Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 326

Wait until you finish, or start now!

Shen Fei hears Ye Tian's words, his eyes can't help but stagnate, and his heart becomes tangled.

If we start the game now, even if ye Tian loses, others will say that ye Tian let him.

But if you don't start now, but give ye Tian more time, then the victory and defeat will be two. After all, he believes that with Ye Tian's reading speed of ten lines at a glance, what he sees is not as careful as what he sees. He wins a lot.

"If you start now, is your question the front part or not?"

After a little meditation, Shen Fei looks at Ye Tian and asks nervously.

"I've finished reading it. Of course, all the contents can be assessed."

Ye Tian shrugs casually, light way.

"Well, let's start now!"

Shen Fei's eyes suddenly changed, and he immediately made a decision, intending to gamble. Gambling Ye Tian is now playing psychological warfare with him on purpose. In fact, he didn't write down the contents of the whole book at all.

As for after winning, others say ye Tian let him, he doesn't care.

In his view, in this world, people will only remember the winners, not the losers.

As long as he wins this competition, others will say that ye Tian who won Yanhua University lost to him, ye Tian who refused Yanhua University lost to him, ye Tian who got the love letter from Huatian Xiaoyu lost to him!

He wants to be the winner, no matter in what way!

"The winner must be mine, not this guy who pretends to play psychological warfare with me on purpose!"

Shen Fei suddenly pinches his fingers, only feeling that he has the chance to win. He even feels that he has seen Tian Xiaoyu look at himself with adoring eyes and accept the romantic picture of his love without hesitation.

"Xiaoyu Xuejie, let's get ready to work out the topic!"

But at this time, ye Tian looks at Tian Xiaoyu, with a calm look.

This guy, why don't you panic at all? Isn't he putting on airs?

Shen Fei looks at Ye Tian's appearance, and his heart, which was the winner, suddenly gives birth to a little uneasiness.

"OK, Shen Fei, recite the content of page 15, ye Tian, write the content of page 540 silently!"

Hearing this, Tian Xiaoyu looks at Ye Tian. When he sees that he smiles and nods to himself, he doesn't ask any more questions. Instead, he starts to arrange the examination questions and reads the starting words on page 15 and page 540, which is convenient for Shen Fei and ye Tian to associate the contents of their respective pages.

"OK, I'll recite it right now..."

When Shen Fei heard this, he immediately frowned and pondered over the content of page 15, then opened his mouth and recited it.

Ye Tian doesn't say a word, but he takes the pen and paper that Shi Xiong has found and writes on the paper.

More than 20 minutes later, Shen Fei recited the contents of page 15. Although he racked his brains to the point of sweating, there was no mistake.

"Shen Xuechang, so strong!"

"Well, it's unforgettable!"

"Shen Xuechang is really a genius. After reading it for a while, he can remember every page and recite it. No one has such a memory!"

After hearing this, the students of foreign language department all around immediately looked at Shen Fei with admiration.

"Boy, now you know what I'm good at? The worst choice you've ever made is to promise to compete with me

Shen Fei listened to the flattery around him, raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. After a big breath, he looked at Tian Xiaoyu, hoping to see the admiration from Tian Xiaoyu's face.

But after a glance, he saw that Tian Xiaoyu's attention at the moment was focused on Ye Tian, who had stopped writing and was turning his pen. He didn't look at him more, and didn't even find that he was staring at him.

"Damn it! But wait a minute, Xiaoyu will know who is really powerful! "

This scene makes Shen Fei's face darken immediately. If there is flames rising from his eyes, he can't wait to see ye Tian lose the game. Then Tian Xiaoyu is very disappointed with Ye Tian and turns to his own arms.

"Ah, it's over! One page of content, recited so long It's finished. Let's review it. "

And at this time, ye Tian's face surprised after aiming at Shen Fei's eyes, push forward the white paper that has been written tightly, light way.

Tian Xiaoyu picked up the white paper and immediately compared it with the book. The more she looked at it, the more dignified her face was. Even her hands began to tremble.

Finally, Tian Xiaoyu slowly raises his head and stares at Ye Tian's cheek tightly. It seems that he is looking at a monster.

Just, this look in the eyes, but let Shen Fei in the heart that wipe uneasiness, at the moment become more intense.

"How about Xiaoyu? Is what ye Tian wrote right? ""Yes, Xiaoyu Xuejie, don't you have a word..."

At the same time, those students around look forward to Tian Xiaoyu, waiting for her to give the answer.

"Ye Tian, right! Correct content, correct spelling

Tian Xiaoyu heard this, just returned to God, lips gently, slowly gave the answer.

"I went and actually wrote it! How is that possible?! I can't say that he has really nibbled off most of the 590 pages in just a few minutes, has he? "

"I'll go. What the hell is this memory? It's so powerful!"

"Genius, this is the real genius! Damn, it's too shocking. The gap between genius and ordinary people is too big! "

Tian Xiaoyu's words fall, the scene immediately boiling, all the students are shocked looking at Ye Tian, his face can't believe it.

Although yetian's performance yesterday has deeply shocked them, at that time, there was still a distance between them and yetian. They just watched him perform from a distance. But now, this scene really happened in a place close to them.

This kind of shock degree, is completely incomparable yesterday!

"No way This is absolutely impossible! How could he have written it all down! "

Shen Fei's head was buzzing. He shook his head and didn't believe it was true.

He is very confident in his memory, and as a top student in the foreign language department, he only read more than 100 pages in such a short time, but ye Tian, a student in the Chinese Department, how could he chew down the whole book so quickly.

"The facts are in front of you. If you don't believe it, compare it with yourself."

Seeing this, Tian Xiaoyu looks at Shen Fei compassionately, and then pushes the paper written by Ye Tianmo to Shen Fei.


Without thinking, Shen Fei immediately grabbed the paper, but just glanced at it, he couldn't help taking a breath.

On the white paper, the spelling of every word was so neat and uniform that there was not even a smear of ink. It even made people feel like it was printed.

What's even more incredible is that when he took "warm sun in a foreign land" and compared it with the paper written by Ye Tianshu, he was even more surprised to find that, as Tian Xiaoyu said, every word written by Ye Tianshu had no mistakes.

And not only the words, but also the punctuation, written by Ye Tianshu, correspond perfectly with the contents of the book.

This kind of memory is no longer like memory, but it makes people feel that ye Tian's head is like a high-performance scanner. No matter what you look at, you can keep it in mind without any mistakes as long as you scan it.

"No way It's impossible How can people have such a powerful memory

Shen Fei is holding the paper. The more he looks at it, the more frightened he is. His hands can't help shivering wildly. He looks at Ye Tian like a monster. His eyes are full of panic and disbelief.

"There is a big gap between you and me as a genius."

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders at random, looked at Shen Fei and said with a smile: "sorry, you lost. Now, you can fulfill your promise. Those people who are blocking the road with you bark at our class three times, and then say that you are a cheap dog blocking the way?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!