pill. Take it by yourself. It's not easy to practice. Do it and cherish it..."

Before ye Tian leaves, his eyes change a little. He takes out a xuanlingdan and a dilingdan from the storage ring and hands them to Xu Qing.

It's not easy for mountain people to practice, and Xu Qing is the body of the cauldron. Although he has been indifferent to the relationship with Xu Qing, he can think of the time when they lived under the same roof, but he doesn't want Xu Qing to make any stupid choice because he needs to improve his cultivation.

A language falls, ye Tian did not give Xu Qing the opportunity to refuse, then quickly turned away.

"Elder martial sister, is he very strong? Do I have a chance to beat him? "

Xu Qing holds the porcelain vase in his hand and stares at Ye Tian's back with complicated eyes. He whispers to Yunfei.

Yunfei smiles bitterly.

To defeat Ye Tian, I'm afraid it's impossible or even impossible for most mountain people in today's world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!