Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 402

"Damn it

Without any hesitation, ye Tian quickly withdrew one step back.

He felt that this mysterious mirage seemed to have some awe for the building, and he did not dare to get close to it.

"It's not that it should die, it's the master. What's wrong with you? How can you even play with such evil things Dead Dead I'm dead this time... "

Taisui holds Ye Tian's calf tightly, trembling all over, flustered and speechless.

But at this time, the mirage fog hovering outside the bronze palace suddenly made a decision. All the black fog suddenly condensed and turned into a big hand. Suddenly, it came out and rushed into Ye Tian along the door of the bronze palace.

Click! Click! Click!

As soon as the hand of mirage fog flies into the palace, the bronze palace suddenly trembles, and a series of golden thunderbolts suddenly emerge and strike the hand of mirage fog.

Every thunderstorm makes the color of mirage FOG's hand a little lighter, and makes it shiver, like extreme pain.

But even so, the big hand of mirage fog is still like not feeling, five fingers open, to Ye Tian hit.

"Ye Tian, what's the matter?"

"How did the mirage fog rush into the building?"

This strange smell has awakened Wen Cheng, Yan Bing and others. Seeing this scene, people immediately exclaimed.

But almost at the same time, mirage fog big hand, is suddenly clenched, seize the leaf day.


Ye Tian doesn't have any hesitation. His mana is surging and his Taoism is running. He has to fight against mirage.

However, the power of mirage fog was treacherous and terrifying. His struggle had no effect at all. His body was grabbed out of control by mirage FOG's big hand, and then entered the boundless night outside the bronze palace.

For a moment, ye Tian felt that his whole body was up and down, just like falling into an ice cellar, and his blood would turn into ice.

"I got you!"

Then, a low and hoarse voice rang out from his ear. Immediately, a strange feeling like the whirl of heaven suddenly came. Ye Tian's idea was powerful, but under the terrible impact, his consciousness suddenly fell into a coma. He only felt that the world was wrapped by darkness.

"What's the matter? What happened? How did ye Tian get caught? "

"What the hell is going on?"

In the bronze hall, there was a mess. Whether it was Wen Cheng or Yan Bing, everyone's face was full of confusion.

Mirage is never close to the building. This is the conclusion drawn by several generations of people exploring mirage. But now mirage's action breaks this conclusion.

Moreover, the attitude of mirage fog is extremely obvious. It seems that it is aimed at Ye Tian and doesn't care about others.

Otherwise, ye Tian is not the only one who just disappeared. I'm afraid their lives will be lost.

After a short tremor, Wen Cheng quickly walks to the gate of the bronze palace and looks around. However, he can't see ye Tian's trace, as if he has been swallowed by a mirage.

"Master Wen, do you remember that ye Tian had fought against mirage several times before. He should have a way to deal with this crisis. We'd better not go out before dawn, so as not to find Ye Tian, but to have another accident."

Yunfei see Wen Cheng ready to go out, quickly step forward, block road.

Wen Cheng hears the sound and his eyes change. He stares at the dark world outside and scans for a long time. Finally, he takes back his steps with a long sigh.

He knows that Yunfei is telling the truth. With his current cultivation, he leaves the bronze palace to find Ye Tian. I'm afraid there's only one way out.

Just, he is really some can't understand, mirage fog how to target so clearly Ye Tian.

"This time, I finally caught you, Jie Jie!"

At this time, ye Tian suddenly heard a strange voice after a whirl. He shook his head hard. When he woke up, he found that he was in a strange space at the moment. Looking around, he felt as if the world had not been opened up.

"This This is... "

When ye Tian looked at the position where the voice came from, his eyes were dull. What he saw was a strange mask. The material of the mask was unknown and it was floating in the air. However, the appearance of the mask was a strange face with tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, which seemed to cry rather than cry and smile rather than smile.

This grimace, ye Tian can be said to be familiar with the extreme, he saw in the gold foil fragments, it is this strange pattern.

"Your body Your breath... "

Grimace mask is extremely strange, not only the expression, but also along the mask itself, there is an extremely evil Qi.

"Lord of darkness..."

At the same time, Taisui also breathed out in amazement, and his jelly like body was shaking like chaff.

Lord of darkness?

Ye Tian hears the sound and his eyes are slightly awe inspiring. According to the meaning of Taisui's words, is this mask a symbol of the master of the dark age?"Everything about you is mine..."

But at this time, the grimace mask Jie Jie sneer, circled, to Ye Tian's face fly, such as to cover his cheek.


This strange Qi makes Ye Tian feel bad. He feels that once he is covered by the mask, he will not be himself, but will be robbed of his soul by the breath in the mask.

He wanted to dodge, but the fog and mud made him unable to move. He could only look at the grimace mask and approach his cheek a little bit.

The treacherous Qi makes Ye Tian's mind dizzy. If there are tens of thousands of complicated sounds in his mind, he even has an impulse to vomit.

He wanted to run suihuangguan idea and stabilize his mind, but unfortunately, if the mana was imprisoned, it could not run at all.

"Ming You are still... "

But at this time, in the boundless gray fog, suddenly there is a clear but dignified voice, followed by, ye Tian see, from his side, suddenly there is a hand stretched out, spotless, white as jade, with a kind of dust breath.

What's this? The woman in the phantom coffin! She is still alive!

Ye Tian is creepy, and immediately judges her master from the appearance of this hand.


Almost at the moment when the finger appears, the progress of grimace mask approaching Ye Tian suddenly slows down and makes a sound of panic and hatred.

"This time, you can't stop me!"

But the next second, the speed of the mask of grimace speeded up, trying to cover Ye Tian's face before the woman named Huaxu appeared.

At this time, Huaxu's arm came in to bully the frost and snow, accompanied by the holy glory and a kind of mysterious and peaceful atmosphere, and then two fingers flicked.

Just the slight bounce, there is a wave of earth shaking energy wave diffusion, and it is obviously a very fast action, but it gives people a kind of instant is the spring and autumn rotation, as long as the change of years.

The ghost face mask, more directly by this bullet, hit back.

"This breath..."

Ye Tian is terrified. With such strength, he asks himself, even in the heyday of Fangcun spirit realm, he can't do it. This woman's cultivation is above Yupu, which seems to be Tiangong, or even higher!

This kind of powerful, even give ye Tian a kind of extremely unreal feeling.

Next, the woman named Huaxu steps out. Her pure white skirt moves in the fog, as if she were a real fairy in the dust. With her hand gently brushing forward, red lotus blossoms suddenly appear and take root in Ye Tian and her body.

Red lotus swaying floating, shining, straight let people feel that she crisscross nine days and ten places, vast world of mortals!

Suihuangguan thought!

Ye Tian was stunned. He felt that there was the Qi of the original spirit fire in the red lotus.

It is obvious that Hua Xu, like him, cultivated the idea of Suihuang.

"A remnant image, kill you!"

Grimace mask Jie Jie cold chide, grimace concussion, a faint voice, suddenly spread out, such as hundreds of millions of people chanting prayers, and countless people fighting desperately, just heard a little, people feel as if their heads are going to explode.

Huaxu's hand flicked, and the red lotus blossomed and flew to the grimace mask.


When the two touch each other, the grand mirage will roar and tremble. In the void, countless huge cracks appear, as if to disintegrate and explode.

"Run away!"

Then, ye Tian's ear, suddenly sounded Huaxu's voice, and in the sound of the moment, he suddenly found that his body recovered the ability to act, the whole body of gray fog also disappeared.

And in the very remote edge of the island, in the dark appeared a touch of light, as if hope and new life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!